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Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C.

  • Franklin Azar
  • 15 mile service radius
    • Personal Injury Lawyer

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 600 Rood Ave #104
    Grand Junction, CO 81501 (map)

About us

Franklin D. Azar & Associates is Colorado's largest personal injury law firm. In addition to auto accidents, we devote a significant portion of the practice to representing persons in a variety of cases: incident claims, class action lawsuits, injuries resulting from defective and dangerous products, prescription drug side effects, and wage and hour violations. Contact Franklin D. Azar & Associates located in Grand Junction today 970-423-5820

Hours of operation

MondayOpen 24 hours
TuesdayOpen 24 hours
WednesdayOpen 24 hours
ThursdayOpen 24 hours
FridayOpen 24 hours
SaturdayOpen 24 hours
SundayOpen 24 hours


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