Chaucer's translation of Boethius's "De consolatione philosphiæ" / edited from British Museum additional MS. 10, 340 collated with Cambridge University Library MS. Ii.3.21 by Richard Morris

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Chaucer's translation of Boethius's "De consolatione philosphiæ" / edited from British Museum additional MS. 10, 340 collated with Cambridge University Library MS. Ii.3.21 by Richard Morris
Boethius, d. 524
Morris, Richard, 1833-1894
London: Oxford University Press

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"Chaucer's translation of Boethius's "De consolatione philosphiæ" / edited from British Museum additional MS. 10, 340 collated with Cambridge University Library MS. Ii.3.21 by Richard Morris." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed May 7, 2024.


[fol. 3b]



Carmina qui quondam studio florente peregi.

Allas I wepyng am constreined to bygynne vers of sorouful matere. ¶ Þat whilom in florysching studie made delitable ditees. For loo rendyng muses of poetes enditen to me þinges to be writen. and drery vers of wrecchednes weten my face wiþ verray teers. ¶ At þe leest no drede ne myȝt[e] ouer-come þo muses. þat þei ne weren felawes and folweden my wey. þat is to seyne when I was exiled. þei þat weren glorie of my youȝth whilom weleful and grene conforten now þe sorouful werdes of me olde man. for elde is comen vnwarly vpon me hasted by þe harmes þat I haue. and sorou haþ comaunded his age to be in me. ¶ Heeres hore ben schad ouertymelyche vpon myne heued. and þe slak[e] skyn trembleþ vpon myn emty body. þilk[e] deeþ of men is welful þat ne comeþ not in ȝeres þat ben swete (.i. mirie.) but comeþ to wrecches often yclepid.

¶ Allas allas wiþ how deef an eere deeþ cruel tourneþ awey fro wrecches and naieþ to closen wepyng eyen. ¶ While fortune vnfeiþful fauored[e] me wiþ lyȝte goodes (.s. temporels.) þe sorouful houre þat is to seyne þe deeþ had[de] almost dreynt myne heued. ¶ But now for fortune clowdy haþ chaunged hir disceyuable chere to me warde. myn vnpitouse lijf draweþ a long vnagreable dwellynges in me. ¶ O ȝe my

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frendes what or wherto auaunted[e] ȝe me to be weleful: for he þat haþ fallen stood not in stedfast degree.


In þe mene while þat I stille recorded[e] þise þinges wiþ my self. and markede my wepli compleynte wiþ office of poyntel. I saw stondyng aboue þe heyȝt of my heued a woman of ful greet reuerence by semblaunt hir eyen brennyng and clere seing ouer þe comune myȝt of men. wiþ a lijfly colour and wiþ swiche vigoure and strenkeþ þat it ne myȝt[e] not be emptid. ¶ Al were it so þat sche was ful of so greet age. þat men ne wolde not trowe in no manere þat sche were of oure elde. þe stature of hir was of a doutous iugement. for sumtyme sche constreyned[e] and schronk hir seluen lyche to þe comune mesure of men. and sumtyme it semed[e] þat sche touched[e] þe heuene wiþ þe heyȝte of hir heued. and when sche hef hir heued heyer sche perced[e] þe selue heuene. so þat þe syȝt of men lokyng was in ydel. ¶ Hir cloþes weren maked of ryȝt delye þredes and subtil crafte of perdurable matere. þe wyche cloþes sche hadde wouen wiþ hir owen hondes: as I knew wel aftir by hir selfe. declaryng and schewyng to me þe beaute. þe wiche cloþes a derkenes of a forleten and dispised elde had[de] duskid and dirkid as it is wont to dirken by-smoked ymages. ¶ In þe neþerest[e]

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hem or bordure of þese cloþes men redden ywouen in swiche a gregkysche .P. þat signifieþ þe lijf actif. And abouen þat lettre in þe heyȝest[e] bordure a grekysche T. þat signifieþ þe lijf contemplatif. ¶ And by-twene þese two lettres þere weren seien degrees nobly wrouȝt in manere of laddres. By wyche degrees men myȝt[en] clymbe fro þe neþemast[e] lettre to þe ouermast[e]. ¶ Naþeles hondes of sum men hadde korue þat cloþe by vyolence and by strenkeþ. ¶ And eueryche man of hem hadde born away syche peces as he myȝte geet[e]. ¶ And forsoþe þis forsaide woman ber bookes in hir ryȝt honde. and in hir lefte honde sche ber a ceptre. ¶ And when sche sauȝ þese poetical muses aprochen aboute my bedde. and endytyng wordes to my wepynges. sche was a lytel ameued and glowed[e] wiþ cruel eyen. ¶ Who quod sche haþ suffred aprochen to þis seek[e] man þise comune strumpetis of siche a place þat [fol. 4] men clepen þe theatre. ¶ Þe wyche only ne asswagen not his sorowes. wiþ no remedies. but þei wolde fede and norysche hem wiþ swete venym. ¶ Forsoþe þise ben þo þat wiþ þornes and prykkynges of talentȝ or affecciouns wiche þat ben no þing fruteliyng nor profitable destroyen þe cornes plenteuouse of frutes of reson. ¶ For þei holden þe hertes of men in usage. but þei ne delyuere not folk fro maladye. but if ȝe muses hadde wiþdrawen

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fro me wiþ ȝoure flateries. any vnkonnyng and vnprofitable man as men ben wont to fynde comunely amonges þe peple. I wolde wene suffre þe lasse greuously. ¶ For-why in syche an vnprofitable man myne ententes weren no þing endamaged. ¶ But ȝe wiþdrawen me þis man þat haþ ben norysched in studies or scoles of Eleaticis and of achademicis in grece. ¶ But goþ now raþer awey ȝe meremaydenes wyche ben swete til it be at þe laste. and suffreþ þis man to be cured and heled by myne muses. þat is to say by notful sciences. ¶ And þus þis compaygnie of muses I-blamed casten wroþely þe chere adounward to þe erþe and schewyng by redenesse hir schame þei passeden sorowfuly þe þreschefolde. ¶ And I of whom þe syȝt plonged in teres was derked so þat I ne myȝt[e] not knowe what þat woman was of so imperial auctorite. ¶ I wex al a-besid and astoned. and caste my syȝt adoune in to þe erþe. and bygan stille forto abide what sche wolde don afterwarde. ¶ Þo come sche nere and sette hir doun vpon þe vterrest[e] corner of my bedde. and sche by-holdyng my chere þat was cast to þe erþe heuy and greuous of wepyng. compleinede wiþ þise wordes þat I schal sey þe perturbacioun of my þouȝt.


Allas how þe þouȝt of man dreint in ouer þrowyng depnesse dulleþ and forletiþ hys propre clerenesse. myntynge to gone in to foreyne derknesses as ofte as hys anoious bisines wexiþ wiþ-outen mesure.

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þat is dryuen to and fro wiþ worldly wyndes. ¶ Þis man þat sumtyme was fre to whom þe heuene was open and knowen and was wont to gone in heuenelyche paþes. and sauȝ þe lyȝtnesse of þe rede sunne. and sauȝ þe sterres of þe colde moone. and wyche sterre in heuene vseþ wandryng risorses yflit by dyuerse speres. ¶ Þis man ouer comere hadde comprehendid al þis by noumbre. of accountyng in astronomye. ¶ And ouer þis he was wont to seche þe causes whennes þe sounyng wyndes moeuen and bisien þe smoþe water of þe see. and what spirit turneþ þe stable heuene. and whi þe sterre ryseþ oute of þe reede eest. to falle in þe westren wawes. and what attempriþ þe lusty houres of þe fyrste somer sesoun þat hiȝteþ and apparaileþ þe erþe wiþ rosene floures. ¶ And who makeþ þat plenteuouse autumpne in fulle ȝeres fletiþ wiþ heuy grapes. ¶ And eke þis man was wont to telle þe dyuerses causes of nature þat weren yhid. ¶ Allas now lieþ he emptid of lyȝt of hys þouȝt. and hys nekke is pressid wiþ heuy cheynes and bereþ his chere enclined adoune for þe greet[e] weyȝt. and is constreyned to loke on foule erþe.


Bvt tyme is now quod sche of medicine more þen of compleynte. ¶ Forsoþe þen sche entendyng to me warde wiþ al þe lokyng of hir eyen saide. ¶ Art not þou he quod sche þat sumtyme I-norschid wiþ my mylke and fostre[d] wiþ my meetes were ascaped and comen to corage of a perfit man. ¶ Certys I ȝaf þe

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syche armures þat ȝif þou þi self ne haddest first caste hem away. þei schulden haue defendid þe in sykernesse þat may not be ouer-comen. ¶ Knowest þou me not. [fol. 4b] Why art þou stille. is it for schame or for astonynge. It were me leuer þat it were for schame. but it semeþ me þat astonynge haþ oppressed þe. ¶ And whan sche say me not oonly stille. but wiþ-outen office of tonge and al doumbe. sche leide hir honde softely vpon my brest and seide. ¶ Here nis no peril quod sche. ¶ He is fallen in to a litargie. whiche þat is a comune sekenes to hertes þat ben desceiued. ¶ He haþ a litel forȝeten hym self. but certis he schal lyȝtly remembren hym self. ¶ Ȝif so be þat he haþ knowen me or now. and þat he may so done I wil wipe a litel hys eyen. þat ben derked by þe cloude of mortel þinges ¶ Þise wordes seide sche. and wiþ þe lappe of hir garment yplitid in a frounce sche dried[e] myn eyen þat were ful of þe wawes of my wepynges.


Þus when þat nyȝt was discussed and chased awey. derknesses forleften me. and to myn eyen repeyre aȝeyne her firste strenkeþ. and ryȝt by ensample as þe sonne is hid when þe sterres ben clustred. þat is to sey when sterres ben couered wiþ cloudes by a swifte wynde þat hyȝt chorus. and þat þe firmament stont derked by wete ploungy cloudes. and þat þe sterres not apperen vpon heuene. ¶ So þat þe nyȝt semeþ sprad vpon erþe. ¶ Yif þan þe wynde þat hyȝt borias

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sent out of þe kaues of þe contre of Trace betiþ þis nyȝt. þat is to seyn chasiþ it away and descouereþ þe closed day. ¶ Þan schineþ phebus yshaken wiþ sodeyne lyȝt and smyteþ wiþ hys bemes in meruelyng eyen.


Ryȝt so and none oþer wyse þe cloudes of sorowe dissolued and don awey. ¶ I took heuene. and receyuede mynde to knowe þe face of my fyciscien. ¶ So þat I sette myne eyen on hir and festned[e] my lokyng. I byholde my norice philosophie. in whos houses I hadde conuersed and haunted fro my ȝouþe. and I seide þus. ¶ O þou maistresse of alle uertues descendid fro þe souereyne sete. Whi art þou comen in to þis solitarie place of myn exil. ¶ Art þou comen for þou art mad coupable wiþ me of fals[e] blames. ¶ O quod sche my norry scholde I forsake þe now. and scholde I not parte wiþ þe by comune trauaille þe charge þat þou hast suffred for envie of my name. ¶ Certis it nar[e] not leueful ne sittyng to philosophie to leten wiþ-outen compaignie þe wey of hym þat is innocent. ¶ Scholde I þan redoute my blame and agrisen as þouȝ þer were byfallen a newe þing. q. d. non. ¶ For trowest þou þat philosophi be now alþerfirst assailed in perils by folk of wicked[e] maneres. ¶ Haue I not stryuen wiþ ful greet strife in olde tyme byfore þe age of my plato aȝeins þe foolhardines of foly and eke þe same plato lyuyng. hys maistre socrates deserued[e] victorie of vnryȝtful deeþ in my presence. ¶ Þe heritage of wyche socrates. þe heritage is to seyne

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þe doctrine of þe whiche socrates in hys oppinioun of felicite þat I clepe welfulnesse ¶ Whan þat þe people of epicuriens and stoyciens and many oþer enforceden hem to go rauische eueryche man for his part þat is to seyne. þat to eueryche of hem wolde drawen to þe defence of his oppinioun þe wordes of socrates. ¶ Þei as in partie of hir preye todrowen me criynge and debatyng þer aȝeins. and tornen and torenten my cloþes þat I hadde wouen wiþ myn handes. and wiþ þe cloutes þat þei hadden arased oute of my cloþes. þei wenten awey wenyng þat I hadde gon wiþ hem euery dele. In whiche epicuryens and stoyciens. for as myche as þer semed[e] somme traces and steppes of myne habit. þe folye of men wenyng þo epicuryens and stoyciens my [fol. 5] familers peruertede (.s. persequendo) somme þoruȝ þe errour of þe wikked[e] or vnkunnyng[e] multitude of hem. ¶ Þis is to seyne for þei semeden philosophres: þei weren pursued to þe deeþ and slayn. ¶ So yif þou hast not knowen þe exilynge of anaxogore. ne þe empoysenyng of socrates. ne þe tourmentȝ of ȝeno for þei [weren] straungers. ¶ Ȝit myȝtest þou haue knowen þe senectiens and þe Canyos and þe sorancis of wyche folk þe renoun is neyþer ouer oolde ne vnsolempne. ¶ Þe whiche men no þing ellys ne brouȝt[e] hem to þe deeþ but oonly for þei weren enfourmed of my maneres. and semeden moste vnlyke to þe studies of wicked folk. ¶ And forþi þou auȝtest not to wondre þouȝ þat I in þe bitter see of þis lijf be

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fordryuen wiþ tempestes blowyng aboute. in þe whiche tempeste þis is my most purpos þat is to seyn to displese to wikked[e] men. ¶ Of whiche schrews al be þe oost neuer so grete it is to dispyse. for it nis gouerned wiþ no leder of resoune. but it is rauysched only by flityng errour folyly and lyȝtly. ¶ And if þei somtyme makyng an ost aȝeynest vs assaile vs as strengere. oure leder draweþ to gedir hys rycchesse in to hys toure. and þei ben ententif aboute sarpulers or sachels vnprofitable forto taken. but we þat ben heyȝ abouen syker fro al tumulte and wode noise. ben stored and enclosed in syche a palays. whider as þat chateryng or anoying folye ne may not attayne. ¶ We scorne swiche rauiners and honters of foulest[e] þinges.


Who so it be þat is clere of vertue sad and wel ordinat of lyuyng. þat haþ put vnderfote þe prowed[e] wierdes and lokiþ vpryȝt vpon eyþer fortune. he may holde hys chiere vndiscomfited. ¶ Þe rage ne þe manace of þe commoeuyng or chasyng vpwarde hete fro þe botme. ne schal not moeue þat man. ne þe vnstable mountaigne þat hyȝt veseuus. þat wircheþ oute þoruȝ hys broken[e] chemineys smokyng fires. ¶ Ne þe wey of þonder lyȝt þat is wont to smyte heyȝe toures ne schal not mouene þat man. ¶ Wherto þen wrecches drede ȝe tyrauntes þat ben wode and felownes wiþ-outen ony strenkeþ. ¶ Hope after no þing ne drede nat. and

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so schalt þou desarmen þe ire of þilke vnmyȝty tyraunt. ¶ But who so þat quakyng dredeþ or desireþ þing þat nis not stable of his ryȝt. þat man þat so doþ haþ cast awey hys schelde and is remoeued fro hys place. and enlaceþ hym in þe cheyne wiþ whiche he may be drawen.


FElest þou quod sche þise þinges and entren þei ouȝt in þi corage. ¶ Art þou like an asse to þe harpe. Whi wepest þou whi spillest þou teres. ¶ Yif þou abidest after helpe of þi leche. þe byhoueþ discouere þi wounde. ¶ Þo .I. þat hadde gadered strenkeþ in my corage answered[e] and seide. and nedeþ it ȝitte quod .I. of rehersyng or of amonicioun. and scheweþ it not ynouȝ by hym self þe scharpnes of fortune þat wexeþ woode aȝeynes me. ¶ Ne moeueþ it nat þe to seen þe face or þe manere of þis place (.i. prisoun.). ¶ Is þis þe librarie wyche þat þou haddest chosen for a ryȝt certeyne sege to þe in myne house. ¶ Þere as þou desputest of[te] wiþ me of þe sciences of þinges touching diuinitee and touchyng mankynde. ¶ Was þan myn habit swiche as it is now. was þan my face or my chere swiche as now. ¶ Whan I souȝt[e] wiþ þe secretys of nature. whan þou enfourmedest my maners and þe resoun of al my lijf. to þe ensaumple of þe ordre of heuene. ¶ Is nat þis þe gerdoun þat I refere to þe to whom I haue be obeisaunt. ¶ Certis þou enfourmedist by þe mouþe of plato þis sentence. þat is to seyne þat commune þinges or comunabletes weren

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blysful yif þei þat haden studied al fully to wisdom gouerneden þilke þinges. or ellys yif it so by-felle þat þe gouernours [fol. 5b] of communalites studieden in grete wisdomes. ¶ Þou saidest eke by þe mouþe of þe same plato þat it was a necessarie cause wyse men to taken and desire þe gouernaunce of comune þinges. for þat þe gouernementes of comune citees y-left in þe hondes of felonous tourmentours Citiȝenis ne scholde not brynge inne pestilence and destruccioun to goode folk. ¶ And þerfore I folowynge þilk auctoritee (.s. platonis). desiryng to put[te] furþe in execusioun and in acte of comune administracioun þo þinges þat .I. hadde lerned of þe among my secre restyng whiles. ¶ Þou and god þat put[te] þee in þe þouȝtis of wise folk ben knowen wiþ me þat no þing brouȝt[e] me to maistrie or dignite: but þe comune studie of al goodenes. ¶ And þer-of comeþ it þat by-twixen wikked folk and me han ben greuouse discordes. þat ne myȝten not be relesed by prayeres. ¶ For þis libertee haþ fredom of conscience þat þe wraþþe of more myȝty folk haþ alwey ben despised of me for saluacioun of ryȝt. ¶ How ofte haue .I. resisted and wiþstonde þilk man þat hyȝt[e] conigaste þat made alwey assautes aȝeins þe propre fortunes of poure feble folke. ¶ How ofte haue .I. ȝitte put of. or cast out hym trigwille prouost of þe kynges hous boþe of þe wronges þat he hadde bygon[ne] to done and eke fully performed. ¶ How ofte haue I couered and defended by þe auctorite of me put aȝeins perils. þat is to seine put myne auctorite in peril for þe wreched pore folke. þat

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þe couetise of straungeres vnpunysched tourmentid alwey wiþ myseses and greuaunces oute of noumbre. ¶ Neuer man drow me ȝitte fro ryȝt to wrong. When I say þe fortunes and þe rychesse of þe people of þe prouinces ben harmed eyþer by priue rauynes or by comune tributis or cariages. as sory was I as þei þat suffred[e] þe harme. Glosa. ¶ Whan þat theodoric þe kyng of gothes in a dere ȝere hadde hys gerners ful of corne and comaundede þat no man ne schold[e] bie no corne til his corne were solde and þat at a dere greuous pris. ¶ But I withstod þat ordinaunce and ouer-com it knowyng al þis þe kyng hym self. ¶ Coempcioun þat is to seyn comune achat or bying to-gidere þat were establissed vpon poeple by swiche a manere imposicioun as who so bouȝt[e] a busshel corn he most[e] ȝeue þe kyng þe fifte part. Textus. ¶ Whan it was in þe soure hungry tyme þere was establissed or cried greuous and inplitable coempcioun þat men seyn wel it schulde greetly tourmentyn and endamagen al þe prouince of compaigne I took strif aȝeins þe prouost of þe pretorie for comune profit. ¶ And þe kyng knowyng of it I ouercom it so þat þe coempcioun ne was not axed ne took effect. ¶ Paulyn a counseiller of Rome þe rychesse of þe whyche paulyn þe houndys of þe palays. þat is to seyn þe officeres wolde han deuoured by hope and couetise ¶ Ȝit drow I hym out of þe Iowes .s. faucibus of hem þat gapeden. ¶ And for as myche as þe peyne of þe accusacioun aiuged byforn ne scholde not sodeynly henten ne punischen wrongfuly Albyn a counseiller of

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Rome. I put[te] me aȝenis þe hates and indignaciouns of þe accusour Ciprian. ¶ Is it not þan ynought yseyn þat I haue purchased greet[e] discordes aȝeins my self. but I aughte be more asseured aȝenis alle oþer folk þat for þe loue of ryȝtwisnesse .I. ne reserued[e] neuer no þing to my self to hem ward of þe kynges halle .s. officers. by þe whiche I were þe more syker. ¶ But þoruȝ þe same accusours accusyng I am condempned. ¶ Of þe noumbre of whiche accusours one basilius þat somtyme was chased out of þe kynges seruice. is now compelled in accusyng of my name for nede of foreine moneye. ¶ Also opilion and Gaudencius han accused me. al be it so þat þe Iustice regal hadde sumtyme demed hem boþe to go in to exil. for her treccheries and fraudes wiþ-outen noumbre. ¶ To whiche iugement þei wolde not obeye. but defended[e] hem by sykernesse of holy houses. [fol. 6] þat is to seyne fledden in to seyntuaries. and whan þis was aperceiued to þe kyng. he comaunded[e] but þat þei voided[e] þe citee of Rauenne by certeyne day assigned þat men scholde merken hem on þe forheued wiþ an hoke of iren and chasen hem out of toune. ¶ Now what þing semeþ þe myȝt[e] be lykned to þis cruelte. For certys þilk same day was receyued þe accusyng of my name by þilk[e] same accusours. ¶ What may be seid herto. haþ my studie and my konnyng deserued þus. or ellys þe forseide dampnacioun of me. made þat hem ryȝtful accusours or no (q.d. non). ¶ Was not fortune asshamed of þis. [Certes alle hadde nat fortune ben asshamyd] þat innocence was accused. ȝit auȝt[e] sche haue had schame of þe filþe of myn accusours.

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¶ But axest þou in somme of what gilt .I. am accused. men seyne þat I wolde sauen þe compaignie of þe senatours. ¶ And desirest þou to here in what manere .I. am accused þat I scholde han distourbed þe accusour to beren lettres. by whiche he scholde han maked þe senatours gilty aȝeins þe kynges Real maieste. ¶ O meistresse what demest þou of þis. schal .I. forsake þis blame þat I ne be no schame to þe (q. d. non). ¶ Certis .I. haue wold it. þat is to seyne þe sauuacioun of þe senat. ne I schal neuer leten to wilne it. and þat I confesse and am a-knowe. but þe entent of þe accusour to be destourbed schal cese. ¶ For schal I clepe it a felonie þan or a synne þat I haue desired þe sauuacioun of þe ordre of þe senat. and certys ȝit hadde þilk same senat don by me þoruȝ her decretȝ and hire iugementys as þouȝ it were a synne or a felonie þat is to seyne to wilne þe sauuacioun of hem (.s senatus). ¶ But folye þat lieth alwey to hym self may not chaunge þe merit of þinges. ¶ Ne .I. trowe not by þe iugement of socrates þat it were leueful to me to hide þe soþe. ne assent[e] to lesynges. ¶ But certys how so euer it be of þis I put[te] it to gessen or preisen to þe iugement of þe and of wise folk. ¶ Of whiche þing al þe ordinaunce and þe soþe for as moche as folk þat ben to comen aftir oure dayes schollen knowen it. ¶ I haue put it in scripture and remembraunce. for touching þe lettres falsly maked. by whiche lettres I am accused to han hooped þe fredom of Rome. What apperteneþ me to speken þer-of. Of whiche lettres þe fraude hadde ben schewed apertly if

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I hadde had libertee forto han vsed and ben at þe confessioun of myn accusours. ¶ Þe whiche þing in alle nedys haþ grete strenkeþ. ¶ For what oþer fredom may men hopen. Certys I wolde þat some oþer fredom myȝt[e] be hoped. ¶ I wolde þan haue answered by þe wordes of a man þat hyȝt[e] Canius. for whan he was accused by Gayus Cesar Germeins son þat he (canius) was knowyng and consentyng of a coniuracioun maked aȝeins hym (.s. Gaius). ¶ Þis Canius answered[e] þus. ¶ Yif I had[de] wist it þou haddest not wist it. In whiche þing sorwe haþ not so dulled my witte þat I pleyne oonly þat schrewed[e] folk apparailen folies aȝeins vertues. ¶ But I wondre gretly how þat þei may performe þinges þat þei had[de] hoped forto done. For why. to wylne schrewednesse þat comeþ parauenture of oure defaute. ¶ But it is lyke to a monstre and a meruaille. ¶ How þat in þe present syȝt of god may ben acheued and performed swiche þinges. as euery felonous man haþ conceyued in hys þouȝt aȝeins innocent. ¶ For whiche þing oon of þi familers not vnskilfully axed þus. ¶ Ȝif god is. whennes comen wikked[e] þinges. and yif god ne is whennes comen goode þinges. but al hadde it ben leueful þat felonous folk þat now desiren þe bloode and þe deeþ of alle goode men. and eke of al þe senat han wilned to gone destroien me. whom þei han seyn alwey batailen and defenden goode men and eke al þe senat. Ȝit hadde I not desserued of þe fadres. þat is to seyne of þe senatours þat þei scholde wilne my destruccioun.

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¶ Þou remembrest wele as I gesse þat whan I wolde don or [fol. 6b] seyn any þing. þou þi self alwey present reweledest me. ¶ At þe citee of verone whan þat þe kyng gredy of comune slauȝter. caste hym to transporten vpon al þe ordre of þe senat. þe gilt of his real maieste of þe whiche gilt þat albyn was accused. wiþ how grete sykernesse of peril to me defended[e] I al þe senat. ¶ Þou wost wel þat I seide soþe. ne I auaunted[e] me neuer in preysyng of my self. ¶ For alwey when any wyȝt resceiueþ preciouse renoun in auauntyng hym self of hys werkes: he amenusiþ þe secre of hys conscience. ¶ But now þou mayst wel seen to what ende I am comen for myne innocence. I receiue peyne of fals felonie in gerdoun of verray vertue. ¶ And what open confessioun of felonie had[de] euer iugis so accordaunt in cruelte. þat is to seyne as myne accusyng haþ. ¶ Þat oþer errour of manswitte or ellyscondicioun of fortune þat is vncerteyne to al mortal folk ne submytted[e] summe of hem. þat is to seyne þat it ne cheyned[e] summe iuge to han pitee or compassioun. ¶ For al þouȝ I had[de] ben accused þat I wolde brenne holy houses. and strangle prestys wiþ wicked swerde. ¶ or þat .I. had[de] grayþed deeþ to alle goode men algatis þe sentence scholde han punysched me present confessed or conuict. ¶ But now I am remewed fro þe Citee of rome almost fyuehundreþ þousand pas. I am wiþ outen defence dampned to proscripcioun and to þe deeþ. for þe studie and bountees þat I haue done to þe senat. ¶ But o wel ben þei worþi of mercye (as who seiþ nay.) þer myȝt[e] neuer

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ȝit non of hem ben conuicte. Of swiche a blame as myn is of swiche trespas myn accusours seyen ful wel þe dignitee. þe wiche dignite for þei wolde derken it wiþ medelyng of some felonye. þei beren me on honde and lieden. þat I hadde polute and defouled my conscience wiþ sacrelege. for couetise of dignite. ¶ And certys þou þi self þat art plaunted in me chacedest oute þe sege of my corage al couetise of mortal þinges. ne sacrilege ne had[de] no leue to han a place in me byforne þine eyen. ¶ For þou drouppedest euery day in myn eeres and in my þouȝt þilk comaundement of pictogoras. þat is to seyne men schal seruen to god. and not to goddes. ¶ Ne it was no couenaunt ne no nede to taken helpe of þe foulest spirites. ¶ I þat þou hast ordeyned or set in syche excellence þat [þou] makedest me lyke to god. and ouer þis þe ryȝt clene secre chaumbre of myn house. þat is to seye my wijf and þe compaignie of myn honeste frendis. and my wyues fadir as wel holy as worþi to ben reuerenced þoruȝ hys owen dedis. defenden me of al suspeccioun of syche blame. ¶ But o malice. ¶ For þei þat accusen me taken of þe philosophie feiþe of so grete blame. ¶ For þei trowen þat .I. haue had affinite to malyfice or enchauntementȝ by cause þat I am replenissed and fulfilled wiþ þi techynges. and enformed of þi maners. ¶ And þus it sufficeþ not only þat þi reuerence ne auayle me not. but ȝif þat þou of þi fre wille raþer be blemissed wiþ myne offensioun. ¶ But certys to þe harmes þat I haue þere bytydeþ ȝit þis encrece of harme. þat þe

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gessinge and þe iugement of myche folk ne loken no þing to þe[de]sertys of þinges but only to þe auenture of fortune. ¶ And iugen þat only swiche þinges ben purueied of god. whiche þat temporel welefulnesse commendiþ. Glosa. ¶ As þus þat yif a wyȝt haue prosperite. he is a good man and worþi to haue þat prosperite. and who so haþ aduersite he is a wikked man. and god haþ forsake hym. and he is worþi to haue þat aduersite. ¶ Þis is þe opinioun of somme folke. and þer of comeþ þat good gessyng. ¶ Fyrste of al þing forsakeþ wrecches certys it greueþ me to þink[e] ryȝt now þe dyuerse sentences þat þe poeple seiþ of me. ¶ And þus moche I seye þat þe laste charge of contrarious fortune is þis. [fol. 7] þat whan þat ony blame is laid vpon a caytif. men wenen þat he haþ deserued þat he suffreþ. ¶ And I þat am put awey from goode men and despoiled from dignitees and defoulid of my name by gessyng haue suffred torment for my goode dedis. ¶ Certys me semeþ þat I se þe felonus couines of wikked men abounden in ioie and in gladnes. ¶ And I se þat euery lorel shapiþ hym to fynde oute newe fraudes forto accusen goode folke. and I se þat goode men ben ouerþrowen for drede of my peril. ¶ and euery luxurious tourmentour dar don alle felonie vnpunissed and ben excited þerto by ȝiftes. and innocentȝ ne ben not oonly despoiled of sykernesse but of defence and þerfore me list to crien to god in þis manere.


Oþou maker of þe whele þat bereþ þe sterres. whiche þat art fastned to þi perdurable chayere. and

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turnest þe heuene wiþ a rauyssyng sweighe and constreinest þe sterres to suffren þi lawe. ¶ So þat þe mone somtyme schynyng wiþ hir ful hornes metyng wiþ alle þe bemes of þe sonne. ¶ Hir broþer hideþ þe sterres þat ben lasse. and somtyme whan þe mone pale wiþ hir derke hornes approcheþ þe sonne. leesith hir lyȝtes. ¶ And þat þe euesterre esperus whiche þat in þe first[e] tyme of þe nyȝt bryngeþ furþe hir colde arysynges comeþ eft aȝeynes hir vsed cours. and is pale by þe morwe at þe rysynge of þe sonne. and is þan cleped lucifer. ¶ Þou restreinest þe day by schorter dwellyng in þe tyme of colde wynter þat makeþ þe leues to falle. ¶ Þou diuidest þe swifte tides of þe nyȝt when þe hote somer is comen. ¶ Þi myȝt attempre[þ] þo variauntȝ sesons of þe ȝere. so þat ȝepherus þe deboneire wynde bringeþ aȝein in þe first[e] somer sesoun þe leues þat þe wynde þat hyȝt[e] boreas haþ reft awey in autumpne. þat is to seyne in þe laste eende of somer. and þe sedes þat þe sterre þat hyȝt arcturus saw ben waxen hey[e] cornes whan þe sterre sirius eschaufeþ hym. ¶ Þere nis no þing vnbounde from hys olde lawe ne forleteþ hym of hys propre estat. ¶ O þou gouernour gouernyng alle þinges by certeyne ende. why refusest þou oonly to gouerne þe werkes of men by dewe manere. ¶ Whi suffrest þou þat slidyng fortune turneþ to grete vtter chaungynges of þinges. so þat anoious peyne þat scholde duelly punisshe felouns punissitȝ innocentȝ. ¶ And folk of wikked[e] maneres sitten in heiȝe chaiers. and anoienge folk

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treden and þat vnryȝtfully in þe nekkes of holy men. ¶ And vertue clere and schynyng naturely is hid in dirke dirkenesses. and þe ryȝtful man beriþ þe blame and þe peyne of þe felowne. ¶ Ne þe forsweryng ne þe fraude couered and kembd wiþ a fals colour ne a-noyeþ not to schrewes. ¶ Þe whiche schrewes whan hem lyst to vsen her strengþe þei reioisen hem to putten vndir hem þe souerayne kynges. whiche þat poeple wiþ[outen] noumbre dreden. ¶ O þou what so euer þou be þat knyttes[t] alle bondes of þinges loke on þise wrecched[e] erþes. we men þat ben nat a foule party but a faire party of so grete a werke we ben turmentid in þe see of fortune. ¶ Þou gouernour wiþdraw and restreyne þe rauyssinge flodes and fastne and forme þise erþes stable wiþ þilke [bonde] wiþ whiche þou gouernest þe heuene þat is so large.


Whan I hadde wiþ a continuel sorwe sobbed or broken out þise þinges sche wiþ hir chere peisible and no þing amoeued. wiþ my compleyntes seide þus. whan I say þe quod sche sorweful and wepyng I wist[e] on-one þat þou were a wrecche and exiled. but I wist[e] neuer how fer þine exile was: ȝif þi tale ne hadde schewed it to me. but certys al be þou fer fro þi contre. þou nart [fol. 7b] nat put out of it. but þou hast fayled of þi weye and gon amys. ¶ and yif þou hast leuer forto wene þan þou be put out of þi contre. þan hast þou put oute þi self raþer þen ony oþer wyȝt haþ. ¶ For no wyȝt but þi self ne myȝt[e] neuer haue don

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þat to þe. ¶ For ȝif þou remembre of what contre þou art born. it nis not gouerned by emperoures. ne by gouernement of multitude. as weren þe contres of hem of athenes. ¶ But o lorde and o kyng and þat is god þat is lorde of þi contree. whiche þat reioiseþ hym of þe dwellyng of hys Citeȝenis. and not forto putte hem in exile. Of þe whiche lorde it is a souerayne fredom to be gouerned by þe bridel of hym and obeie to his iustice. ¶ Hast þou forȝeten þilke ryȝt olde lawe of þi Citee. in þe whiche Citee it is ordeyned and establissed þat what wyȝt þat haþ leuer founden þer inne hys sete or hys house. þen ellys where: he may not be exiled by no ryȝt fro þat place. ¶ For who so þat is contened in-wiþ þe paleis [and the clos] of þilke Citee. þer nis no drede þat he may deserue to ben exiled. ¶ But who þat letteþ þe wille forto enhabit[e] þere. he forleteþ also to deserue to ben Citeȝein of þilke Citee. ¶ So þat I seye þat þe face of þis place ne amoeueþ me nat so myche as þine owen face. Ne .I. ne axe not raþer þe walles of þi librarie apparailled and wrouȝt wiþ yvory and wiþ glas þan after þe sete of þi þouȝt. In whiche I putte nat somtyme bookes. but .I. putte þat þat makeþ bookes worþi of pris or precious þat is to sein þe sentence of my books. ¶ And certeinly of þi decertes by-stowed in commune good. þou hast seid soþe but after þe multitude of þi goode dedys. þou hast seid fewe. and of þe vnhonestee or falsnesse of þinges þat ben opposed aȝeins þe. þou hast remembred þinges þat ben knowe to alle folk. and of þe felonies and fraudes of þine accusours. it semeþ þe haue I-touched it forsoþe ryȝtfully and schortly. ¶ Al myȝten þo

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same þinges bettere and more plentiuousely be couth in þe mouþe of þe poeple þat knoweþ al þis. ¶ Þou hast eke blamed gretly and compleyned of þe wrongful dede of þe senat. ¶ And þou hast sorwed for my blame. and þou hast wepen for þe damage of þi renoune þat is appaired. and þi laste sorwe eschaufed aȝeins fortune and compleinest þat gerdouns ne ben not euenliche ȝolde to þe desertes of folk. and in þe lattre ende of þi woode muse þou priedest þat þilke pees þat gouerneþ þe heuene scholde gouerne þe erþe ¶ But for þat many tribulaciouns of affecciouns han assailed þe. and sorwe and Ire and wepyng todrawen þee dyuersely ¶ As þou art now feble of þouȝt. myȝtyer remedies ne schullen not ȝit touchen þe for whiche we wil[e] vsen somedel lyȝter medicines. So þat þilk[e] passiouns þat ben woxen harde in swellyng by perturbacioun folowyng in to þi þouȝt mowen woxe esy and softe to receyuen þe strenkeþ of a more myȝty and more egre medicine by an esier touchyng.


Whan þat þe heuy sterre of þe cancre eschaufeþ by þe beme of phebus. þat is to seyne whan þat phebus þe sonne is in þe signe of þe Cancre. Who so ȝeueþ þan largely hys sedes to þe feldes þat refuse to receiuen hem. lete hym gon bygyled of trust þat he hadde to hys corn. to acorns or okes. yif þou wilt gadre violettȝ. ne go þou not to þe purper wode whan þe felde chirkynge agriseþ of colde by þe felnesse of þe wynde þat hyȝt aquilon ¶ Yif þou desirest or

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wolt vsen grapes ne seke þou nat wiþ a glotonus hande to streine and presse þe stalkes of þe vine in þe first somer sesoun. for bachus þe god of wyne haþ raþer ȝeuen his ȝiftes to autumpne þe latter ende of somer. ¶ God tokeniþ and assigneþ [fol. 8] þe tymes. ablyng hem to her propre offices. ¶ Ne he ne suffreþ not stoundes whiche þat hym self haþ deuided and constreined to be medeled to gidre ¶ And forþi he þat forleteþ certeyne ordinaunce of doynge by ouerþrowyng wey. he ne haþ no glade issue or ende of hys werkes.


FIrst wolt þou suffre me to touche and assaie þe stat of þi þouȝt by a fewe demaundes. so þat I may vnderstonde what be þe manere of þi curacioun. ¶ Axe me quod .I. atte þi wille what þou wilt. and I schal answere. ¶ Þo saide sche þus. wheþer wenest þou quod sche þat þis worlde be gouerned by foolisshe happes and fortunes. or elles wenest þou þat þer be in it any gouernement of resoun. Certes quod .I. ne trowe not in no manere þat so certeyne þinges scholde be moeued by fortunouse fortune. but I wot wel þat god maker and mayster is gouernour of þis werk. Ne neuer nas ȝit day þat myȝt[e] putte me oute of þe soþenesse of þat sentence. ¶ So is it quod sche. for þe same þing songe þou a lytel here byforne and byweyledest and byweptest. þat only men weren put oute of þe cure of god. ¶ For of alle oþer þinges þou ne doutest nat þat þei nere gouerned by reson. but how (.i. pape.). I wondre gretly certes whi þat þou art seek. siþen þou art put in to so holesom a sentence. but lat vs seken

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depper. I coniecte þat þere lakkeþ I not what. but sey me þis. siþen þat þou ne doutest nat þat þis worlde be gouerned by god ¶ wiþ swycche gouernailes takest þou hede þat it is gouerned. ¶ vnneþ quod .I. knowe .I. þe sentence of þi questioun. so þat I ne may nat ȝit answeren to þi demaundes. ¶ I nas nat deceiued quod sche þat þere ne faileþ sumwhat. by whiche þe maladie of perturbacioun is crept in to þi þouȝt. so as þe strengþe of þe paleys schynyng is open. ¶ But seye me þis remembrest þou ouȝt what is þe ende of þi þinges. whider þat þe entencioun of al kynde tendeþ. ¶ I haue herd told it somtyme quod .I. but drerynesse haþ dulled my memorie. ¶ Certys quod sche þou wost wel whennes þat alle þinges ben comen and proceded. I wot wel quod .I. and ansewered[e] þat god is þe bygynnyng of al. ¶ And how may þis be quod sche þat siþen þou knowest þe bygynnyng of þinges. þat þou ne knowest not what is þe endyng of þinges. but swiche ben þe customes of perturbaciouns. and þis power þei han. þat þei may moeue a man fro hys place. þat is to seyne from þe stablenes and perfeccioun of hys knowyng. but certys þei may not al arace hym ne alyene hym in al. ¶ But I wolde þat þou woldest answere to þis. ¶ Remembrest þou þat þou art a man ¶ Boice. ¶ Whi scholde I nat remembre þat quod .I. Philosophie. ¶ Maiste þou not telle me þan quod sche what þing is a man. ¶ Axest not me quod I. wheþir þat be a resonable best mortel. I wot wel and I confesse wel þat I am it. ¶ Wistest þou neuer ȝit þat þou were ony oþer þing quod she.

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No quod .I. now wot I quod she oþer cause of þi maladie and þat ryȝt grete ¶ Þou hast left forto knowe þi self what þou art. þoruȝ whiche I haue pleynelyche knowen þe cause of þi maladie. or ellis þe entre of recoueryng of þin hele. ¶ Forwhy for þou art confounded wiþ forȝetyng of þi self. forþi sorwest þou þat þou art exiled of þi propre goodes. ¶ And for þou ne wost what is þe ende of þinges. for[þi] demest [þou] þat felonous and wikked men ben myȝty and weleful for þou hast forȝeten by whiche gouernementȝ þe worlde is gouerned. ¶ Forþi wenest þou þat þise mutaciouns of fortune fleten wiþ outen gouernour. þise ben grete causes not oonly to maladie. but certes grete causes to deeþ ¶ But I þanke þe auctour and þe makere of heele þat nature haþ not al forleten þe. and I haue g[r]ete norissinges of þi hele. and þat is þe soþe sentence of gouernaunce of þe worlde. þat þou byleuest þat þe gouernynge of it nis nat subgit ne vnderput to þe folie [fol. 8b] of þise happes auenterouses. but to þe resoun of god ¶ And þer fore doute þe noþing. For of þis litel spark þine heet of lijf schal shine. ¶ But for as muche as it is not tyme ȝitte of fastere remedies ¶ And þe nature of þouȝtes disseiued is þis þat as ofte as þei casten aweye soþe opyniouns: þei cloþen hem in fals[e] opiniouns. [of whichefalseopyniouns] þederknesse of perturbacioun wexeþ vp. þat comfoundeþ þe verray insyȝt. and þat derkenes schal .I. say somwhat to maken þinne and wayk by lyȝt and meenelyche remedies. so þat after þat þe derknes of desseyuynge desyrynges is don awey. þou mow[e] knowe þe schynyng of verray lyȝt.

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ÞE sterres couered wiþ blak[e] cloudes ne mowen geten a doun no lyȝt. Ȝif þe trouble wynde þat hyȝt auster stormynge and walwyng þe see medleþ þe heete þat is to seyne þe boylyng vp from þe botme ¶ Þe wawes þat somtyme weren clere as glas and lyke to þe fair[e] bryȝt[e] dayes wiþstant anon þe syȝtes of men. by þe filþe and ordure þat is resolued. and þe fletyng streme þat royleþ doun dyuersely fro heyȝe mountaignes is arestid and resisted ofte tyme by þe encountrynge of a stoon þat is departid and fallen from some roche. ¶ And forþi yif þou wilt loken and demen soþe wiþ clere lyȝt. and holde þe weye wiþ a ryȝt paþe. ¶ Weyue þou ioie. drif fro þe drede. fleme þou hope. ne lat no sorwe aproche. þat is to sein lat noon of þise four passiouns ouer come þe. or blynde þe. for cloudy and dirke is þilk þouȝt and bounde with bridles. where as þise þinges regnen.



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