Organize your belongings to prepare them for the move. Pack a suitcase for each family member with necessities like pajamas, swimsuits and snacks. 

Start collecting boxes and packing supplies, including tape, markers and bubble wrap. Create an inventory list for each room to keep track of items as they are packed and loaded. 

  1. Change Your Address With the Post Office 

One of the most important things you can do when preparing to move is to change your address. This ensures that your mail will be forwarded to your new home. It also makes sure your credit cards and other accounts are updated. 

You can do this online by visiting the Postal Service's website. Click the link that says "Click here to begin." Select whether you're changing your address for an individual, family, or business move. 

You'll then be asked to verify your identity. You can do this by opting in online and receiving a verification code or by visiting your local Post Office with an acceptable photo ID. 

  1. Change Your Utilities 

If you are a homeowner, it is best to contact the utility service providers to set up services in your new home before your move date. Some providers require set-up fees or deposits, so it is important to call ahead to find out what you will need to pay for when moving in. 

Also, be sure to schedule a final meter reading before you move out. This can help avoid any discrepancies on your last bill. Lastly, it is always a good idea to compare the offers of different utility service providers in your new area. Look into what may affect your utility bill in your new home. Check to see if you need to repair or replace the refrigerator, dishwasher, appliances, etc so you can settle in without future surprises. 

  1. Get a Moving Quote 

Your moving company will visit your home for a detailed, written estimate of how much it will cost to move your belongings. This is also the time to book shipping for your car and anything else you may need shipped across the country. 

Beware of companies that ask you to sign blank or incomplete documents, do not provide a street address and list only a PO box, or charge for services that you did not agree to. If a moving company representative does any of these things, it is a red flag and you should keep searching for a more trustworthy company. 

  1. Pack Your First Box 

It's a good idea to start packing your things a week or so before your move. This will give you enough time to organize, purge and clean your home. 

It will also allow you to pack an “Open First” box that contains items you will need

immediately after moving day. This should include a change of clothes, toiletries and a few snacks. 

It's also a good idea to pack a toolbox with basic hand tools like pliers, an adjustable wrench, a flashlight and spare batteries. Finally, make sure to have non-perishable food on hand in case you can't get out to the grocery store. 

  1. Get Your Keys 

It's always a good idea to go through your closets and storage areas before the move. This is a great time to purge anything you don't need or haven't used in a year or more, so you can toss, recycle, or donate it. It's also a good idea to snap pictures of all furniture, appliances, and outdoor spaces. These will help ensure you receive your full security deposit back. 

Make sure you have the keys to your new home before moving day. You'll typically get them when you sign your lease, or on the day of your move. 

  1. Pack a 24-Hour Moving Kit 

Whether you're moving across the country or just down the street, you should have an essentials box that will give you everything you need for your last night in your old home and your first night in your new one. This kit should include essential items like food, drinks, healthy snacks, toilet paper and more. 

You should also have a few basic tools and fix-it supplies. For example, a knife, an assortment of screwdrivers, multi surface cleaner, dish soap and rags, work gloves and more will help you clean up after your move and make minor repairs on your new home. 

  1. Find a Moving Company 

If you're hiring a professional moving company, now is the time to research your options. Look for reviews on various websites, including Yelp and the Better Business Bureau. You should also ask for quotes from multiple companies and compare prices. 

Be sure to notify your neighbors about your move (if you live in a shared space). Make arrangements for final trash and recycling pick-up. 

If you have children, make arrangements for their school records to be transferred to the new district. Finally, get moving coverage to ensure your belongings are covered during the transition.