
Smart Home Improvements Boosting Energy Efficiency and Sustainability 

Investing in smart home technology provides both long-term benefits and value. Smart improvements allow homeowners to control their homes remotely while also saving energy and lowering their insurance premiums. 

Plus, lower energy use is good for the environment and anyone who will move into your home in the future. So, if you’re looking to increase your home’s sale value, consider these seven energy-efficient upgrades. 

1. Replace Your Thermostat 

Thermostats are a great way to introduce smart technology into your home. Smart thermostats offer several benefits, including saving energy costs by learning your schedule and turning on/off automatically. 

Many smart home gadgets help make tasks easier, such as a video doorbell that shows who’s at your doorstep or a smart hub you can use to control multiple devices through voice commands. But a smart thermostat can do much more than that. 

Before breaking out the tools, always read the instructions for your particular model. For example, some models require a C-wire to function. If you don’t have one, it might be worth calling in a professional to install a power extender kit or add a new C-wire. 

2. Install Energy-Efficient Lighting 

Lighting accounts for 11% of the average home’s electricity consumption, so making the switch to energy efficient bulbs can make a big difference. These bulbs use less energy and produce less carbon dioxide than traditional bulbs. 

Similarly, smart light fixtures can also help you save money by automatically turning lights on and off. You can even set lighting schedules to keep your home bright throughout the day and dim at night, lowering your energy bill. 

Other smart upgrades that can boost your home’s efficiency and sustainability include energy efficient appliances, eco-friendly materials and improved insulation. These upgrades can reduce your energy costs and carbon footprint while adding value to your home. 

3. Upgrade Your Appliances 

One of the best ways to boost energy efficiency in your home is to replace aging appliances with new, more energy-efficient models. Look for appliances that have earned the Energy-Star label to cut your energy costs and help the environment at the same time. Instead of trying to figure out how to fix a leaky bathtub faucet, invest in a smarter faucet one with timers and water saving technology. 

Another great way to improve your home’s energy efficiency is to upgrade your

insulation and seal any gaps in your doors or windows that could be leaking heat (or cold air). This will minimize pesky temperature fluctuations in your home, saving you money in the long run and improving your comfort year round. 

4. Install Energy-Efficient Windows 

Investing in energy-efficient windows is an essential smart home improvement that can boost your home’s functionality, curb appeal and property value. Plus, these windows offer a quick payback in the form of monthly savings on your utility bills. 

Energy efficient windows prevent heat loss and condensation, minimizing your HVAC system’s peak summer and winter workload. The result is a reduction in your household’s energy consumption and carbon footprint, cutting back on the use of nonrenewable fuels and exhaust gases that pollute our environment. 

In addition to lowering your utility bill, these windows also increase the comfort level of your home and reduce your maintenance time, making them an investment in both your wallet and the environment. 

5. Install Energy-Efficient Doors 

Energy efficient doors provide an insulated barrier that keeps warm air in during winter and cold air out. This lowers your energy bills significantly and reduces your reliance on central heating. 

Look for doors that are ENERGY STAR compliant to ensure they meet strict testing and verification requirements. Also, consider opting for doors that use environmentally-friendly manufacturing methods. 

Installing smart door locks allows you to easily lock and unlock your home from anywhere in the world, including on your phone. This feature is ideal for homeowners who are concerned about burglaries and want to protect their homes with the latest technology. 

6. Install Energy-Efficient Insulation 

Insulation reduces heat exchange between a building’s interior and exterior by sealing, padding, and blocking potential points of air escape. As a result, less warm air escapes in the winter and cool air escapes in the summer, making your heating and cooling systems more efficient. 

Energy-efficient insulation is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to boost home comfort and save on heating and cooling costs. It also reduces greenhouse gas emissions and makes your home healthier to live in. 

Many homes in the United States are under-insulated. Adding bulk insulation and sealing air leaks is an easy way to make your home more comfortable year-round, while saving on heating and cooling costs. 


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