How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?

Denver Divorce Mediation

It's possible that you want to get the divorce formally finalized and processed in the earliest time possible in the event that you and your spouse agreed to divorce without dispute. Few things are more painful and tedious than a divorce which is a long-running affair. It's likely that you've been told that Denver divorce mediation will help your divorce progress quicker than the court process, so long as you as well as your soon-to-be ex partner make efforts to remain on track. What is the time frame from filing to finalizing your divorce?

There's no right answer to this. Every divorce that is uncontested is distinct, making it difficult to pinpoint an exact timeline. There may be a longer or shorter mediation than a couple. There are many variables which determine the length of divorce.


Your divorce mediation process will accelerate if you can work with your soon to be ex-spouse instead of than arguing over every aspect. If you are able to reach compromises with your spouse and discover solutions that benefit both parties, it is more likely that your divorce will be settled faster.

Be aware of your emotions.

Remaining calm during mediation for divorce will also aid in speeding up the process. It is normal for emotions to be in high gear during this period, but it is best to ignore any anger, grief or sorrow that may occur. In the long term this approach will benefit both the spouses involved.

Unique Circumstances

When a couple owns several assets, like property, stocks or other assets in their possession, the time needed to conclude an uncontested divorce mediation could be longer than for couples with less assets. It can also be prolonged if the couple cannot agree on a custody arrangement for their pets or children. The process of mediation can be made faster by cooperating to create a schedule of custody that is advantageous for both the parents and the parties.

The mediator will assist you file the appropriate paperwork to file your state and county once you have hammered out the specifics of the divorce settlement. The state of Colorado has to wait 91 days before granting the divorce. It is in the best interest of each of the parties to work as much as they can for a quick mediation process.

A divorce that is uncontested could be the best option for you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse, if you're looking to cut down on time and money as well as emotional stress. By choosing divorce mediation instead of the traditional courtroom litigation, you will be able to expedite the divorce process and start the next chapter in your life sooner.

How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?

How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?