How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?

Denver Divorce Mediation

If you and your spouse agreed to an uncontested divorce, then you could be hoping to get it processed and completed within the shortest amount of time. There are few things more difficult and tedious than a divorce that lasts for years. You've probably heard that Denver Divorce Mediators can help you move forward quicker than a court proceeding if you and your soon-to be ex-partner stick to the plan. What exactly is the time frame you imagine it taking from filing to completing?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It's difficult to establish the timeframe for an uncontested divorce because every case is unique. You may experience a longer or shorter mediation time than another couple. There are many variables which determine the duration of your divorce.


The process of mediation for divorce will be much more efficient if you can work with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, rather than fighting on every point. You are more likely to end your divorce uncontested faster if you are capable of reaching compromises and collaborate to find an acceptable solution to each problem.

Keeping Emotions in Check

Maintaining composure during divorce mediation will also aid in speeding up the process. While it's natural for strong emotions to arise in the midst of a turbulent time It is important to ignore any emotion, sadness, or pain caused by divorce to concentrate on the job in hand. This is a good strategy for both parties over the long term.

Unique Circumstances

Couples who have several assets, including property, stocks, or other significant possessions might take more time to finish divorce mediation that is uncontested in comparison to couples with fewer assets. Additionally, if a couple has pets or children and are unable to reach an agreeable custody arrangement, the process may also be extended. The process of mediation can be made faster by coming together to come up with an arrangement for custody which is beneficial to both the parents and the parties.

After you've reached an agreement on the conditions of divorce, your mediator will assist you in filing the paperwork with your county or state. The state of Colorado must wait for 91 days before it can grant the divorce. Therefore, it's in everyone's best interests to cooperate as much as possible for a swift mediation process.

If you're looking for ways to save time, money and stress, an uncontested divorce could be the right option for both of you. By choosing mediation for divorce instead of the traditional courtroom litigation, you can expedite the divorce process and begin the next chapter of your lives sooner.

How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?

How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?