How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?

Denver Divorce Mediation

If you and your spouse have agreed to an uncontested divorce, then you could be anticipating getting it completed and finalized as quickly as possible. There are few things in life can be as painful and difficult as the process of getting divorced that takes for decades. You've likely heard that Denver Divorce Mediators will help you progress quicker than a court proceeding in the event that you and your soon to be ex-partner remain on the right track. But just how long can you expect it to take from filing until finalizing?

There's no right answer to this. It's challenging to define a timeline for an uncontested divorce as each case differs. There may be a longer or shorter mediation than a couple. There are numerous factors that affect the length of divorce.


The divorce mediation process will move much quicker if you are able to work together with your soon to be ex-spouse instead of than fighting on every point. If you are able to reach compromises with your spouse, and come up with solutions that benefit both parties It is likely that your divorce will be completed faster.

Control your emotions

Also, ensuring that you are calm and remaining level-headed during divorce mediation will greatly accelerate the process and lead to rapid resolution. It's normal to feel elevated during this time however, it is recommended to stay away from any anger, grief or sorrow that may occur. In the long term this strategy will benefit both parties.

Unique Circumstances

When a couple owns several assets, like property, stocks, or other valuable possessions and possessions, the time required to finish a divorce without contest may be longer than for couples with fewer assets. The process can take longer when the couple is unable to agree on a custody arrangement for their pets or children. Mediation can be accelerated by working together to develop a schedule of custody that is advantageous for both parties as well as the children.

After you've agreed on the conditions of your divorce, your mediator will help you with filing the paperwork with your county or state. After this there's a 91 day legal waiting period before the state of Colorado will allow divorce. For this reason, it's in both parties' best interests to cooperate as long as they can in order to have a quick mediation process.

Uncontested divorce could be the best choice for you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse, if you'd like to reduce time along with money and emotional stress. If you choose to use divorce mediation instead of the traditional courtroom litigation, you will be able to accelerate the divorce process and start the next chapter of your lives sooner.

How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?

How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?