How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?

Denver Divorce Mediation

If you and your spouse negotiated an uncontested divorce, then you could be hoping to get it processed and finalized as soon as you can. There are few things in life are as painful and difficult as a divorce that lasts for years. It's likely that you've heard that Denver divorce mediation are able to help you move forward faster than going through the court process, so the two of you and your soon-to-be ex-partner put in efforts to remain on track. What is the time frame between filing and finalizing your divorce?

There's no right answer to this question. It's challenging to define a timeline for an uncontested divorce as each case is unique. It is possible that you will experience a longer or shorter mediation time than another couple. There are many variables that determine the duration of your divorce.


It is possible to facilitate your divorce mediation ahead much more quickly if can cooperate with your soon-to-be ex-spouse instead of arguing over every issue. If you are able to reach an agreement with your spouse and reach solutions that benefit both parties It is likely that your divorce will be resolved faster.

Maintaining Control of Emotions

In the same way, maintaining a calm and remaining level-headed in divorce mediation can significantly facilitate the process and lead to a swift resolution. Although it is normal for strong emotions to surface in the midst of a turbulent time, it is advisable to ignore any sadness, anger, or hurt caused by divorce to concentrate on the job at hand. This will benefit both parties over the long term.

Unique Circumstances

Couples who have multiple assets like property, stocks, or other valuable possessions can take longer to finish divorce mediation that is uncontested as opposed to couples with fewer assets. Furthermore, if a couple has pets or children and cannot reach a mutually agreeable custody arrangement The process can be delayed. Mediation can be accelerated by cooperating to create an arrangement for custody which is beneficial to both parties and the children.

A mediator will assist you file the appropriate paperwork for your county and state once you have hammered out the details of your divorce settlement. From that point, there is a 91-day statutory waiting period before the state of Colorado will approve the divorce. For this reason, it's in both the parties' best interest to cooperate as much as they can in order to have a quick mediation process.

Uncontested divorce could be the best option for you and your soon to be ex-spouse if you're looking to cut down on time along with money and emotional stress. Mediation in divorce is a great alternative to legal proceedings in court. It will allow you to expedite your divorce and begin the next chapter of your life sooner.

How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?

How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?