7 Key HVAC Maintenance Tips For Every Home 

A well-maintained HVAC system can save you money on your energy bills. A few easy tasks will keep your system running smoothly. 

Make sure your vents are unobstructed, and arrange furniture so that the airflow is not blocked. Obstructed vents reduce efficiency and can cause the system to overheat. 

Seal drafts in windows, doors, gaps for pipes or wires that penetrate walls, attic hatches and soffits over cabinets. Proper insulation is key to a comfortable home at a more affordable cost. 

1. Change the Air Filter 

The air filter removes large particles from the air, allowing the system to heat or cool efficiently. Dirty or clogged filters will pump dust, debris and allergens back into the house, decreasing indoor air quality. 

The air filter should be checked every month and replaced if necessary. Changing the air filter is one of the most straightforward maintenance tasks. Keeping the vents and registers clear is another important HVAC maintenance task. This prevents drafts that decrease the efficiency of the system and can cause high energy bills. If something is wrong with the system, it will usually let you know: loud noises, odd smells or strange temperature variations in different areas of the home. 

2. Clean the Evaporator Coil 

Clean evaporator coils can improve air quality by reducing allergens like pollen and dust. They can also save you money in energy costs since dirty evaporator coils will require the system to work harder to dehumidify your home. 

Remove the faceplate and vacuum or use a brush to blow off loose dirt. You can also spray the coils with a no-rinse cleaner and let it sit. 

If your coils have a heavy build-up, try a different no-rinse cleaner that is designed for HVAC systems. Make sure to check for bent aluminum fins and straighten them out with a tool that can do so without damaging the coils. 

3. Clean the Condenser 

Changing the air filter and cleaning the evaporator coil are two important HVAC maintenance tasks. But, there are other tasks you can do to help keep your system running at peak performance. 

These include reducing drafts around the house, sealing leaks and keeping your unit clean. These tasks can help reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable. 

To clean the condenser, turn off power to the AC unit and remove the outer casing.

This may require a screwdriver. Brush away any chunks of debris and use an environmentally friendly coil cleaner. 

4. Clean the Drain Pipe 

If a drain or clogged pipe is left unattended, it can cause major issues and damage to the system. If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, run hot water or a natural drain cleaner that’s free of harsh chemicals down the drain to dislodge any accumulated hair, food scraps, grease or soap scum. 

For a more serious clog, use an auger that’s equipped with a foot-pedal switch to keep your hands free while feeding it down the pipe. Be sure to back out a few feet of the cable and then crank the motor to clear any remaining blockage. 

5. Check the Thermostat 

Your thermostat is responsible for sending signals to your HVAC system so that it can turn on and off at the right times. This will help it to run less often, use less power and last longer. 

Ensure the thermostat is working properly by performing a simple test. Place a thermometer (with some soft paper behind it to prevent the wall’s heat from interfering) a few feet away from your thermostat, at the same height. 

Wait 20 minutes and then check the temperatures of both devices. If the readings match, your thermostat is functioning correctly. If they do not, there is likely a problem with the wiring which will need to be repaired by a professional. 

6. Turn Off the A/C at Night 

The air conditioning system uses the least energy when it’s running at night, so leaving it on all through the night can add unnecessary stress to the unit. It can also result in higher utility bills. 

To reduce energy usage, turn off the A/C at night and use ceiling fans to circulate air. This creates a cooler, more moderate sleeping environment and can help keep humidity levels low. 

Keeping the area around your HVAC system clean improves efficiency and prevents dirty air from entering your home through vents. Remove debris from outdoor units and bushes, and hose down the condenser coil and fins to keep them free of dirt, cobwebs, and grass clippings. 

7. Schedule a Service Call 

It doesn’t take long to run up a large energy bill when your home heating and cooling system isn’t working properly. That’s why it pays to keep up with HVAC maintenance. 

HVAC preventative maintenance services ensure that any potential problems are spotted early and addressed before they become worse. This typically results in lower repair costs.

Keeping up with HVAC preventive maintenance is an excellent way to save money while protecting your property investment and the health of your home’s occupants. However, emergency repair calls are still likely to pop up from time to time. For help with services in your home, look into reputable websites such as https://www.cinchhomeservices.com/view-blog/-/blogs/dryer-not-heating-up-here-s-how-to-fix-it that will provide you with resourceful information on home maintenance. 

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