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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

5 Things to Do When You Move Into Your First Home 

Whether you bought a new house or have moved into one that you previously rented, there is a lot to take care of when you move into your first home. The sooner you cross items off your to-do list, the more time you’ll have to enjoy it. 

Among other things, you’ll want to shampoo carpets, bleach tile and mop hardwood floors. You’ll also want to connect your utilities, and purchase homeowners insurance. 

  1. Pack Your Bags 

When you move into your first home, it may feel like your mind is going to explode with a never-ending list of things to do. That’s why it’s important to have a strategy before you ever pick up a box or start packing. 

One of the first things you should do is change the locks. That way, you know who has a key and can prevent any unwelcome intruders from making their way into your house. 

Next, you should pack a box of essentials for your new home. That includes items like paper towels, toilet paper, water, paper plates and plastic utensils, a set of keys, and cleaning supplies. Then, put this box in the car so you can quickly access these items right after the move. 

  1. Make the Necessary Repairs 

Whether you’re renting or buying, it’s essential to do a complete walkthrough of your new home before moving in. This is the time to verify that all representations made by the landlord or realtor and the seller are accurate and that your new house is in good shape. 

For example, you may want to check and replace smoke detectors or carbon monoxide detectors that were left by previous tenants. You should also change the locks, garage codes and access to any keyless entry points — you don’t want anyone else entering your house! 

It’s also a good idea to connect with utility suppliers and set up your accounts before you move in. You don’t want to be without air-conditioning, heat, electricity or cooking gas on your first day living in your new place! Sites like can provide you with good information on appliance repair and replacements.

  1. Set Up the Essentials 

Most new homeowners need to set up utilities for water, gas and electricity. Additionally, if you have Internet or TV service that is tied to your old address, you will need to make arrangements for the company to transfer those services to your new home. 

Having the right tools will make your first few days in your new house a lot easier. Bring a tool kit that includes things like drills, hammers and measuring tape so you

can take care of general repairs as needed. Other important items to include are bedding (including air mattresses for kids and a pac’n’play), sleeping bags, towels and a few extra cleaning products. You might also want to include a few decorations to make the house feel more like yours. 

  1. Make It Your Own 

Unlike renting an apartment, you have the freedom to make your new house truly your own. Adding decor is an easy way to add a personal touch and can help you feel settled. Whether that means buying a fun throw rug or finding wall art, the possibilities are endless. 

Another important thing to do is invest in lawn and garden supplies. Depending on the yard, this could include a lawnmower, weed eater and even sod. You’ll also need to buy a compost bin or lawn fertilizer. 

Lastly, take pictures of the gas, electric and water meter readings on your move-in day to alert the escrow company that utilities are ready to be turned on in your name. This will save you time and money on your first utility bills

  1. Get to Know Your Neighbors 

Getting to know your neighbors is a big step toward becoming a part of your community. Not only can it help you feel connected, but local residents also look out for each other in the event of an emergency. 

Meeting your new neighbors does not have to be a nerve-wracking experience. Start by saying hello when you see them outside or on your porch. You can also leave a note to introduce yourself. It can be an icebreaker to bring baked goods or fresh flowers to your neighbor’s home as an initial kind gesture. 


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