Lanfrank's "Science of cirurgie". Edited from the Bodleian Ashmole ms. 1396 (ab. 1380 A.D.) and the British museum Additional ms. 12,056 (ab. 1420 A.D.) by Robert V. Fleischhacker, DR. PHIL. Part I--Text.
Lanfranco, of Milan, 13th cent., Fleischhacker, Robert von.
Page  201
Þe firste chapiter of engendering of humours & þe kindis of hem, & conteyneþ .xviij. chapiters /

Everi enpostym is engendrid of .iiij. humouris, ouþir of water, or of wijnd. & it is impossible for a cirurgian for to kune a cure, but if he knowe þe cause þerof, & þerfore me þouȝte þat it was necessarie for to make a propre chapitre of þe generacioun of humouris*. [De propr. rer., lib. IV., cap. 6, Add. 27,944, fol. 33: "Þise foure humores beþ i-bred in þis manere: whan mete is i-fonge in þe place of seeþinge, þat is þe stomak, first þe more sotil partie & fletinge þerof, þat phisicians clepiþ pthismaria, þat is i-drawe be certeyn veynes to þe lyuore, & þerby þe worchinge of kinde hete it is i-chaungid into þe foure humoures; þe bredinge of hem bigynneþ in þe lyuer, but it endiþ þere atte fulle."] & alle þe propurtees þerof, þat þe redere of þis book mai knowe þe causis of apostyms & þe curis þerof & metis & drinkis þat ben necessarie in þis cause for norisching & augmenting [folio 124b] of þe lymes & for to engendre natural heete / // Whanne þe mete falliþ into a mannes stomac & þou haddist anothamie þerof, þan in þe stomak þe mete is soden, & þan fro þe stomak it goiþ into þe guttis, & þerof þou haddist anothamiam, & þan þe mete goiþ anoon to þe gutt þat is clepid orobum or þe sak. Veynes þat ben clepid miseraice & þere ben manie maners þerof as it is forseid, & þei ben maad fast wiþ þe botme of þe stomac & wiþ þe gutt þat is clepid duodeno, & wiþ þe smal gutt, & wiþ þe gutt þat is clepid ieiunium as it is forseid, & wiþ þese veynes bigynneþ þe .ij. digestioun & beriþ a veyne þat is clepid kilus*. [The translator mistook kilus for the name of the Vein, perhaps in reference to the Vena cava, called Vena chillis by the translators of Arab. medical works, from [gap: 1] .] to þe lyuer, & þat veyne goiþ to þe stomac fro þe lyuer. & þe .iiij. humouris of iiij. substauncis ben engendrid in þis place of digestioun*. [Lat.: Ita in hepate ex chylo veniente a stomacho quatuor humorales substantiæ generantur.] / For þere is engendrid þere a maner spumous substaunce whanne þe digestioun failiþ heete; & þere engendriþ anoþer partie þat is sutil as it were wijn; & þe greet substaunce goiþ adoun & stynkiþ. If þere be engendrid greet fleume [folio 125a] & miche, þat is cause for it quenchiþ þe hete of þe stomac / Also in þe same placis is engendrid a subtil substaunce, & scharp hete worchiþ þeron & gaderiþ him hete & scharpnes, & þis is clepid collera rubea; & if humouris wexiþ to miche, it wole achaufe þe lyuer / & causis of engendring of colre ben hote metis & drinkis &Page  202 traueile & fastyng & stronge saucis // ¶ Also þer is a clene substaunce engendrid þat kyndeli hete worchiþ þeron, & þat is blood. & þe matere herof is good metis & drynkis þat ben swete // ¶ Also þer is engendrid anoþer substaunce þat is sumwhat stynkyng & is clepid malancoli & is engendrid in .ij. maners: oon maner is þis of greet hete þat is brennyng & of greet cooldnes þat wexiþ hard*. [of greet cooldness þat wexiþ hard. Lat. ex frigiditate ingrossante.]; & þe cause herof ben grete metis,*. [grete metis, Lat. cibi grossi.] & metis þat engendriþ malancoli / And þes iiij. humouris Sanguis, Colera, fleumtica & Malancolia, & euery of hem haþ diuers qualitees, for blood is hoot & moist, ffleume coold & moost, Colre hoot & drie, Malancoli coold & drie // ¶ Also of þese humouris [folio 125b] summe ben kindeli & summe ben vnkyndely, & þerfore in þis chapitre we wolen make mencioun of alle, ffor bi gendring of þese humouris enpostyms ben engendrid //

¶ Of fleume þere ben ij. kyndis, oon is natural & þe toþer innatural / Natural fleume is coold & moist & whit, & goiþ sumwhat to swetnes,*. [swetnes, a mistake for whitnes. Lat. ad paucam tendens albedinem. De propr. rer., lib. IV., cap. 9, ibid. fol. 35: "Kyndeliche fleume is coolde & moist, & white in colour, and fletinge in substaunce, a litwhat swete in sauour, oþir al werisch & vnsauoury."] of which lordschipe*. [of which lordshipe, Lat. de cuius dominio.] þer folowiþ a litil wilnyng for to comoun wiþ wymmen, & þe palesie, & [he is]*. [he is, wanting.] pesible, & loueþ wel for to haue reste*. [Ibid., fol. 35 bk.: "a verray fleumatik man is in þe body lustles, heuy & slowȝ, dul of wit & of þouȝt forȝetteful, neissche of fleissche and quauy, blooof colour, whitliche in face, ferdeful of herte, ful of spittinge snyuel & rokeinge, ful of slouthe & of slepinge, & of a litil appetite & of litil þurst."] / Saue þe moost part of fleume is in a mannes brayn, & in hise lungis, & in his stomac, & in hise guttis, & in hise ioynctes. And þe lordschip of fleume is in þe hynder part of a mannes heed, & in þe rigbonys. & fleume doiþ þre profitis, þe .j. is þis: sumtyme a mannes kynde failiþ blood, & þan kinde worchiþ vpon fleume & makiþ blood, & of oþere humouris þis mai not be do / Þe ij. profit of fleume is þis: for fleume goiþ wiþ blood for to norische diuers lymes / Þe .iij. profit of fleume is þis, þat it acoldiþ þe ioynctis & makiþ hem moist, for ellis in greet meuyng þei schulden wexe drie / Of fleume þat is innatural ben .iiij. maners [folio 126a] as: fleume dulce, fleuma acetosum, fleuma ponticum, fleuma salsum // ¶ ffleuma dulce is in .ij. maners. Þe firste manerPage  203 is þis: as whanne fleume is medlid wiþ blood, or as whanne hete worchiþ wiþ fleume to turne it into blood // ¶ ffleuma acetosum is seid in .ij. maners / as whanne ebullitiun*. [ebullitiun, Lat. ebullitio.] comeþ to fleume dulce & makiþ him to rote, & it [is] herto as it bifalliþ in oþere þingis þat ben swete, as to swete winis whanne sournes comeþ þeron it bicomeþ coold, & in þe same manere fleuma acetosum makiþ fleuma dulce coold // ¶ ffleuma salsum is moost drie of alle, & þis is whanne þer is ony part of colre medlid wiþ fleume, þan it is clepid fleuma salsum, for þe hete of þe colre makiþ it salt / ¶ ffleuma vitreum was liquide fleuma, & wiþ cooldnes it is congilid, or sum partie of malancolie is medlid & congiliþ it hard // ¶ Colre sum is natural & sum is innatural / Natural is liȝt & scharp & reed in colour &*. [MS. colour, erroneously inserted.] in substaunce, & þe more hoot þat it is þe more reednes it makiþ / Þanne vertues of colre ben þese / A colerik man schal haue hasti entendement & sotil [folio 126b] of witt, & hardi & hasti þouȝt, & hasti answere, & liȝtly meued to wraþþe*. [De propr. rer., lib. IV., cap. 10, Add. 27,944, fol. 36: "And so colerik men beþ generalliche wraþeful, hardy, vnmeke, liȝt, vnstable, inpetuous; in body long, sklendre & lene; in colour broun, in eer blak and crips, hard and stif; in touche hoot, in puls strong & swift."] / Of colre innatural ben .v. maners, as citrina, [vitellina]*. [vitellina, wanting.], adusta, prassina & eruginosa / Colera citrina is medlid wiþ subtil fleume / Colera vitellina*. [colera vitellina, called ȝellowȝ colera, in De propr. rer. ibid.] is medlid wiþ greet fleume / Colera adusta is in .ij. maners; oon is þis, þat it is to miche brent in*. [MS. & for in.] þe lyuer; þan wiþ þis brennyng þe subtil partie departiþ fro þe grete parties, & in þis maner it takiþ a spice of malancoly // ¶ In anoþer manere, partijs of malancoli þat ben brent, [ben]*. [ben, wanting.] medlid þerwiþ // ¶ And þer is iij. maner of colre adust, & is whanne his blood is adust id est brent as it schal be seid here after // ¶ Þer is anoþer maner of colre þat is clepid prassina,*. [De propr. rer., ibid. fol. 35 b.: "Þe þridde maner of colera hatte prassina, & is grene of colour and bittir scharp as an herbe þat hatte prassium, & marubium, & porrus in latyn."] þat is swiþe bittir // ¶ Eruginosa is lijk þe rust of copur, & þis maner of colre is miche freting & scharp, & G. seiþ þat þis maner colre is engendrid of hoot metis & scharpe as oynouns, garlek, mustard, & oþere mo // ¶ Of malancoli þer ben .ij. maners—as malancoli natural & malancoli innatural / Malancoly þat is naturalPage  204 haþ þese signis / Þe .j. is as it were fecis of blood,*. [De propr. rer., ibid. fol. 36: "Þe kyndeliche malencolie is coole and drye, þat is i-bred in blood as drastes in wyne."] [folio 127a] & her colour is as it were ledi & blac, & her bodi schal be leene & drie, & þei schulen haue good appetit for to ete, & þei schulen haue good mynde for to kepe þingis in her þouȝt, & þei schulen be dredeful & ful of enuye & gile & sorowe & coueitous / Malancolie innatural comeþ of humours brent & corrupt. Of euery of þese humours ben engendrid diuers maners of enpostyms / & euery maner postyme haþ diuers cure as it schal be seid here-after.

A general word of empostyms /

Apostyme haþ manie diuers names of diuers men, for lewid cirurgians*. [lewid cirurgians, Lat. rurales cyrurgici.] seien, þat þer is noon apostym but þat, þat makiþ quytture / Saue I seie, & alle auctouris seien þat eueri swellyng in a lyme, wheþir it be greet or smal, it schal be clepid apostym / For .A. seiþ: litil swellyngis schule be clepid litil apostyms, & grete swellyngis schulen be clepid grete apostyms / Þerfore apostym is seid swellyng in lymes, ouþir inflatioun*. [inflatioun, Lat. inflatio, O.Fr. inflacion. Vigo l. c. "Inflatus, Puffed vp, swellyng."] þat chaungiþ þe lyme oþer þan it schulde be; & þe mater herof comeþ of manie diuers þingis; ouþer it comeþ of humouris, or of watir, [folio 127b] or of wijnd / If it comeþ of humouris, þan it comeþ of blood, ouþer of fleume, or of colre, or of malancolie // Also enpostyms þat cometh of humours: summe comeþ of natural humours, & summe of innatural; & summe of sengle humours, & summe of humouris medlid togidere / And summe enpostyms cometh of causis wiþinneforþ, & summe of causis withoutforth / Þe causis wiþoutforþ is falling ouþer smiting, or of a wounde, or chaunging of eir / Of þe causis wiþinneforþ: as of wickidnes of humours, or to ful of humouris, or to ful of water, or of wijnd / or whanne a man is hurt wiþoutforþ: or wiþ greet hete þat brenneþ, or wiþ greet cooldnes of eir þat constreyneþ, or of greet drienes þat constreineþ, for alle þese causis humouris gaderiþ togidere & makiþ enpostyms // Also if a man falle vpon a stoon or vpon an hard þing, or if a man be smite wiþ a stoon or wiþ a staf, or þoruȝ prickyng of a venimous beest: alle þese þingis moun engendre venimous*. [a venimous, cancelled.] enpostyms / In þis maner þou [folio 128a] schalt knowePage  205 diuers enpostyms of what humouris þei comeþ / If superfluite of blood drawe to a lyme, as is clepid flegmon,*. [Halle. Table, p. 84. " [gap: 1] , id est inflammatio uel collectio, [gap: 1] hoc est a sanguine dicta, written moste commonly hither vnto (with muche rudenes) Flegmon, is properly a symple tumore (as Galen sayeth) and an affecte of the fleshie partes, comming of a greater fluxe of bloude then they nede or can naturally susteyne."] & þes ben þe signes þerof: þe place wole be reed for lijknes of blood, akynge for þe greet replecioun þerof, beting*. [beting, Lat. pulsatio. See N. E. Dict., s. v. beat, 13.] for þe greet depnes of mater, or for greet akynge / He may haue greuaunce of a feuer*. [De propr. rer., lib. VII., cap. 59, Add. 27,944, fol. 97 b.: "And somtyme it comeþ of ventosite & of wind, & hatte bubo; somtyme of a symple humour, as of blood, and hatte flegmon; þe tokenes þerof beþ: rede rednes comeþ of þe colour of blood, hardenesse comeþ of multitude of matiere & of hete þat wastiþ watry matiere, quappinge & lepinge of ventosite & fumosite, schuftynge & puttinge, sore ache of þestrecchinge of þe place; hete comeþ of hote matiere, & swellinge comeþ of multitude of matiere."] / If þe blood be þinne in substaunce & hoot in qualite, þan it makiþ herisipulam. & þis is þe signe þerof, þat in þe hiȝest place þerof, it wole be moost reed and hoot; & if þou leist þi fyngir þeron, & whanne þou remeuyst þi fyngir, þe skyn wole be whit þere þi fyngir was, & anoon it wole bicome reed aȝen, for þe mater þerof is subtil, & þe pacient haþ greet brennyng þerof & akynge // Blood in his owne substaunce is more gretter & makiþ more hete, & makiþ apostym, þat is clepid carbunculus / Þis enpostym comeþ to a man whanne he haþ haboundance of greet blood, & þerfor whanne he is replete of mete, he schulde baþe him or traueile him-silf, þat þe blood miȝte falle out, & for his greetnes & hardnes it mai not be [folio 128b] resolued with hete, & þanne it leueþ in þe skyn & makiþ apostym.*. [26,106, fol. 52 b.: hoc apostema fit cum homo habundat sanguine grosso, et balneatur post ciborum repletionem aut laborat, ita quod sanguis ad extrema movetur et propter suam grossitiem et duritiem non potest a calore resolui remanens in cuti facit apostema.] Þe signes herof ben þes: þe enpostym is hard for þe þiknes of blood, & þe colour þerof is swart reed for þe greet hete, & þe greet heete*. [heete, in margin.] herof makiþ a man sumtime to haue a feuer þerwiþ; & sumtyme it makiþ a man to haue sincopin,*. [Halle. Table, p. 122. "Syncope. [gap: 1] , id est animi deliquium, uel præseps uirium lapsus, that is the defecte of the mynde, or a sodeine slyding away of the strengthe of the body, and commonly called swoundynge."] & þis is speciali whanne þe matere is brent, & in þis maner þe matere þerof is turned into venym /

Page  206Natural colre makiþ herisipulam,*. [De propr. rer., ibid.: "herisipila, þat is holy fure per antifrasim, þat is contrarie spekinge."] & þe signe þerof is hardnes for þe greet drienes of colre. & þe heed of þe enpostym is schape as it were a pyne, for þe grece þat it haþ.*. [Lat. propter igneitatem ipsius.] & þe colour þerof is reed medlid wiþ ȝelow //

An enpostym þat comeþ of fleume, is clepid vdimia*. [vdimia [gap: 1] , tumour.—Vigo, Chirurgery. The Interpretation: "Undimia is a barbarouse terme, in greke it is called oedema, in latin tumor. For it is softe swellynge wythout payne."] or ȝima,*. [Zima. Sinonoma Barth, "Zima est apostema flancorum molle sine dolore." From [gap: 1] , that which is boiled, decoction. De propr. rer., ibid.: "In þe same manere aposteme comeþ of fleume, and hatte zimia oþur palus; for riȝt as in mures and in mareys is moche superfluyte of slyme & of wose, so in þis posteme is moche superfluyte; and if þou þurstist þy fyngre þer vppon, hit dyueþ inne, for þe rennynge matiere wiþdrawiþ & lettiþ þe vingre entre, & þanne in þe myddel is a putte as hit were þe bore of an hole; & whanne þe fingre is aweye, þe matiere comeþ aȝen & filliþ al þe place."] & is a neisch enpostym, & þe colour þerof is sumwhat whiȝt. & if þou pressist in þi fyngir, þer wole leue þere a pitt for þe gret neischenes; & whanne þi fyngir is aweie, it wole arise vp aȝen. Þis enpostym is wiþout akynge, saue it makiþ a greuaunce /

¶ Natural malancoli makiþ an hard enpostym, & is clepid Sclirosis.*. [Add. 16,106, fol. 53: apostema quod vocatur scliros ab aliis sephiros vel sclirosis. Halle. Table, p. 114. "Scirrhus [gap: 1] , id est durities, writen of old Sclirosis, is (as I gat her of Galen in diuers places) a tumore against nature, and an affecte of harde and thicke partes."] & þe signe þerof is hardnes, & þe colour þerof is as þe colour [folio 129a] of malancolie ledi or blac /

Enpostym þat comeþ of blood & watir medlid togidere. Þis is þe signe þerof: if þou settist þeron þi .ij. fyngris of þi .ij. hondis, & first pressist þat oon fyngir & þanne þat oþer, þou schalt fele þe watri mater remeue fro þat oon fyngir to þat oþer //

¶ Þese ben þe differencis of apostyms þat ben symple, þat comeþ of oon matere at oonis; & þese ensaumplis ben schewid tofor, for þou schalt þe bettir knowe enpostyms þat comeþ of double matere //

¶ Þer comeþ an empostym of blood & colre; & if þe more partie be of blood, þan þe enpostym schal be clepid flegmonides; & if þe more partie þerof be of colre, þanne he schal be clepid herisipilades. & þe signes herof þou schalt knowe bi þe signes ofPage  207 þe symple apostyms // ¶ Also blood & fleume natural [ben]*. [ben, wanting.] medlid togidere, & makiþ an enpostym þat is vdimia. & þe signe herof [is]*. [is, wanting.] þat þe heed of þis enpostym is reed, & þat oþere wole be whit*. [Incorrect translation. Add. 26,106, fol. 53: facit apostema quod videtur vdimia, nisi quia in superficie magis rubet.] / ¶ Also blood is medlid wiþ greet fleume & malancolie, & engendriþ glandulas & Scrophulas.*. [Halle. Table, p. 115. "Scrophula (so called by Auicenna, Guidone de Cauliaco, Bruno, Theodorico, Lanfranco, and others a Scropha, a pregnante soowe: because it or the lyke, is a disease common to hogs) is a harde Scirrhous tumore, in the glandules of the share or arme holes, but chiefly in the necke."] ¶ Colre medlid with fleume [folio 129b] makiþ fleume rennyng, & makiþ þat fleume goiþ wiþ him into ioynctis. & herof þou schalt haue a pleyner teching in þe chapitre of ioinctes. ¶ Also greet fleume is medlid with malancoli, & þerof comeþ glandula & Scrophule / Also malancolie & blood, colre & fleume ben medlid alle togidere & makiþ an enpostym þat is clepid antrax; & þe malice þerof is diuers after euery humour. Saue if blood & colre be feruent togidere & malancolie be malicious, þan þere falliþ manie harde þingis þerto, as quaking of þe herte, & sincopis, & out of hise wittis, & sumtyme deeþ. & þe signes herof ben greet hardnes of þe enpostym, & þe schap þerof as it were a pyn, & greet akynge, & sumtyme he schal not fele it. And þerfore .G. seiþ: hote apostyms, if þei be not felid, ben incurable. & veynes þat ben þeron wolen be of diuers colouris, & vpon þe enpostym þere wole be as it were a litil bladdre,*. [Compare Guilelm. de Salic., I. 59. Sl. 277, fol. 11: "In þe antrax .... þer been smale bladdres aboute þe copp of it, as þouȝ fier hadde touched þe place."] & þe colour þerof wole be as aischis, & it semeþ þat it is drawe ynward wiþ a þreed.*. [De propr. rer., lib. 7, cap. 59, Add. 27,944, fol. 93: "And also it semeþ þat hit is i-drawe to þe ground þerof wiþ a maner þrede, i-fastned to þe vttir partye of þe bladder in þe myddel." Not in Gulielm. de Salic.] & þis enpostym is seid contagious.

Of humouris þat ben [in] *. [in, wanting. Lat. De humoribus autem non naturalibus.]natural, þese þingis [folio 130a] folowiþ þerof / Of fleume þat is corrupt cometh Bocia & testudines / Of malancolie comeþ scrophule & glandule, as it is aforseid. & of alle þese þou schalt haue propre chapitris / Of colre þat is brent & of oþere humouris þat ben brent & corrupt þere comeþ manie pustulis, & summe þerof ben ful malicious after þe malice of þe matere / Herof comeþ ignis persicus, miliaris, formica, herpes, herpes estiomenus.Page  208 Ignis persicus is a signe*. [signe, probably mistaken for siknesse. Lat. ignis persicus est egritudo in qua sunt multe pustule.] þat þere ben manie pustule þeron & venymous water. & þe pustule ben reed al aboute & ȝelow, & occupieþ al þe lyme. & it is wiþ greet brennyng. & þis comeþ of colre brent and þinne / Miliaris haþ litil pustulis, & haþ not so greet brennyng, ne þe place þerof is not so reed. & þis comeþ ofte of fleume medlid wiþ a litil colre // ¶ fformica is a pustula þat is swiþe feruent, & haþ a cruste aboue, & it comeþ of colre brent. & þis is goynge & fretiþ þe lyme aboue, & it hath greet brennyng // ¶ Þe firste*. [Lat. Pruna similiter est pustula. The translator read: prima.—Phillips. "Pruna, a burning or live Coal; also a Carbuncle, Plague-sore, or fiery Botch."] is a pustula þat comeþ of malancolie & is blac or ledi, & it comeþ of þe venemous mater of malancoli / [folio 130b] Herpes estiomenus is as miche to seie as fretyng him-silf, & þis comeþ in manie maners / It comeþ in medlyng of colre þat is brent & malancolie innatural & brent & sutil. & whanne þis falliþ into a lyme, it fretiþ þe lyme for þe greet malice þat it haþ // ¶ Also þer is anoþer maner passioun þat haþ manie diuers names, for summen clepen it cancrum, & summen lupum. & men of fraunce clepen it malum nostre domine

* malum nostre domine; This name, given to Erisipelas, is due to the miraculous cures of this disease by intercession of the Holy Virgin. They are first reported by Hugo Farsitus, a canon of Saint Jean des Vignes, in Soissons. In his book, De Miraculis Maria Suessionensis, he relates the miracles, as seen by himself in the year 1128, and mentions several instances where women suffering from a severe skin-disease have been cured by the help of the Holy Virgin. Further account of a plague known under the name "mal des ardents" and of cures by the help of the Holy Virgin, is given by Gautier de Coincy. See G. d. C., ed. Foquet, p. 138.

The same disease is also called fuoco di Sant Antonio. See Tomm. Dict., Maladie S. Antoine (Godefr. Dict.). The Saints Germain, Main, Othoine and Verain, have likewise given their names to the erisipelas. Quinte Ess., 8. 23: "fire of St. Antony, a brennynge sijknes clepid þe fier of helle."

/ And lumbardis clepen it fier of seint antony, & summen clepen it herisipulam. Of alle þese diuers names is no charge of, saue þe signes of þis sijknes ben þese: freting & brennyng & blac colour & stynkynge, & þat riȝt foul stynkyng. & or þe skyn þerof be to-broke, it wole not stynke, saue þe place þerof wole be ledi. & if þou felist þe place wiþ þi fyngir, þou schalt fynde þe fleisch þerof al corrupt // ¶ Cancer is a postym þat is swiþe corrupt. & is in .ij. maners: as cancer vlceratus, & cancer þat is not vlceratus. ¶ A cankre þat is notPage  209 vlceratus is in .ij. maners: oon comeþ of malancolie rotid, & bigynneþ for to wexe in þe mychilnes of a fecche or of a pese. & þanne it [folio 131a] wole wexe alwei in a maner brennynge; & euere as þe matere wexiþ, so wole þe brennyng wexe forþ. & it wole haue veynes of diuers colour. & sum colour þerof wole be ledi, & sum wole be purpur, summe þerof wole be grene. & þan þis is ful of colerik matere corrupt. & it haþ greet akynge, & if þou pressist it with þi fyngir, þe malice þerof wole be miche more / Þis passioun comounly wole wexe in placis þat ben glandule / Þis maner enpostym comeþ ofte in a mannes þies & in a wommans brest & in oþere placis / Cancer vlceratus. Alle þe signes þerof ben tofore seid in his propre chapitre /

Now alle þe signes of enpostyms ben seid, go we to þe curis / Þou must take kepe, wheþer þe enpostym come of causis wiþoutforþ or wiþinne / If þe enpostym comeþ of causis wiþinneforþ, þanne þou must purge þe matere or þou leie þerto ony repercussijf or ony maturatif or ony resoluyng þing / forwhi a repercussijf*. [MS. repercussist.] mai not do awei al þe matere, þouȝ it sumwhat aswage þe akynge in þe firste bigynnyng / neþeles itt makiþ þe matere hard, & aftirward þe patient [folio 131b] schulde haue þe more penaunce / A resoluyng in an vnclene bodi drawiþ more matere þerto þan it resolueþ. ¶ A maturatif makiþ þe enpostym to wexe more, if his bodi be vnpurgid, & makiþ þe matere of þe enpostym feruent / In what maner þou schalt purge diuers maters, in þe chapitre of allopucia þou schalt fynde it, & in þe chapitre de doloribus iuncturarum, þat schal be seid here aftir / Þou schalt worche in enpostyms þat falliþ in a mannes bodi wiþoutforþ. If þou wost wel þat his bodi is replet, þis schal alwei be þin entencioun, for to drawe þe matere awei in þis maner: / If þe enpostym be in a mannes mouþ, þan þou schalt make him no gargarisme;*. [gargarisme, a gargle. Vigo, Chirurgery, Interpretation: "A gargarisme is when we cause water to bubble in our throtes, not sufferynge it to go downe."] & if it be in his ers, þan þou schalt make him no laxatif medicyn / & if it be in a wommans maris,*. [maris, Lat. matrix, O.Fr. marris. Sloane 2463, fol. 194 bk.: "The moder is a skyn, þat þe childe is enclosed in his moder-wombe. And manye of þe sekenesses that women hauen, comen of greuaunces of this moder, that we clepen þe marice."] þan þou schalt ȝeue hir no medicyn for to make menstrue; saue þou schalt alwei go to þe contrarie herof: as if enpostyms be in partijs aboue, þan þou schalt ȝeue catarticum / If þe enpostym be bineþe, þan ȝeuePage  210 him medicyns for to caste. ¶ Whanne þe matere is purgid, þan bigynne we curis of hoot enpostyms / Þou must [folio 132a] be war of repercussiuis in ten maners. ¶ Þe j. cause is þis, if his bodi be replet / as it is aforseid. ¶ Þe .ij. is, greet fume of humours & venymous. ¶ Þe .iij. is gretnes*. [gretnes, grossities.] of humours rotid. ¶ Þe .iiij. cause is, if apostym wexe in a noble lyme as in a mannes eere, or in a wommans tetis, or in þe rigge abouteforþ. ¶ Þe .v. cause is: if þe enpostym be in þe þrote, or nyȝ þe brayn, or in ony place nyȝ þe herte, or nyȝ ony lyme þat norischeth / ¶ Þe .vj. cause is in a child. ¶ Þe .vij. cause is, if it be in an oold man. ¶ Þe .viij. cause is if it be in a man þat risiþ vp of sijknes. ¶ Þe .ix. cause is if it be apostema creticum.*. [creticum, Lat. criticum.] ¶ Þe .x. cause is, if an enpostyme be in a noble membre, & be putt fro þat place to anoþer. ¶ In noon of þese .x. causis, þou schalt make noon repercussif in hote enpostyms as þou schalt fynde þe maner in þe antidotarie of repercussifs / ¶ To enpostyms of blood, þou miȝt do medicyns repercussifs & dissolutiuis sotilly, so þat þe firste bigynnyng*. [þe firste bigynnyng, determination of time denoted by accusative. Add. 10,440, fol. 20: "and be war, þat þe tyme of chaungynge of þis medycyn þou take it not awey with violence."] repercussifs ouercome þe mater of enpostym myche, & in þe stat*. [in þe stat, Lat. in statu. Add. 27,944, fol. 98: "whan þe posteme is in state."] of þe enpostym lasse, & in þe ende þerof þou schalt [folio 132b] vse clene resoluyng þingis / If þou miȝt not wiþ repercussiuis do awei þe enpostym ne resolue him, saue he bigynneþ to quytture, þan þou schalt do þerto medicyns maturatiuis, til it be wel quitturid. ¶ Of repercussiuis resolutiuis maturatiuis & þe manere of worching þerof þou schalt fynde in þe antidotarie. ¶ Whanne þe enpostym is quitturid & sufficiently rotid, þis þou miȝt knowe whanne þe akynge is al aweie, & whanne þe matere is neische þerof, & þan opene þe enpostym, þat þou seest moost competent // Saue or þou opene ony enpostyms, þou must be war of þus manie þinges: ¶ Þe j. is, þou schalt opene noon enpostym or he be perfitli rotid, but if þe enpostym rotid ony oþir lyme, or þat he were nyȝ ony noble lyme, or nyȝ ony ioynct // In oþere causis þou schalt abide til he be perfitli rotid. & in þe kuttyng þou schalt loke where þe skyn is most þinne and moost hangyng, & þere þou schalt opene þe enpostym.*. [Lat.: facias apertionem ubi materia magis dependet, et ubi pellis est magis tenuis.] ¶ Þe .ij. entenciounPage  211 is þis, þat þou schalt be war, whanne þou openest [folio 133a] an enpostym, þat þou hurte no senewe, ne no veine ne noon arterie. ¶ Þe .iij. cause is, þat þou schalt not avoide al þe mater at oon tyme, & principali whanne þer is myche matere, & þe enpostym is greet // ¶ Þe .iiij. is þis, þou schalt alwei opene þe enpostym in endelong þe lyme & not ouerþwert. Whanne þou hast opened þe enpostym, þan þou schalt cure him vp*. [cure him vp. Compare Sloane 277, fol. 1 b.: "be it flesched vp wiþ powdres & oynementes incarnatifes."] as it is aforseid in þe cure of vlcus virulentum. Þan þou schalt fille þe wounde þerof with oold lynnen clooþ þat is whiȝt, anoon to .iij. daies [wiþ] mundificatiuis of ȝelkis of eiren & mele, aftir .iij. daies wiþ vnguentum apostolorum*. [Phillips. "Apostolorum Unguentum, a cleansing Ointment, so call'd, because it is made of twelue Drugs, according to the Number of the Apostles."] & oon of þe mundificatiuis þat schulen be seid in þe antidotarie, & wiþ regendring þingis & drijng þingis. ¶ A colerik enpostym comeþ late to rotyng, but if it be rotid wiþ ony mater leid wiþoutforþ; þou shalt cure þis enpostym in þe same maner as þou schalt enpostyms of blood, saue þis mote haue coldere medicyns / Carbunculis schulen be curid as antrax, & þe cure herof schal be seid herafter. [folio 133b] Vdimia schal not be smiten yn wiþ repercussiuis*. [Lat. vdimia proprie non repercutitur.] saue it schal be waastid awei in þe firste bigynnyng in þis maner. Þou schalt purge him with trocis*. [trocisce, Lat. trociscus. Sloane 277, fol. 1 b. (xvth cent.), "a trosce of þe trosces maad aȝens scrophules." Vigo 1. c. "Trochiscos in Greke is a lyttle whele. Amonge the apothecaries, it is a confection made of sondrye pouders and spices, by the meane of some lyquoure. In latine they call it Pastillum."] de turbit, or wiþ anoþer medicyn þat purgiþ fleume. Þan stewe*. [stewe, Lat. evapora.] þat lyme wiþ a decoccioun of absinthij, abrotane, sticados, & squinanti. & take aischis of a vyne or of an ook, & make þerof lie & wete þerinne lynnen cloþis & leie hem vpon þe place hoot, & binde hem streite þerto þat it hile al þe enpostym, & in þis maner þe matere þerof schal be drawen awei // If it so be þat þere be ony blood medlid þerwiþ, or if þer haþ be leid þerto ony maturatif so þat þe mater þerof be rotid, þan opene it. Whanne it is opened, it mote haue stronger mundificatiuis þan ony oþer for þe hardnes of þe quitture & þe greetnes þerof / Þis is a mollificatif þat rasis made & A. ℞. bdellij, galbani,*. ["Galbanum, a kind of strong scented Gum issuing out of a Plant call'd Fennel-Giant, which grows in Syria." Phillips.] opoponacPage  212 ana, & make hem neische with oile of lilie in a morter, & grinde hem wel togidere. & þan do þerto fenigrecum & lynseed as myche as alle þe oþere & medle hem wel togidere, & herof leie an enplastre vpon an hard enpostym wiþ þis oonly, or medle þerwiþ fatte [folio 134a] figis & leie þis enplastre þerto til it be resolued & maad neische / Þis medicyn makiþ an hard enpostym to bicome neische & resolueþ him wiþout ony swellyng / Þer ben oþere manye medicyns þat ben mollificatif & resoluyng þat þou schalt finde in þe antidotarie // A watri apostym schal be curid as vdimia, saue it schal haue drier medicyns, & þou schalt cure him in þe same maner as it is seid in þe chapitre, whanne a mannes lyme is to gret, for to make it smal // Ventosum apostema, þat is apostym þat is ful of wijnd. Þou schalt cure it wiþ medicyns þat consumeþ wijnd wiþinne & wiþoute / wiþinneforþ as of vsyng of comyn & carui, & he mote be war of growel*. [growel, Lat. legumina. See Prompt. Parv., "Growelle or grewelle, Ligumen."] & metis þat swelliþ; wiþoutforþ wiþ oilis þat consumeþ wijnd, or with þis oile, ℞. rue, cimini, seminis fenicli, anisi, carui, ameos*. [ameos. See N. E. Dict., s. v. ammeos.], apij, ana .[ounce][one half]., cold oile lī. [one half]., do alle þes in a viol of glas, & do þat glas in a vessel wiþ water, & make þe water seþe & kepe wel þe glas þeron þat it breke not, & wiþ þis oile anoynte þe place hoot / Item .℞. calcem and [folio 134b] distempere it wiþ swete wijn, & make þerof as it were an emplastre & leie þervpon / ℞. olii anetini*. [oleum anetinum, oil of Fennel.] .ȝ ij., cere. [ounce][one half]., ysope þat it be drie & poudrid. [ounce] j., & make herof a plastre. ¶ Herisipilades*. [Phillips. "Erysipelatodes, a Swelling like the former [Erysipelas], the Skin being of a darker Colour, and the Symptoms more gentle: a Bastard Erysipelas."] or flegmonides schulen be curid in þe same maner þat ben herisipulam & flegmon / Of glandulis & scrophulis, we wolen speke in her propre chapitre //

¶ Antrax schal be curid wiþ avoiding of noious matere, & wiþ þinges þat comfortiþ þe herte & þe vertu. Neþeles at þe firste bigynnyng her vertu failiþ, & summe þat ben late blood or purgid ben lost / Þerfore manie men ben agast for to lete hem blood or ȝeue hem ony medicyn laxatif / Ech mesel*. [ech mesel, Lat. ego vero. Compare selwylly, Prompt. Parv.] if þe pacient be strong, I wole lete him blood adai, & in þe same nyȝt I wole ȝeue him a medicyn laxatif // Saue herof þou schalt take kepe if he be feble, & his herte quake, & his pous falle, þan it is folie for to lete himPage  213 blood or ȝeue him ony medicyn laxatif, saue take þe cure oonly in goddis hand // ¶ I wole telle an ensample þat bifel in þe citee of mediolanensis þat it mowe be ensample to þee & lernyng / Þer was a man of xxx. wynter oold, [folio 135a] & an antrax come vpon him in þe riȝtside of his necke, & he was so greet woxe aboute his necke & his þrote, & he was so swollen, þat þere was but litil difference bitwixe þe gretnes of hise schuldris & his necke. & neþeles I fond his vertu strong. & I wiste what sijknes it was bi a bladdre þat satt þer vpon, & was in þe riȝtside of his necke, & þat was þe firste bigynnyng of his sijknes / & neþeles þer is manye lechis of greet name þat cowde not knowe þat passioun / Also I lete him blood in boþe his armis, & drowe out blood ynowȝ. & þo I dietide him as a man þat hadde a feuer agu. & amorowe I ȝaf þe colature of fruit of mirabolani citrini,*. [MS. inserts hinc, referring to another chapter.] þe which þou schalt fynde in þe chapitre of allopucia / Vpon þe enpostym þere þe bladdre was, I leide scabiose grounden wiþ grese. I foond neuere bettere medicyns in þis caas þan þese ben / For þe man was al dissolued of his sijknes of þe brennyng & of þe akynge, saue þe place þat was to-swoollen, was not þe lasse, & þe man was not þe more feblid for his laxatif, ne for no medicyn þat he hadde / & on þe morowe I lete him blood in his oon arm, [folio 135b] & ȝaue him a medicyn laxatif in lasse quantite þan I dide raþere, & þan þe swellynge aswagide miche, & in þe place þere þe bl[a]ddre was I fond a maner cruste as it were a þing þat were brent with fier & was of þe brede of iij. ynchis. & wiþinne a fewe daies þe cruste was arerid vp, & þe pacient felide no greet greuaunce. & in þe same place þere þe bladdre was, þere was a deep vlcus. & þoruȝ þe greet hole I siȝ þe þrote & þe gret veines, & I putte yn myn hond / & I ȝaf þe pacient good norisching metis, & I made hool vlcus wiþ mundificatiuis, til he was al hool bi þe help of god //

¶ Pustule þat comeþ of humours corrupt as ignis persicus*. [ignis persicus, Herpes zoster (Dunglison). Phillips: "a Gangrene, it is also taken for a Carbuncle or a fiery Plague Sore."] & miliaris,*. [De propr. rer., lib. VII., cap. 61, Add. 27,944: "amonge auctoures þis euel is i-clepid herpes milii oþer graunlesus, an euel ful of graynes. But swiche bleynes beþ litil and smale as greynes of mylie." Phillips: "Herpes Miliaris, or Pustularis, a sort of yellow Bladders or Wheals, like Millet-Seed, that seize the Skin, cause much itching, and turn to eating Ulcers."] &*. [MS. ¶ instead of &.] fformica*. [MS. ffornica. Vigo Interpret. "Formica is a little excrescence, or outgrowynge in the Skynne, somewhat brode aboute the botome, which when it is scratched causeth as it were the styngynge of an ante, or pismare, and therfore it is also called in greke myrmecia."] schal be purgid wiþ medicyns þat purgiþ colrePage  214 & malancolie. & þat same medicyn schal purge humours þat be brent, as fumus terre, cuscute, lappacium acutum, cene,*. [cene for sene.] absinthium & oþere mo / Also þou schalt voide þe matere wiþ medicyns þat comforten þe herte, & kepiþ þat þe venym ne smite not to þe herte; þan þou schalt cure þe place with þingis þat makiþ cold vpon þe place. & whanne vlcus is þeron þan it is no nede, saue drie it vp as it is aforseid in þe cure [folio 136a] of vlcera. Saue abouteforþ þou schalt leie colde þingis til þe cure be perfitli do / & þere come ony bifalling þerto,*. [Lat. si praua superveniunt accidentia...] þan alwei ȝeue him medicyns for to comforte þe herte, þat ben forseid in antrace // Sumtyme tofore alle þinges pruna*. [Lat.: Aliquando super omnia adiuvat prunam et formicam urere. The translator misunderstood pruna (name of the disease) for pruna (plums). Compare page 208, note 2.] ben good / And formicam þou schalt brenne / fforwhi a cauterie drawiþ out al þe matere þat is corrupt & waastiþ it awei.

¶ Herpes estiomenus*. [Vigo Interpret. "If the substaunce be grosse, and aygre it vlcereth the skynne vnto the fleshe, & is called herpes esthiomenos, that is eatynge or gnawynge herpes."] is curid after þe purgacioun of þe matere, þat þou schalt algatis take hede for to do / if his vertu be strong. & þou schalt algate aboute þe sijknes*. [Lat.: sed ponendo supra locum sanum iuxta ægritudinem defensiuum...] leie a defensif of bole & terra sigillata & oile of ro. & vinegre / Þis defensif, as seiþ .A., & I haue ofte preued it, þis defendiþ eueri lyme fro corrupcioun, & þis wole not suffre þat þe matere schal make noon vlceracioun ne no fretyng. & vpon þe place þat is corrupt & deed, þou schalt leie an hoot iren, & do awei alle þe partis þat ben corrupt. & þis þou myȝt do with a medicyne corosif, saue an hoot iren is bettere / Whanne þe rotid matere is aweie, þanne make clene þe place wiþ a mundificatif of iuys of ache, & do þerto a litil mirre. & whanne þe place is wel clensid, þan do þerto a medicin [folio 136b] for to regendre fleisch, & þanne drie it vp /

Of empostyms of þe heed //

Thowȝ we han maad a general tale of enpostyms, neþeles apostym in eueri lyme haþ diuers curis / Þerfore I wole make to eueryPage  215 enpostym a diuers chapiter // ¶ I seie þat in þe skyn of a mannes heed ben diuers enpostyms / If þere be*. [be, above line.] enpostym þerof sutil fleume, ful of fleume as it schal be seid heraftir in þe chapitre of bocium*. [This passage is corrupt. Lat.: Nam fiunt ibi apostemata a subtili phlegmate vel ab alia phlegmatis specie ut mucilaginosi et pulmosi et est sicut cancerosi bocii erit dictum.] / Þis maner sijknes is engendrid bitwene þe skyn & the fleisch, & it is su[m]what holowȝ, & ben clepid testudines for þe lijknes of a beest þat is clepid so, & ben engendrid of hard fleume, & ben, as it were, hard knottis þat were maad fast to þe scolle, as it were hornis / For I seie a man came to me, & he hadde in his heed vij. suche maner þingis in diuers placis, & summe þerof weren as longe & as scharp as it were a gotis horn or þe lenkþe of a mannes þombe, & þei weren greuous to þe man, & I hadde miche wondre þat þer were noon vlcera in þe skyn / Whanne I siȝ wel þat þei hadden her bigynnynge of þe scolle boon, I [folio 137a] wolde not entermete þerwith of þe cure, & I counseilide him þat he schulde putte him into no mannes cure for to cure him, for it þouȝte to me impossible.

¶ Þe curis of al þe enpostyms in þe heed, ben þese / If it be of neische matere or of rotid matere, þan þou schalt not take hede for to drie it wiþ mollificatiuis, þouȝ I seide so in enpostyms of fleume in þe general chapitre; for þat myȝte schende*. [schende. Lat.: quia sic posset cranium inficere liquida materia.] þe scolle wiþ liquid mater or corrupt matere. & if þe matere þerof is hard, make it neische wiþ maturatiuis, saue lete þou not it rotie to myche. & or it be rotid to miche, opene it in þe maner of a triangle þus; for þis empostym of þe heed for þe gretnes of þe skyn, and for it is ful of pooris, it mai not wel be clensid, but if þe woundis were so miche þat þe mundificatif myȝte come to þe botme. Whanne þe enpostym is kutt in þe forseid maner, þanne avoide þe mater & fille þe place al wiþ pecis wet in oil of rosis, & sugre molten þeron, & alym & leie þis in þe botme þerof til [folio 137b] þe place be wel maad clene. Aftirward wiþ vnguentum apostolorum & oþere þingis þat engendriþ fleisch, cure him as it is forseid in þe cure of vlcers þat ben olde // ¶ Nodus is curid wiþ kuttyng of þe skyn endelongis vpon þe place & drawe him out wiþ alle hise rotis. & if þer leueþ ony rote of him, þan leie þeron þe poudre of affadillorum, or of sumPage  216 liȝt corosif or vnguentum viride, þat þe rotis þerof mowe frete awei þerwiþ; & þan regendre & þan drie it vp // Watir þat is gaderid in children hedis,*. [Hydrocephalus and its cure is treated at some length by most of the ancient physicians. See Paul. Aegineta, ed. Adams, vol. II., p. 250. Our author's description is abridged from Gulielm. de Salic., lib. I., cap. 1.] ouþer it is wiþinne þe scolle or wiþoute þe scolle / If it be withynne þe scole, it semeþ to me so perilous, þat I wole bitake þe cure to god / If þe watir be withoutforþ, it mai be curid wiþ anointing of oile of camomille & solfre grounden togidere; & þanne make him .iij. cauterijs: oon a litil aboue þe forheed, & oon bihinde þe nolle in þe welle*. [welle, Lat. fontinella.] þerof, & oon aboue þe hindere celle. Þese cauterijs wiþ þe forseid anoyntingis drieþ & waastiþ þe matere of þe watir // ¶ Þe water þat comeþ in children hedis, is engendrid in þis manere / whanne [folio 138a] þe maris of a womman is watri, & þe child þat lijþ þerine lijþ foldyng adounward his heed vpon hise knees. & þan þe moisture falliþ adoun & fyndiþ a void place in þe childis heed & entriþ þerinne / & þis passion makiþ a child deed ofte, or he haue ony age for to be holpen /

/ Of enpostyms of þe rootis of a mannes eeris //

Apostyme þat comeþ in a mannes eere or in þe rotis of a mannis eeren. & þis comeþ sumtyme in die cretico, whanne þat a mannes kynde is not so miȝti for to putte out þe gretnes of þe mater bi sote ne bi noon oþer avoiding, & þan kynde worchiþ what it mai, & driueþ þe matere an hiȝ to þe heed & abidiþ in þe rotis of þe eeren, & þere it engendriþ apostym. & in þis place it is perilous, for it is so nyȝ þe heed & veynes & arterijs & neruys / Þis manere enpostym ofte sleeþ a man whanne þe matere comeþ violently // Þe matere of þis enpostym, ouþer it is colre, or blood, or fleume, or malancoli; & alle þe signes herof ben aforseid / Þe cure of [folio 138b] þis enpostym mai not bigynne with repercussiuis, saue it mote bigynne wiþ mitigatiuis, & with þingis þat puttiþ out þe matere / Waische þe place wiþ a decoccioun of camomille soden þerinne / & þanne aftir þat anoynte þe same place with oile of camomille, & þan wete wolle in þe same oile & leie þervpon, & bi no maner leue þou not þat þou leie in his eere oile of bittir almaundis, for it is a greet help // ¶ If þe mater be deep & it be hard for to drawe it out, þan it were good to sette vpon þe place a drie ventosePage  217 for to helpe to drawe out þe matere, & aftir resolue þe matere & leie þerto mitigatiuis for to do awei þe akynge / ¶ If þe matere wole not be resolued in þis maner, saue it bigynneþ to be quitture þeron, þan wiþ tempere maturatiuis þat ben not to hote, make þe enpostym quitture / Whanne þe place is wel rotid abide þou no brekyng of þe enpostym, saue opene þe place sotilly wiþ an instrument þat is competent þerto / & þou muste be wel war þat þou touche no veyne, ne noon arterie, ne no senewe, for þerof miȝt come [folio 139a] myche perel, for þere ben nerues in þe same place, if þei were kutt or prickid, þe pacient miȝte lese his vois for euere / & if þere were ony veyne kutt þerof, þer miȝt come greet perel þerof. & whanne þe place is opened, þan make þe place clene wiþ mundificatiuis, þat schulen be seid in þe antidotarie / & whanne þe place is perfitli clene, þanne make þe fleisch wexe & do þe cure perfitli / For bi yuel curyng in þis place miȝt engendre a festre, þat ofte tyme comeþ of an enpostym /

Apostyms of þe necke and of þe þrote /

Apostyms þat ben in þis place, or it is wiþoutforþ in þe senewis, or in þe braun, or it is wiþinneforþ bi þe place þat a mannes mete goiþ doun, or bi þe þrote, or it is bitwixe þe .ij. placis in a place þat is clepid ismon.*. [ismon. Sinonom. Barth., p. 26, "Ysinon est inter ysofagum et tracheam arteriam." Read Ysmon. From [gap: 1] , neck, narrow passage. See [gap: 1] in Stephanus Thesaur. De propr. rer., lib. V., cap. 24, Add. 27,944, fol. 49 bk.: "& it happiþ þat þis euel matere is somtyme al i-gedred wiþinne þe skynne þat departiþ þe weye of þe breeþ from þe weye of þe mete & drynke, þat hatte isophagus & bredeþ squynancye, þat sleeþ in on day."] & comounli þe enpostyms þat ben in þis place, comeþ of blood, or of fleume, & ful seelden it comeþ of colre, & more lattere of malancoli. Þe humours þat ben in þe cause,*. [See page 194, note 8.] þou schalt knowe bi signes aforseid / If þe matere be in þe braun of the necke wiþoutforþ, þat þou miȝt knowe [folio 139b] bi schewing of þe enpostym wiþoutforþ. & bi þese signes þou schalt knowe whanne þe enpostym is wiþoutforþ, if þer is no letting in ysophagus þere þe mete schulde go adoun, & if wijnd be not stoppid, þan þou miȝt wite wel þat þe enpostym is wiþoutforþ, & also bi þe schewing þat is outward / And if þe enpostym is wiþinne, þan þe pacient schal not swolowe adoun his mete, ne drawe wel his breeþ / If þe enpostym þat is wiþinne swelle greetly, his iȝen wolen swelle þerwiþ, & he schal not suffre his tunge in his mouþ, & he ne schalPage  218 not speke, & þer wole go out miche spume of his mouþ / Þanne summe lechis þat ben hardi wolen putte a smal tree in his þrote & breke þe enpostym, & in þat maner þe pacient mai be delyuered; saue þis maner worching is not sure, for in þis maner manie men dieþ, & þe deeþ comeþ not of þe sijknes, saue it is defaute in þe leche*. [it is defaute in þe leche, Lat. medico imputatur.] / Þis maner sijknes þat is so hid wiþinneforþ, it mai be helid wel in þe bigynnyng in þis maner*. [Much of our author's treatment is borrowed from Avicenna, Lib. III., Fen. 19, Cap. 11, ed. Ven. 1527, fol. 188.] / If þe enpostym be hoot, þou schalt lete him blood in þe veine þat is clepid basilica, & if þe patient haþ had þe [folio 140a] sijknes longe or þou come to him, þan þou schalt lete him blood in þe middil veyne of þe arm þat is clepid mediana, & he schal blede so longe til he swoune almoost, & principali if he be strong & ful of fleisch / In þe .ij. dai þou schalt lete him blood in þe veines vndir þe tunge / & loke þat þou do no þing aftir her counseil þat seien þat in þe firste bigynnyng þou schalt lete him blood in veines vndir þe tunge, & after þat in þe heed veine or in sum oþere place. For in þis manere leting blood, if his bodi were replet, he miȝt liȝtli be achekid// ¶ Whanne þou hast lete him blood as it is aforseid, þan make him a gargarisme wiþ a decoccioun of ro., sumac,*. [sumac, Fr. Sumac; Arab. Summāq. "Sumach or Sumack, a kind of rank-smelling Shrub that bears a black Berry, made use of by Curriers to dress their Leather." Phillips.] balaustiarum, lentium, & gallarum wiþ þe which be distemperid þerwiþ diameron,*. [diameron, [gap: 1] . Vigo Interpretation, "Diamoron, a confection made of mulberries."] or tordis of a sparow, or of an hen, or þe tord of an hound þat etiþ manie boonys & noon oþer mete,*. [By this kind of food the album græcum, the white dung of a dog is produced.] or a childis tord dried while it is soukyng. ¶ Also take an houndis tord þat etiþ oonly boonis & of hennis, satureye*. [satureye, savory. Wr. Wül. 609, 30 (xv), sauereye.] ana, & make þerof poudre & distempere it wiþ water & hony, & make þerof a gargarisme, & he schal drinke water of barley, & he schal no þing ete, saue a þing maad of wheete-bran [folio 140b] in þis maner*. [Lat.: nihilque comedat nisi candarusium factum de furfure in hunc modum. Matth. Sylv.: "Candaros vel candarusium—est ordeum cui non est cortex," from [gap: 1] , grain, groat.] / Take newe bran of whete & caste þeron hoot water & hele it & lete it stonde so an hour, & þanne grinde it in a morter wiþ a pestel & cole it, & þanne seþe it wiþ a litil salt & ȝeue it þePage  219 pacient / & do þeron penidis.*. [penidis, Vigo Interpr. "Penidie are made of the Apothecaries wyth suggre wrethen lyke ropes." Fr. penide; Lat. penidium, from [gap: 1] : spool on which the woof is wound.—Compare diapenidion in Piers the Plowman, ed. Skeat, 1886, II. p. 77, note.] & if he mai not swolowe it adoun, þanne sette a litil ventuse in þe welle of his necke*. [MS. tofore inserted but deleted.] with fier & þan he schal swolowe, & anoynte al his necke tofore & bihinde wiþ oile of camomille. & vpon þe anoyntyng leie wolle vnwaischen,*. [wolle vnwaischen, vn, in margin. Lat. lana succida. Lewis, Latin Dict., gives a reference from App. Apologia: recens lana tonsa succida appellata est.] & make a sutil plastre of a nest of irundinis, & is good for þe squinacie,*. [squinacie, Lat. squinatia, quinsy. See Cathol. Angl., p. 357, note.] & is maad in þis maner / Take a nest of irundinis & boile it longe in watir, & þanne cole it þoruȝ a seue þat þe grete gobetis moun be cast awei / Þan take þe rotis of lilie & seþe hem in oþer water & rotis of bismalue, & þe rote of brionie & leues of malue & bismalue, & violet, & peritorie.*. [peritorie, Lat. parietaria; wall-pellitory.] & whanne þei ben boilid, grinde hem wel, & medle hem wiþ water of irundinum þat is forseid, & do þerto leueyne & mele of fenigreci, & þan do þerto oile or grese, & make herof an enplastre / Þis enplastre is good to resolue enpostym & make it quitture, wheþer [folio 141a] it be wiþinne or wiþoute, & make it abrood upon a clooþ & leie it vpon hoot. & anointing is good wiþ oile of camomille medlid wiþ butter þat it be oold & not salt, & after þe anoyntyng leie þervpon wolle vnwaische // ¶

* The passage from lf. 141, l. 5 till lf. 141, bk., l.8 (p. 220. l. 15), is repeated in lf. 143, with some alterations. The corresponding words from the Latin are quoted to show the independent character of the two versions. l. 18, 19. If þe — — manere] It is good if þe enpostym be wiþinne or þe more partie be withynne, & if it mai not be resolued ne do awei wiþ repercussiuis, þan it is good to vse gargarisms, þat ben maturatifs, maad in þis maner. (Bonum est etiam si apostema fuerit interius, aut maior eius pars, cum tempus prolongatur quod non repercutitur nec resoluitur: vti maturatiuis gargarismatibus ut hoc.) 20, 21. seþe — — cole hem] putte hem in water & seþe hem in water (coque in aqua). 21. or] & medle þerwiþ. 21, 22. medled wiþ butter] & butter & wijn. þat makiþ — — enpostym] þis wole make enpostym þat is withynne in þe þrote maturatif (maturat omne intrinsecum apostema siue in gutture siue in stomacho siue in intestinis fuerit generatum).

1, 2. þe aswaging] cesing. and if] if. 2. schewe] be seen. 3, 4. be — — arterie] be wel war of veynes & arterijs. 4. whanne it is opened] þan. 5. and] om. 6, 8. wiþinneforþ — — galle] al wiþinne & wole not breke wiþ þe gargarism þat is aforseid of butter & figis & water & wijn, þan þou schalt breke him wiþ a medicyn þat haly þe abbot vside as wiþ a gargarism of gallarum. (Si fuerit intra, nec rumpatur: cum gargarismate prædicto de butyro, ficuum aqua et vino rumpatur cum ingenio subtili Haly ab. scilicet cum gargarismate stypticorum sicut decoctionis gallarum.) 9. & seþe — — þerof a gargarism] om. 10. wole breke] brekiþ þe. 11. þan þou schalt bringe out þe mater] drawe out þe quitture. 11, 12. & — butter] & a litil butter þerinne. 12. & make þerof] & herof he schal make. 12, 13. & lete him vse þis gargarism] om. matere be drawe out & þan] quitture be drawen awei after þat. 14. of liquorice — tamarisci] wiþ liquoris & thamarisci soden in watir.

If þe enpostym be wiþinne, it is good þat me leie þerto no repercussiuis, saue vse gargarismis maad in þis manere / ℞, ficus siccas, semen malue, semen lini, seþe þese in water & þan cole hem, & make þerof a gargarisme; or water of figis medlid wiþ butter, þat makiþ maturatif eueri maner enpostym.

Page  220Whanne þe enpostym is rotid; þat þou schalt knowe bi þe aswaging of þe akynge, & if þe enpostym schewe wiþoutforþ, þanne opene it wiþ an instrument, & be war þat þou hurte no senewe, ne no veine, ne noon arterie. & whanne it is opened, make it clene wiþ mundificatiuis þat schulen be seid in þe antidotarie / And if þe enpostym be wiþinneforþ, þan þou schalt not breke it wiþ þis gargarisme þat is aforseid, saue þou schalt make a gargarism þat haly vside / Take galle, acacie, psidiarum, balaustie, aluminis iamini*. [Sinonom. Barth., p. 1, "Alumen iamem, A. scissum, Alimen de pluma, idem."—Matth. Sylv. "Iamen est prouincia Iameni uel Aliamen."] & seþe hem in water & cole it & make [folio 141b] þerof a gargarism, for þis gargarism wole breke enpostym / Whanne þe enpostym is broke, þan þou schalt bringe out þe mater wiþ hoot water, & dissolue þerinne butter & oile of violets, & make þerof a gargarism, & lete him vse þis gargarism til al þe matere be drawe out, & þan after þat make him a gargarism of liquiricie,*. [liquiricie, lycoryce, Pr. Parv., p. 303. See lyquoris in 2nd version.] yreos & tamarisci / If þe matere be coold, þan þou muste vse hottere gargarism, & þan þou muste vse mundificatiuis þat per be þerinne mirre, sarcocolle,*. [Sarcocolla "Is the Gumme or liquore of a tree growyng in Persia." Halle. Table, p. 109.] þat schulen be seid in þe antidotarie in þe chapiter of mundificatiuis. ¶ It falliþ sumtyme þat for reume þat falliþ adoun of a mannis heed, þer wexiþ in þe rote of þe tunge a maner round þing in þe gretnes of an almaunde, & lettiþ a man þat he mai not wel drawe his breeþ ne ete his mete / & in þis maner þou schalt cure him as it is forseid wiþ þingis þat voidiþ þe matere & wiþ resoluynge þingis. ¶ I wole sette in þis place a cure þat bifel in þe citee of mediolanensis of a ladi þat was .L. wynter oold, & hadde a squinacie of fleume þat occupiede al hir necke tofore wiþinne & wiþoute,Page  221 [folio 142a] saue wiþoutforþ þe swelling was moost, & þe womman miȝte not speke, ne swolowe in no mete. & þis womman was vndir þe cure of a ȝong man pat was my scoler, and he cowde not wel fare þerwiþ, & þo he was in dispeir of hir lijf, I was sent after & foond hir in wickide staat,*. [in wickide staat, in statu pessimo.] for sche eet no mete in manye daies tofore, & sche durste not slepe for drede, lest sche schulde be achekid. Þan I tastide hir pous, & it was wondir feble, & I tastide þe place of þe enpostym, & I knewe wel þat sche schulde be raþere achekid þan þe enpostym wolde breke wiþoute or withynne, for þe matere was so greet / & þan I took a rasour, & lokide where þe matere was moost gaderid for to engendre quitture, & it was moost able vndir þe chyn, & I felide þe place wiþ myn hond & tastide it aboute þat I miȝte be war of nerues & arterijs, & þere I made a wounde, & þere I drowe out matere þat was corrupt, & it was foul stynkynge matere, & al miȝte I not avoide anoon. & þo þe pacient hadde bettere hir breeþ, & hir pous was confortid, [folio 142b] for þe lungis miȝte take yn eir, & þerwiþ þe herte was comfortid, & þan I ȝaf hir broþ, & þat ȝede out þoruȝ þe wounde þe moost part. Þo I studiede how I miȝte best do, & I lete make a pipe of siluir, and putte it in at hir mouþ & passide forþere þan þe wounde was, þat it miȝte fulfille þe place of þe þrote. & þan I leide al aboute hir necke mundificatiuis & maturatiuis for to quitture þe toþer deel of þe matere, & so I kepte it til þer come out of þe wounde a greet gobet of viscous matere & stynkyng, & was schape as it were a greet gutt. & þerinne þe firste matere was engendrid, & whanne þis was oute, þe stynking wente awei þerwiþ, & þe womman bigan to be stronger, & whanne þe wounde was maad clene I driede it vp & soudide it; & in þis maner þe pacient was maad hool. ¶ Whanne þou fyndist coold matere rotid in þe forseid placis, þou schalt not abide til þe enpostym breke him-silf, saue þou schalt opene it as it is aforseid / & if it be not rotid, þan make it more maturatif, & opene it as it is aforseid / And þis þou muste wite þat þou miȝte [folio 143a] not abide to longe wiþ þe openyng: for þe herte & þe spiritual lymes ne mowe not longe endure wiþouten eir.

Page  222
/ Of enpostym of subcilio /*. [Lat.: De apostemate sub titillico, id est sub ascellis. The translator made subcilio out of sub ascellis; titillicum, arm-pit, from titillo, tickle.]

This maner of enpostym haþ no nede of repercussiuis for causis þat ben aforseid, saue it is*. [is, above line.] greet nede þat he be avoidid wel wiþ purgaciouns / And if þe enpostym be hoot, þou schalt lete him blood in a veyne þat is clepid vena nigra,*. [Matth. Sylv.: "Nigra uena, purpurea, media communis." V. media = V. mediana.] or in þe veyne þat is clepid basilica in þe arm. & if þe matere be coold, þan avoide þe matere wiþ medicyns maad of turbit or sum oþer medicyn þat falliþ þerfore. & as myche as þou miȝt þou schalt take þerto wiþ medicyns þat haue not to greet drawyng / For if þou leiest þerto þingis þat ben to strong drawing, þan þe enpostym wole wexe þe more / Þerfore þou schalt anoynte him wiþ oile of camomille, & leie þervpon wolle vnwaischen. & his dieting schal be sotil. & if þis suffise not, þan leie vpon a maturatif / & whanne it is rotid þou schalt opene [folio 144a] it, & principali if it be of coold matere. Saue if*. [save if, Lat. hoc saluo, si esset ...] þere be glandule þeron, as it falliþ ofte, & it be not ouir al rotid, as in oon place hard anoþir place neische, þan þou schalt haue þis in certein, þat þis passioun schal be clepid bubo, & þe cure þerof is hard.*. [Lat.: tunc nullam habes viam tutam, quum tunc est bubo, cuius cura est difficilis.] For if þou drawist out þe matere þat is neische,*. [MS. inserts &.] þe matere þat is hard is yuel to defie. & ofte þer comeþ þerof sclirosis or a festre, & it wole make a man yuel disposid & feuerous, as G. seiþ.*. [Lat.: "totum corpus in mala tenet dispositione febris et doloris; tamquam qui ad suam salutem, si nisi unam habuerit viam, ut dicit Galienus velit nolit, per eam, etsi mala fuerit, pertransibit." A more accurate translation of this passage is given in Sl. 2463 (xv. cent.) in a treatise on Surgery compiled from various authors, in which several chapters of Lanfranc's work are embodied. Ib. fol. 110 b.: "And as Galyene scith, he that hath but oone weye to his hele allthouȝe þat weye be nat good, he muste holde hit wille he nylle he."] & þerfore aswage þe akynge & þan make rotyng wiþ maturatiuis; for þe matere þat is rotid wole helpe to rotie þe matere þat is hard. & whanne it is al neische þanne opene it / If it so be þat it breke bi it-silf or it be ful rotid, þan do þerto mundificatiuis, & vpon þe place þat is hard leie maturatiuis, & kepe wel þe place þat is open fro festrynge. Mundificatiuis & maturatiuis þou schalt fynde in þe antidotarie pleynlier.

Page  223
An enpostyme of þe helpers /*. [Lat. De apostematibus adiutorii.]

This enpostym if it be hoot, þan lete him blood in þe arm aforȝens, & not in þe same side in þe veyne þat is clepid basilica, & þan þou muste surely leie þerto repercussiuis, [folio 144b] & if repercussiuis suffisen not, þan resolue it & leie maturatiuis þerto, & þan abide til it be perfitli*. [curid, erased.] quitturid, but if þe matere be so violent þat it were in poynt*. [in poynt, Lat.: nisi materia esset adeo violenta quod esset ad corruptionem membri parata. "And in such poynt the body bileueth." Wright, Popular Treatise, p. 140.—"Engelond & normandie. in god point he broȝte." Rob. of Glouc., 8868. Compare Fr. embonpoint.] to schende þe lyme, þan opene it & be wel war of the braun þat is in þat place / Manie men þat ben vnkunnyng & supposen þat place to be fer fro ony noble lyme,*. [MS. inserts &.] makiþ þeron a deep kuttyng, & supposiþ to haue gret worschip þerof; & manie idiotis wolen preise hem*. [silf, erased. Lat.: & inde laudantur ab aliquibus idiotis.] wel þerfore. & þan þe lacertis þerof ben hurt; & whanne þe lacertis ben soudid aȝen, þan þe lyme þat it seruede fore schal be contract, wherfore þe mannes arm mai be lost in sum partie or in al / Þerfore whanne þou wolt kutte þis enpostym, þou schalt but kutte abouteforþ in þe skyn, & not to depe bi no maner wei for drede of þe braun, & of senewis, & of veynes & arterijs, & whanne þe place is opened, þan leie þerto mundificatiuis. If þe openyng be nyȝ þe elbowe, & þouȝ þe enpostym be moost quitturid, þere be wel war þat þou opene not þe enpostym aboue þe elbowe .iij. fyngris brede, neiþer [folio 145a] wiþinne ne wiþoute. & also nyȝ þe poynt of þe elbowe it is perilous, for it is gret hap if it be euere soudid. & þouȝ it be soudid, þe mouynge of his arme schal be lost. If þer falle ony enpostym in þis place, & it come of greet matere so þat his bodi be replet, þan he mote haue greet avoidyng wiþ laxatiuis, & þan resolue þe matere, and worche as it is aforseid in þe general chapiter. In þe same maner þou schalt cure þe enpostym of his armis & of hise hondis.

¶ Panaricium*. [Vigo Interpret.: "Panaritium is an aposteme about the rootes of the nayles, and it is called in Greke Paronichia; in latyn reduuia." See Dufr. s. v. redubiæ.] is an enpostym þat is in þe heed of a mannes fyngir aboute þe nail / & is swiþe hoot, & greuous, & reed, & ful of fier, & sumtyme it makiþ a man to haue þe feuere, & sumtyme it fretiþ awei al þe poynt of a mannes fyngir / Þe firste cure of þis enpostym is, þat first þou schalt lete him blood, so þat alle þingisPage  224 falle þerfore as elde & strenkþe & custum. & þan þou schalt make him an enplastre of vinegre & opium, & vpon þe plastre þou schalt leie a lynnen clooþ wet in a decoccioun of psillij, or anoynte it wiþ an oynement þat is coold. & in*. [in, above line.] al maner þou schalt [folio 145b] take hede to do awei þe greet hete & saue his fyngir fro corrupcioun / If þe akinge & þe brennynge go not awei in þis maner, & it be in wei for to quitture,*. [in wei for to quitture, Lat. in via maturationis.] þan leie þervpon scabiose grounden wiþ grese & do þe cure þerto, as þou schalt fynde in þe cure of antrax & carbunculis. & enpostyms þat comeþ in ioynctis þou schalt fynde in her propre place of akynge of ioynctes /

Apostym wiþoutforþ aboute þe spaudis and þe gibbositees*. [Gibbositas, tumour. Dufr. Gloss.—"Gibbosity, a bunching or standing out of any part, especially of the Back."—Phillips.] //

Apostym þat comeþ aboute the spaudlis wiþoutforþ, leie þou noon repercussif þerto, saue it is better to drawe þe matere outward. First þou schalt purge him, for it is greet nede in þis place, & þan þou schalt leie þerto resoluinge þingis & maturatiuis; & whanne þe enpostym is rotid þou schalt not abide, to it breke it-silf,*. [Lat.: non expecta crepationem per se.] & principali in a coold cause, saue þou schalt opene þe enpostym & drawe out þe quitture, & þan þou schalt leie þerto mundificatiuis, & fulfille þe cure as it is aforseid / In þis place þou schalt take [folio 146a] hede þat ofte tyme whanne þe enpostym is quitturid & is not opened wiþoutforþ, þan it brekiþ inward bitwene þe .ij. ribbis, & whanne it is to-broke, þe pacient feliþ but litil greuaunce þerof, & þan þe quitture leueþ wiþinne, & in long tyme herof comeþ a festre. Þerfore þou schalt not abide til it breke it-silf outward, saue þou schalt opene it whanne it is quitturid, & þan leie þerto mundificatiuis & cure it vp, as it is aforseid in oþere enpostyms / ¶ If it so be þat þere engendre a festre þeron, or it be maad clene & entre inward, þan he mote vse waischingis þat ben mundificatif, & caste it in wiþ an instrument maad in þe maner of a clisterie. & if þe hole þerof be streit wiþoutforþ, þan þou schalt putt yn a tente of þe piþ of eldre, or of a sponge, or of malum terre,*. ["Malum terre, ciclamen, panis porcinus id. ge dilnote and erthenote." Alphita, p. 107. mal. t.=galluc. Wr. Wü., 133. 20.] orPage  225 brionie, or gencian, & putte into þe hole of þe festre. & þis wole make þe hole of þe festre to wexe more wide þan it was, þat þe ende of þe instrument mowe be putt þat schal be schape in þe maner of [folio 146b] a clisterie. & þanne þou schalt seþe hony & mirre in watir, so þat þer be .x. partis of water, & of hony .ij. partis, & of mirre .ij. partis, & if þou doist þerto ysope & sauge, it wole be þe bettir / Sumtyme it is good for to do wijn in þe stide of watir, & principali if þe place be wiþouten ony hete. & þis decoccioun þou schalt caste into þe festre wiþ an instrument as it is aforseid, & make þat þe pacient turne hidir & þidir, vpward & dounward, þat it mowe waische wel þe place þere þe quitture is. & þan make þe patient turne & ligge vpon þe hole of þe festre, & make him cowȝe þat al þe quitture mai goon out wiþ þe decoccioun. & whanne it is al oute, þan þou schalt make him a tent & anoynte it in oile þat þe wounde close not togidere. & þus þou schalt worche, til þou se þe waisching come out of þe festre withoute ony quitture. & whanne þe festre is al clene, þan þou schalt fulfille þe cure with oynementis þat wolen regendre fleisch & fulfille þe cure as it is aforseid / If it so be þat þe wei of þe festre þat goiþ in & out [folio 147a] be bicome hard & callous so þat it be a verri festre, þan þou muste hete an hoot yren þat it be as greet as þe hole of þe festre & brenne al þe hardnes þerof, & aftirward make þe cruste falle awei with buttir & oþere þingis, & þanne make it clene, & þan drie it & soude it.

¶ Also it bifalliþ þat children han grete bocchis in her brest, & þat comeþ of cowȝinge þat puttiþ out þe matere, & also it comeþ of greet wynd þat puttiþ out þe matere / Þe cure herof in þe firste bigynnyng is in þis maner for to aswage cowȝing, as almaundis grounden wiþ penidis & temperid with a decoccioun of fenel, & þis he schal vse / Also take swete almaundis .ij. partis, dragaganti,*. [Vigo Interpr.: "Dragagantum. Tragacantha is a brode. & a woddy rote appearyng about the earth, wher-oute manye lowe braunches sprynge, spreading themselues al about. There cleaueth to thys rote, a gummy liquour of a bright colour, & somwhat swete in tast, which they cal commenly dragagantum."] semen citoniorum*. [citonium = Cotonea malus, Cydonea, "Quince." Wr. Wü., 13, 19. "Citonium, goodaepel."] ana, oon parti, Iulip quod sufficit. & make herof a souping medicyn,*. [a souping medicyn, Lat. medicina sorbilis.] þat it be as þicke as hony. & whanne þe cowȝinge is aswagid, þan make him a baþ wiþ rotis of altea, &Page  226 leues of malue, & fenigrec, & lyne seed soden in watir, & þis schal be cast vpon þe enpostym wiþ a vessel holden an hiȝe þere from / Þanne aftirward þou schalt [folio 147b] dissolue þe matere & make it neische with medycyns þat ben forseid in hard enpostyms, & þan cure it vp as it is aforseid in þe enpostyms of wijnd. ¶ A greet boch þat comeþ of þe passioun of þe riggeboon, whanne þei ben of þe ioynct, is incurable whanne it is confermed /

Of an enpostym apperinge in þe mouþ of þe stomac /

Whanne þere schewiþ an enpostym in þe mouþ of þe stomac & aboute þe regioun of þe lyuer & of þe splene: þouȝ summen wollen take hede to þe contrarie, bi my general rule*. [rule, above line.] it is good & profitable to comforte þe place wiþ oile of mastic, & oile of spica, & oile of lilie, & wiþ cold enplastris of rosis, & of absinthio, squinanto, cipero, citonijs wiþ mele of barli & oþere þingis. & þou schalt be wel war of repercussiuis, whanne þe enpostym is nyȝ ony principal lyme, saue þou schalt leie þerto resoluyng & maturatif þingis. & loke þat þei be not medlid wiþ no þingis þat ben repercussif; for if þou leidist repercussiuis vpon þe stomak, or [folio 148a] þe lyuere, or þe splene, þei wolde be enfeblid þerwiþ, & to al þe accioun of þe bodi wolde be enpeirid; for þese lymes serueþ principaly for to norische al þe bodi / Þerfore þou schalt not vse in þis caas pure maturatiuis, ne pure repercussiuis, ne colde þingis / What schalt þou do in þis caas? Þou schalt avoide þe matere, & þou schalt comforte þe place with stiptikis, & tempere attractiuis, & do awei þe matere. & if þou miȝt not, þan resolue þe matere, for it is greet perel*. [perel, above line.] of þis enpostym, for it wole liȝtli turne in to selirosym, & þan it wole be hard to resolue, & aftirward it wole be cause of þe dropesie / Þerfore if þou seest*. [seest, in margin.] þat þe enpostym bicome hard, þan þou muste leie þerto mollificatiuis & wiþ comfortatiuis. & þou muste be in þis caas ful wijs. & whanne þe enpostym is maturid, þan opene it as it is aforseid, & leie þerto mundificatiuis & cure vp þe enpostym as it is aforseid.

// Of an enpostym þat comeþ in iguine .id est þe gryndis

Apostym comeþ often time in iguine for vlcera of þe ȝerde & of þe feet, for [folio 148b] þe place is discending adoun of humours to þatPage  227 place,*. [Lat.: Sæpe prouenit apostema in inguine propter vlcera virgæ et pedum: propterea quod locus est descensus humorum ad illa loca. The translator mistook "descensus" sb. for descensus part.] & þan it is not so greet drede*. [drede, above line.] þerof.*. [Compare Guiliel. de Salic. I. 42. Sl. 277, fol. 5 b.: "This seeknesse is cleped bubo or draguncell,or aposteme of þe grynde, & it is maad as oftest of cold matere whiche is cast out of þe lyuere to þoo places, & oþerwhile it is hoot. It is maad also, when a man is seek in his ȝerde for filþehede of wommen or of oþer cause."] Saf if his bodi be ful of wickid humours, þan it is greet drede þerof / þis matere þou muste resolue in þis maner. Take oile of camomille & anointe þerwiþ þe enpostym, & leie þervpon wolle vnwaische, & if it resolue not in þis maner, þan leie þerto maturatiuis, as it is aforseide. ¶ If þe matere be hoot, þan lete him blood in þe veyne þat is clepid sophena. & þou schalt sotille*. [sotille, Lat. attenuare. O.Fr. soutilier. Compare sotilen with the abstract meaning, "argue subtly."—Piers the Plowman, ed. Skeat, Gloss.] his dieting, & leie þerto resoluyng þingis þat ben not to strong, & þat þei drawe not to harde. & whanne þe cours of humours ceessiþ, þan leie þerto stronge resoluyng þingis. & in þis caas þis is good þerfore: lie of askis & of vryne, & wete þerinne stupis & leie vpon þe enpostym, for þis makiþ maturatif & waastiþ it sotilly & drieþ it / If þou myȝt not resolue it, þan leie þerto maturatiuis & opene it, & þan leie þerto mundificatiuis & hele it vp as it is aforseid /

Of an enpostym of þe haunche & of þe cox.

In þis place ofte tyme engendriþ an enpostym, & þou schalt fynde [folio 149a] þere þe curis þerof in þe chapitre of dolour of ioynctis; saue if þe enpostym be without þe haunche in þe hipe, or in þe leg, or in þe foot, þan þou schalt do þerto þe same cure þat is aforseid in þe enpostyms of þe arm. Saf herof þou schalt take kepe, þat oftetymes an enpostym gaderiþ in a mannes hipe al wiþinne in þe depnes of it, þat a leche schal not knowe it, but if he be þe more wijs / Þerfor ypo[cras] seiþ: in placis þere enpostym is, and þe quitture schewe not out, it is perilous / Þerfor þou muste taste it wiþ þi fyngris, & loke where it is moost maturid, & opene it, and drawe out þe quitture, þan leie þerto mundificatiuis, & þan fulfille þe cure as it is aforseid /

Page  228
Apostym of þe ȝerde & ballokis /

Riȝt as enpostyms comeþ in oþere lymes, riȝt so þei comen in a mannes ȝerde & in hise ballokis, of humours hoot or cold, as bi þese signes þou miȝt knowe. Sumtyme a mannes ȝerde swelliþ with wynd, þat þou miȝt knowe bi enpostyms of wynd þat ben aforseid. & it falliþ ofte to ȝonge children,*. [Add. 26,106, fol. 59 b.: accidit quibusdam iuvenibus calidis.] & also þis enpostym þou miȝt knowe [folio 149b] in þis maner, if þe place be hard & heuy & þer is no difference bitwixe þe colour herof & of þat oþer partie of his bodi.

¶ In an hoot enpostym of þe ȝerde or of þe ballokis, þou schalt lete him blood in a veyne þat is clepid basilica in þe same side, & in þe .ij. dai lete him blood in þe sophene / Also þou schalt forbede him wijn & fleisch & al maner swete metis þat engendriþ blood or colre. Þan þou schalt leie þerto medecyns to putt awei þe mater, þat ben maad in þis maner. ℞, cortices granatorum, rosas siccas, & lentes & seþe hem in water til þei dissolue, & þan grinde hem in a morter wiþ oile of roses & a litil vinegre, & make herof an enplastre & leie it þeron hoot / Also take succi portulace siluestris, & olium rosarum & a litil vinegre, & wete heryn a lynnen clooþ & leie it aboute þe ȝerde & hise ballokis / Whanne þe cours of þe mater ceessiþ, þan do þerto mele of barly & of benis, or distempere þese wiþ þe ȝelke of an ey & wiþ iuys of morel & oile of roses, & leie þeron. & whanne þe enpostym goiþ awey, þan leie þeron enplastre of mele of benis [folio 150a] & of fenigrec & camomille distemperid with gotis talow / If þis enpostym gadere quitture & vlcera, þan cure it as þou schalt fynde in þe chapitre of vlcers of þe ȝerde.

¶ A coold empostym þat is in þe ballokis schal be curid wiþ anoynting of þe matere wiþ medicyns or wiþ scharpe suppositorijs; for þis drawiþ þe mater fro þe ballokis / If it be so þat þe enpostym be woxen hard in þe ballokis, þan leie þerto þis enplastre þat I haue ofte preued / Take bran of whete & grinde it wel in a morter til it bicome al poudre, & þan distempere it wiþ oximel maad of .ij. partis of vinegre & oon partie of hony, & dissolue þerinne gum armoniac & make herof an enplastre & leie it on hoot, & þis schal be remeued ofte. Þis is auicens medicyns.

¶ If a mannes ȝerde be swollen wiþ wijnd & þe cause be hoot, þan lete him blood; if it be coold, þan leie þerto enplastris, & in þis caas among alle opere þingis þis is good / Take oile of roses iiij.Page  229 partis, of wex o part, melte hem togidere & þan waische hem in coold water til it bicome as it were a whit oynement, & herwiþ [folio 150b] anoynte þe place / If it be hoot, þan þou schalt make him caste, & þou schalt ȝeue him agnus castus,*. [Besides the names given in N. E. Dict., s. v. Agnus castus, there are: "Agnus castus, frutex est, i. bischopeswort." Sinon. Barth., p. 1. "A. c., toutsayne." Wr. Wü. p. 562, 24 (xvth cent.). "Chastlambe" in Maplet. A greene Forest, fol. 39. De Propr. Rer. (Add. MS. 27944, fol. 216a): "Agnus Castus is an herbe hoot and dryue and haþ vertu to kepe men & wommen chaste a plinius seiþ. ¶ Þerfore wommen of Rome vsede to bere wiþ hem þe fruyt of þis herbe in dyrige and service for dede men, whanne þey moste nedes lyve chaste for comyn honestee. ¶ Þis herbe is alway grene as dyascorides seiþ, and platearius also, and þe flour þerof is nameliche y-cleped agnus castus."] & seed of rue & comyn & anise & oþere þingis þat waastiþ wijnd, & make an enplaster of þese þingis þat distrieþ wijnd / ¶ An enplaster þat gilbert made for swellyng of a mannes ȝerde & it is mitigatif .℞, crummis of whit breed & grinde hem in a morter & tempere hem wiþ watir, & þan boile hem til þei bicome þicke, & do þerto a litil oile & a litil hony, & þan boile hem togidere & leie it vpon hoot // If a mannes ȝerde be swollen wiþ hete of liggyng bi a womman, þus þou schalt helpe him / Take leues of wiþi & seþe hem in water & baþe his ȝerde herynne & binde þerto þe leues // Also seþe lynseed & leues of malue & grynde hem togidere & make herof a plastre /

The cure of scrophularum & glandulum /*. [Sl. 2463, f. 97 (see p. 222, note 8): "Because þat þe cure of scrophules & glaundules, as who seith, is bothe oone, but þer is a difference be as moche as scrophules ben for þe more partie of malancolye ..."]

Cure of glandularum & scrophularum is almoost oon, saue herof is a difference / Scrophule comeþ þe moost part of malancoli & ben worse to dissolue. & glandule comeþ þe most part of fleume, & ben liȝter to resolue / In boþe causis it is [folio 151a] necessarie to purge þe matere. & þe medicyn laxatijf maad of turbit is good þerfore þat is aforseid in þe chapitre of allopucia, or in þis maner as .A. makiþ it / ℞ turbit zinzi,*. [MS. ZZ.] zucare .ȝ .ij, & ȝeue þis ofte, or trociscus de turbit maad wiþ diarubarbe, & þou must sotile his dietyng, & he schal not ete to miche, & he schal drinke no water, & he schal holde his heed an hiȝ, & he schal kepe him fro wepinge, & he schal not, whanne he is ful, slepe anoon þervpon, & þou schalt anoynte þe place with oile of camomille, & wiþ oile ofPage  230 lilie, & wiþ þis oile þat is apreued / ℞, radices electerij,*. [Lat. elaterium, [gap: 1] . Alphita, p. 53, "Elacterium succus eueurbite agrestis idem. sed electerides sunt cucumeres agrestes tam fructus eorum quam ipsa herba." Vigo Interpr.: "Elaterium is the iuice of a wild cocomber."] radices malue visci,*. [malua viscum = Althæa officinalis, marsh-mallow.] & kutte hem smal & leie hem in oold oile of oliuarum & do hem in a vessel of glas, & sette þis glas in a vessel of water, & make þe water to seþe, & be war þat þou saue þe glas fro breking. & wiþ þis oile anointe him, & þan leie þeron wolle vnwaische / And if þis suffise not, make him a plastre of gotis tordis & oximel, or quik lyme & swynys grese þat it be freisch / & oold,*. [Some words omitted. Lat.: cum axungia porcina, sine sale antiquo.] or þis medicyne / ℞ staphisacre, seminis-lini,*. [MS. staphisacre seminis. nitri.] farini orobi, resine [folio 151b] albe & make herwiþ an enplastre wiþ ole & vinegre / Also anoþer þat is swiþe good. Take radices lilij, & seminis lini, ana,*. [partes æquales om.] boile hem in wijn til þei dissolue, & þan do þerto of culuer tordis & make it a þicke plastre, & þou schalt putte þerto culuer toordis more or lesse as þou seest þat þe mater resolueþ more or lesse, as þou seest þat it nediþ. ¶ Also diaculon*. ["Diachylon, a Plaister made of the Mucilages or pappy Juice of certain Fruits, Seeds, and Roots, whose Office is to ripen and soften." Phillips.] rasis, & diaculon Iohannes Mesue þat schulen be seid in þe antidotarie, ben good for to resolue scrophulas / Whanne þou resoluest þe mater & sum þerof goiþ awei, & sum þerof leueþ hard, þan þou schalt do þerto sumtyme mollificatiuis & sumtyme resoluyng þingis //

¶ Glandule & scrophule ben parti of douce fleume or of blood; it is ful hard to make hem clene, for sum partie þerof wole leue hard & wole not bicome maturatif. Þou schalt [not]*. [not om. Lat.: Non ergo festines in earum apertura.] haste to opene hem saue þou schalt leue if þou miȝt, til it be al rotid, & þan open it & leie þerto mundificatiuis / & in þis place it is good to leie þerto vnguentum apostolorum & poudre of affodille & oþere liȝt corosiuis. & þou schalt in no maner leie þerto realgar,*. [realgar, Arab. See Skeat, Et. Dict. Alphita, p. 156, Realgar vel risalgar est uena terre." Vigo Interpret., "Realgar is made of brymstone, vnslaked lyme, and orpigmente. It kylleth rattes."] ne noon violent [folio 152a] þingis, & leie þeron a mundificatif in which be medlid rotis of lilie wel soden, for þis mundificatif makiþ clene & also quitturiþ þe remenaunt of þe matere / Þou must take greet diligence for to make clene glandulas & scrophulas, for þei ben ful hardPage  231 to make clene, & ofte þer engendriþ þerof festris / ¶ If þou desirist to cure glandulas & scrophulas wiþ kuttyng, loke wher glandula or scrophula be neische, & be war of veynes & senewis, & loke þat þer be no veine þere nyȝ. Þan take him vp wiþ þi lift hond & drawe him vp as hiȝe as þou miȝt & kutte þe skyn endelongis þe necke, & be war þou touche not þe clooþ þat he is folde þerinne, & þane score*. [score. Lat. discarnare.] him & drawe him out al hool with þe clooþ, & if þer leue ony þing þerof, caste þeron poudre of affodille or sum oþer liȝt corosif, & þanne regendre fleisch & soude it vp / If it so be þat glandula or scrophula be closid with veynes or wiþ arterijs, þan kutte him not in no maner, for þer miȝt come greet perel þerof.*. [Sl. 2463, fol. 98: "But if þe glandule or þe scrofule be intrikes with veynes, arteries oþer synewes, so þat þei cleue oþer be faste knytte to hem, for nothing þou schall nyȝe hem nother with Iren noþer with noone other corosyue medecyne."]

// Þe cure of þe cancre not vlcerid & his cure /

Causis & difference þou hast herd of a cankre [folio 152b] & in what maner þou schalt cure cancrum þat is not vlceratus / Rasis seiþ, & it is sooþ, & I haue seen ofte tyme, þat whanne ony mantouchiþ a cancre wiþ iren or wiþ ony medicyn corrosif, but if þei kutte him awey clene wiþ alle his rotis, ellis þei makiþ þat þe cancer is vlceratus / & for to make a cancre vlceratum, it ne falliþ for no goodnes, saue it makiþ þe patient haste þe fastere to his deeþ, & schortiþ his lijf & bringiþ him in turment // ¶ Þerfore if a cancre be in a place þat he mai be kutt awei wiþ alle hise rotis, whanne he is kutt awei, þan þou schalt brenne þe place wiþ an hoot iren or wiþ gold, & þan þou schalt fulfille þe cure as it is aforseid in þe chapitre of a cancre þat is vlceratus.*. [A different opinion is expressed in Sl. 2463, fol. 115: "The cure of þe canker is done in two maners. The tone cure is for to kutte away all þe membre þat þe canker is inne, with all þe syknesse; and þis is an yuell cure and may be done, but it is not plesaunt." Ibid., fol. 115 b.: "And yf þer be noon oþer remedie but for to cutte hit away with alle þe rotes, me thenkith hit is more honest to leue hit þanne to do hit."] ¶ If it so be þat þe cancre be perfit & greet, þan þou schalt touche him wiþ noon iren ne wiþ no medicyn corrosif, saue þou schalt kepe þe patient wiþ good dieting, & he schal ofte tymes haue medicyns for to purge malancolie wiþ gootis whey & with epithimo, & sumtyme lete him blood, & þou schalt anoynte þe place wiþ vnguentum rasisPage  232 de thutia, þat is [folio 153a] *. [In later hand at the bottom of the page: contra ffetorem cancri. ℞ pulueris corticis quercus ffarine sileginis ana succi appii mell ana succus & amp; mell inspissentur decoque super ynguem cum puluere ffarina. Item decoque puluerem corticis quersini in aqua et inde tepide laua canserem a ffetore paliando.]aforseid in cura cancri vlcerati. & þou schalt leie þeron colde leues, & alwei þis schal be þin entencioun, for to kepe þat þe cancre wexe not ne rotie not / I haue seen ful manye lechis þat hadden greet name in cirurgie þat founden cancris in men, and wexe not, & þe cancris were not vlcerati & miȝte ful long tyme haue lyued if he hadde be kept aftir my teching in þis book; saue vnkunnyng cirurgians weneþ þat in kutting of a cancre þei schulde finde quitture & ben disseyued, & so disseyuen hem-silf & also þe patient, & þan whanne þei han kutt þei fynde nouȝt saue fleisch corrupt wiþout quitture in þe maner of a sponge, wherfore þe lippis of þe wounde wole come aȝen worse þan þei were tofore & more stynking. & wiþ þe greet stynkinge þe spirit is schent, & makiþ þe patient þe raþere drawe toward þe deeþ / & if þe cancre were not vlceratus þe patient miȝte lyue longe þerwith.

Bocium þat comeþ of humours corrupt.

Bocium is a postym þat comeþ of humours, & principali it is engendrid of fleume corrupt / Sumtyme it comeþ of [folio 153b] hote enpostyms, as whanne þei ben rotid & not opened. & þouȝ þe subtil mater be drawen out, þat oþere part bicomeþ hard & leueþ þere longe tyme / & sumtyme a rume*. [rume, rheum, O.Fr. reume.] falliþ adoun of his heed into his necke & makiþ þe matere wexe more / Þis maner enpostym haþ manie diuers signes / Sum maner þerof is lijk as it were cley, & summe is lijk schellis. Summe is as it were chese, & summe is as it were drastis of oile, & so þis enpostym in his corrupcioun takiþ manie diuers colouris /

Þis enpostym schal be helid wiþ drawynge þingis & wastynge þat schulen be taken bi þe mouþ & leid to wiþoutforþ / Þou schalt ȝeue him bi þe mouþ a medicyn for to purge fleume, & þan þou schalt ȝeue him a medicyn for to waaste þe matere & is maad in þis maner / ℞ paruam plantam nucis a terra cum suis radicibus extirpatam id est take a litil plauntein of a note & take it vp of þe ground wiþ alle hise rotis, & grynde it wiþ greynes of peper, so þat if þer be of þe notis .[ounce] iiij., þan do þerto of peper [ounce] j, & þis þou schalt boilePage  233 in a quart of wyn [folio 154a] of paris til it come to þe half, & þanne cole it, & herof þe patient schal take euery dai [ounce] ij. // ¶ Enplastris þat wastiþ ben enplastris þat enpostyms of fleume be wastid þerwith / If þou desirist for to cure it wiþ kuttyng, þan þou must loke, wher þe matere þat is wiþinne be neische or hard. & wher it be among veynes & arterijs, þou schalt touche it wiþ noon iren in no maner / If it so be þat þe mater be neische & if þou miȝte kutte it for perels þat ben forseid, þan kutte it & drawe out þe mater, & leie þerto mundificatiuis, & alle þingis as it is aforseid in þe general chapitre / If þe mater be hard & þe enpostym be hangynge & be fro veynes & arterijs, þan kutte þe skyn endelongis aboue, & be war þat þou touche not þe bagge þat bocium sittiþ þeron & scarre*. [scarre. Lat. scarnare.] it al abouteforþ & drawe him out with al his skyn. & if þer leue þeron ony þing of his skyn, þan caste þeron poudre of affodille, & make it clene wiþ poudre of sum liȝt corrosif þerwiþ—vnguentum viride,*. [vnguentum viride. See Notes.] & þan regendre fleisch, & þan drie it vp as it is aforseid /

[folio 154b] Of þe akynge of ioynctis.

Now it is seid pleynlier of alle enpostyms, now speke we of passiouns þat comeþ in ioynctis. & þis passioun is myche lijk to enpostyms in causis & signes & curis, & also it diuersiþ miche fro oþere enpostyms / For þouȝ þe place be greet to-swollen, it comeþ but late or neuere to quitture. Swellynge & akynge of ioinctis, þis passioun is vnknowen to manie kunnyng lechis þat han greet name. Bi þe cause þat cirurgians ben clepid algate to þis manere passioun, þerfore I haue studied to make a general chapitre of passiouns of ioinctis. & I haue take miche þerof þe bokis of Rasis & of myn owne worching þat I haue proued. ¶ Þe causis þat makiþ akinge in ioynctis: or it comeþ of yuel complexioun of lymes, or it comeþ of hoot complexioun þat hetiþ, or it comeþ of coold complexioun þat cooldiþ / Drie ligaturis of ioynctis constreineþ & makiþ akynge,*. [Lat. sicca (complexio) ligamento junctarum astringendo dolorem aliquando generat.] & moistnes makiþ neuere akynge wiþouten oþer [folio 155a] mater / Mater þat makiþ akinge of ioyncts is ofte tyme haboundaunce of blood, & ofte tyme it is raw fleume, & moost principali colre or blood medlid with fleume / & it comeþ ful seelde of fleume, but if it be medlid wiþ ony oþer þing as colre / In whatPage  234 maner þou schalt knowe which humour be in þe cause of akynge of ioinctis, þou schalt finde in þe chapitre of allopucia & in þe general chapitre of enpostyms, if þou takist good kepe of þe signes of þe forseid chapitris, what humour is in cause of akynge of ioinctis / Saue þis þou muste take hede, þat ofte tyme raw fleumatik humouris makiþ akynge of ioinctis as it is forseid, & þan þe colour of þe lyme schal be but litil*. [A second litil deleted.] chaungid þerfore / & þan a leche but if he be þe more expert þeron mai be bigilid. & sumtyme a litil quantite of colre wole schewe vpon þe lyme, & þan þe leche wole leie þerto coolde þingis, & þan þe mater of fleume wole bicome hard, & so þe greuaunce wole be worse þan it was / Þerfore it is greet nede þat þe leche be kunnyng & knowe wel þe [folio 155b] mater of passiouns of ioyntis.

¶ Þe cure of akynge of ioinctis þat comeþ of yuel complexioun oonly, þou schalt remeue with þingis þat ben contrarie to þat complexoun:*. [Lat.. Cura doloris iuncturarum quæ ex mala complexione sola est, non est nisi cum contrariis complexionis malitiam removere.] as if þe mater be hoot, þan þou schalt remeue it with colde þingis, & if þe mater be coold, þan þou schalt remeue it wiþ hoot þingis, & if þe mater be of drienes, þan þou schalt remeue it wiþ moist þingis, & wiþ metis & drinkis þat makiþ fatt, & wiþ rest*. [MS. rost.] & wiþ gladnes; for as faste as his bodi bicomeþ fatt, he schal be hool of þat passioun / Þis passioun þat comeþ of humours, is curid with mitigacion of þe akynge, & I fynde diuers opiniouns þeron / & þerfore I wole schewe hem in þis chapiter / Auicen seiþ: þat whanne þou wolt worche in þis mater, þi principal entencioun schal be for to do awei þe akynge / And Rasis forbediþ þat þou schalt leie þerto no repercussiuis, ne noon resolutiuis but if þe mater be avoidid tofore / For to do awey þe akynge: saue avoide þe mater, or leie þerto a repercussif or a resolutif. & þan Rasis seiþ þat þou schalt avoide him, & auicen forbediþ [folio 156a] þat / In what maner schulen we worche þanne, whanne þou fyndist a man þat haþ greet akynge? / First þou schalt leie a plastre to þe lyme þat it be mitigatif or an oynement þat be mitigatif, & þe difference herof schal be aftir þat þe mater is // Also þou miȝt ȝeue him sumwhat bi þe mouþ for to aswage þe akynge. & þou schalt fynde greet plente in þis chapitre of defensiuis & mitagatiuis to defende þe mater / And whanne þe akynge is perfiȝtli swagid lete him bloodPage  235 if þe cause be of blood. & if it be of anoþer cause avoide it. & if þou letist him blood, þou schalt do it in a lyme aforȝens. & if þou wolt avoide þere matere, loke þat þou knowe þe cause / for þis is ful necessarie for a leche to kunne / Whanne þe mater is avoidid & þe akynge ceessid, þan þou schalt bigynne wiþ resoluynge medicyns þat ben forseid. ¶ Also in curis of akynge in ioyntis be wel war þat þou feble not his appetit, for þis sijknes comeþ moost of humours þat ben vndefied. & þerfore þou schalt in as miche as þou miȝt make him haue good appetite [folio 156b] & good digestioun / If þou fyndist oonly þe mater coold, þat makiþ ful seelde ony gret akynge, saue it makiþ þe lyme heuy. Þis þou schalt wite þat in a coold cause þat makiþ akinge in ioinctis, þouȝ it be hard to do awei, neþeles þou schalt ȝeue him no strong medicyn ne he schal not be purgid hastili as manie men weneþ, saue it schal be do wiþ a propre medicyn þat is sure. & it schal ofte be ȝeuen, so þat þou mai algate kepe his appetit, for þer is noon so strong medicyn þat mai avoide þe mater al at oonys / And if þou ȝeuest him a strong medicyn it wole afeble hise vertues. & þerfor þou must chese a liȝt medicyn þat mowe comforte þe stomac & þat it mowe be ȝeue ofte //

¶ Of akynge of ioyntis þou hast had general rulis; now we mote speke of curis here after. ¶ If þou be sent after to a man þat haþ arteticam,*. [artetica, arthritica, gout, Trevisa De propr. rer., Lib. VII, Cap. 56 (Add. MS. 27,944, fol. 96 b.). "Arthetica is ache and evel in fingres and tone wiþ swelling & sore ache / and whanne hit is in þe fyngres, hit hatte cyragra, and in þe toone hit hatte podagra, if hit is in þe whirlebones and ioyntes it hatte sciatica passio, and comeþ of colerik blood & of fleumatik humours, & comeþ most ofte of reumatik cause." The author of the Treatise on Surgery, preserved in Sl. 1736, mentions this disease as a hereditary one. Ibid. fol. 122 b.: "also yt ys often tymes sene þat þis arthetica passio gose by erytaunce as fro þe [fadyr] to the childur, and so forth to odyr."] þat is as myche to seie as a goute, first þou muste loke wher þe mater be hoot or coold, or wheþer he haue strong akynge or liȝt akynge / & if his akynge be strong, þan [folio 157a] leie þerto mitigatiuis / In oon maner þou schalt ȝeue him medicyns bi þe mouþ þat ben mitigatif for to take awey þe akynge, & enplastris þat ben mitigatif, & leie vpon þe place. ¶ A good medicyn þat schal be ȝeue bi þe mouþ: ℞, glandes & leie hem in vinegre adai & anyȝt, & after þat drie hem to þe sunne or in an ouene, & þan kepe it / & whanne þou wolt ȝeue it, grynde it & ȝeue þerof [dram] .j.; þis medicyn makiþ blood greet & remeueþ þer from / Also take lentesPage  236 excorticatas, semen coriandri, succum glandulum, hermodactulis*. ["Hermodactyla, crawanleac." Wr. Wü. 137, 3.—"Hermodactylus, a round-headed Root, brought from Syria, which is of an insipid Taste; and gently purges Phlegm." Phillips.] wiþ sugre & coold watir, saue herof þou must take kepe þat þese medicyns schulen not be ȝeue but in greet nede, & whanne þe akynge is so greet þat it mai not be take awei. & þei mai be moost sotilly ȝeue whanne þe mater is subtil & scharp / & if þe mater be greet & miche, þan þis medicyn schal not be ȝeue. ¶ If þe mater be coold & of greet akyng, þan take hermodactulis, thuris ana xx. partis, cucumeri partes .x, & ȝeue þerof [dram] .iij. vpon þe place / If þe matere be litil & scharp [folio 157b] & subtil / ℞, amigdalas, camphore ana, grinde hem & tempere hem wiþ watir of roses / Also anoþir in þe same kinde / ℞, mirre, panis albissimi & subtilissimi [ounce] j, opij [ounce][one half], grinde hem wel & tempere hem wiþ milk of a cow, & leie it þeron whanne it is greet nede / Item ℞, opij, cortices mandragorae ana .ȝ .v, grinde hem & tempere hem wiþ þe iuys of portulacae & oile of roses & a litil vynegre / Also an oynement for to ceesse þe akynge / ℞, olium rosarum [ounce] iiij, cere [ounce] j., melte þe oile & þe wex togidere & waische it with oile of roses, & þan do þerto citrini [ounce] j., opij [ounce][one half] / If þe mater be myche & be neiþer more in quantite þan in qualite, & þou wolt defende more þe cours of þe mater, þan do awei þe akynge.*. [Add. 26,106, fol. 63: Si uero materia fuerit multa et times plus de quantitate quam de qualitate, et uis plus prohibere materiæ cursum quam extinguere ...] ℞, cortices granatoris, sandali*. [sandali albi, The d in sandal is explained by influence of Arab. sandal (Devic). Matth. Sylvat. mentions three sorts of Sandal: album, ruffum et citrinum. See Alphita, p. 161. whit saunders and reed saunders are distinguished in Sloane MS. 2463, fol. 155 b (c. c. 1450).] albi, & rue,*. [rue for rubidi.] & roses, boli armenici, ferrugine,*. [Lat. foenugreci.] opij, confice cum succo mirtillorum vel foliorum salicis, or with a decocciun of hem in watir wiþ a litil oile of roses & vinegre & make herof an oynement. & whanne þe akynge is aswagid, þan dissolue þe mater of blood wiþ letyng blood. & þat suffisiþ as it is aforseid. ¶ Colre þou schalt dissolue in þis maner / ℞, mirabolanorum citrinorum .[ounce] vj., [folio 158a] grinde hem & leie hem al anyȝt in lī [one half] of sirup of viole, & [ounce] .iiij. of wijn of pomegarnates þat ben swete, amorowe boile hem alitil & do þerto ȝuccare [ounce][one half], hermodactylorum .ȝ [one half]., & ȝeue it him in þe mornyng. & if þou wolt make itt more coold, do þerto .ȝ .ij. of musilaginisPage  237 psillij or [dram] .j. ¶ Þis is a good electuarie þerfore .℞, citoniorum lī [one half]., & make hem to gobettis, & leie hem in vinegre adai & aniȝt / & þan wrynge hem & grinde hem smal, & do þerto scamonie þat it be good .ȝ .j, cardamomi, cubube .ȝ .iij, spice nardi .ȝ .j, rosis .ȝ .v, ȝuccare lī [one half], make herof a letuarie þat purgiþ wel colre & comfortiþ þe stomac. Þou schalt ȝeue herof .ȝ .ij. & þou miȝt scharpe it more if þou wolt with a litil hermodactylis. ¶ Þese ben good pelottis for þe same cause / ℞, aloes .ȝ .ij, hermodactylos .ȝ j, scamonie .ȝ [one half]. rosis .ȝ .j, make herof pelottis with sirupo violarum, & þou schalt ȝeue herof .ȝ .j. Whanne þe passioun bigynneþ to go awei with þese medicyns, þan þou schalt leie þerto plastris þat ben resoluynge: as of malue & bismalue, camomille, mellilotum, absinthium, peratorie, semen caulium, aneti, fenugreci, [folio 158b] semen lini, furfuris, & swynys grese, & gandris grese, & hennis grese, & oile of camfre, & olium aneti. & whanne þe cours of humours ceessiþ, þan þou schalt vse oonly resoluynge þingis & make þerof enplastris / Also to do awaye residue of þe akinge, þis is a good medicyn / ℞, olium camomille [ounce] .iiij, cere .[ounce] j., seminis aneti & caulium, florum camomille ana .ȝ .iij. & make herof an oynement / Also in anoþer maner / ℞, fenigreci, semen lini, aneti, & tempere hem with iuys of caulium. & herof þou must take kepe, þat as ofte as þou wolt vse clene resolutiuis, þou schalt algate waische þe lyme þat is to-swollen wiþ a decoccioun of malue & bismalue, & florum of camomille & melliloti, absinthii & oþere mo, & þe lyme schal be waische þerwiþ til it bicome reed, & þan þou schalt anoynte him / And þis þou schalt wite þat as meuyng & baþing greueþ þe passioun in þe firste bigynnyng, riȝt so þei ben in þe ende riȝt greet helping / For to stuwe & baþe doiþ awei þe laste part of þe mater & makiþ a mannys lymes haue her meuyng as þei schulde haue. & also it is good whanne þe patient goiþ out of [folio 159a] his stue, if hise ioinctis akiþ, þan frote hem wel wiþ salt grounde / If þe mater be coold þou schalt diȝte him wiþ diaȝinȝiberis þat is aforseid in allopucia. & þan þou schalt dissolue wiþ trocisco de turbit wiþ hermodactylis maad in þis maner / ℞, diaȝinȝiberis predicti [dram] j. & [one half], turbit electi .ȝ .j, hermodactulorum alborum solidorum [dram][one half], & viij greines of anise, & make þerof a gobet wiþ a litil hony. & þis schal be ȝeue in þe mornyng. & þerafter he schal drinke a litil wijn hoot & a litil water; or wiþ þese pelottis / ℞, hermodactylorum, saturionis*. [Saturion, iarus. See Alphita, p. 158.]Page  238 sene ana .ȝ .v, ierapigre*. ["Hiera Picra, a purging Electuary invented by Galen, and made of Aloes, Spikenard, Saffron, Mastick, Honey, &c.;" Phillips.] þat entriþ in pululas cochias .ȝ .x, pulpe coloquintide, centaurie. ana .ȝ .v, euforbij .ȝ. ij, turbit .ȝ [one half]., cassie,*. [MS. cassif.] sinapis, piperis, castorij ana .ȝ .j. & make herof pelottis with hony. & þou schalt ȝeue herof .ȝ j. at oonys, & þis medicyn schal be ȝeue manie tymes. & in daies bitwixe he schal take diaȝinȝiberum of oure makinge þat is forseid. & if it be in winter, þou schalt ȝeue him diatrion piperion*. [diatrion piperion, a medicine composed of three sorts of pepper.] or anoþer hoot eletuarie // ¶ Anoþer electuarie þat dissoluiþ akynge in ioyntis þat comeþ of raw mater. ℞, camedrios,*. ["Chamœdrys, the Herb Germander, or English Treacle." Phillips. Camedreos ance Teterwose. Wr. Wü. 569, 47 (xvth cent.).] centaurie minorum ana. [dram] .viij, aristologia longa. [folio 159b] gencian. ana. [dram] .vj, agarici .ȝ .ij, vtriusque spice ana .ȝ .j, make hem wiþ hony. Þou schalt ȝeue herof þe quantite of a note eerli & late. Men þat ben lene schulen not take þis medicyn // Whanne þe patient is purgid sufficiently, þan þou schalt vse enplastris for to leie to þe place / ℞, oold swynis grese þat it be freisch lī j., & medle þerwiþ quyk-lyme & make þerof a plastre & leie vpon þe place / Also take stercus caprinum & distempere it wiþ vinegre & hony ana, & leie it þeron / Also ℞, aristologia, radices yrios, elleborus, & piper, boile hem in oile & do þerto ȝelow wex & make þerof an oynement. ¶ Also diaquilon maad of litarge & oile & iuys of mustard seed. & if þou wolt haue mo remedies, go to þe book of Rasis, & þere þou schalt fynde in þe chapiter of ioyntis, medicyns ynowe þerfore. ¶ Also if þou desirist to comforte þe lyme & do awei þe coold mater wiþ repercussiuis, in þe laste chapiter of þis book þou schalt fynde repercussiuis & mollificatiuis ynowe //

/ Of sciatica passio*. [MS. passis.] /*. [De Propr. rerum, Lib. VII, Cap. 57 (Add. 27,944, fol. 96 b.): "Gutta sciatica is an yuel þat comeþ of humours þat falliþ doun into þe grete senewe þat is bytwene þe grete brawnes of þe hanche as constantyn seiþ. ¶ And comeþ ofte of gleymy humours i-gadred togedres in þe holouȝnes of þe ioyntes & of þe haunche / somtyme of blody humours i-medlid wiþ colera & alle þese beþ ofte cause of ache þe whiche ache strecchiþ into þe legges & anon to þe hele & also anon to þe litil [too]."]

Akynge of haunchis schal be curid wiþ avoidinge of þe mater id est laxatiuis, for repercussiuis ben not þerfore, for þe matere [folio 160a] is in þe depnes of þe lyme, &*. [The subject is: repercussivis.] ne mowe not come þerto. ResolutiuisPage  239 ben not þerfore, for þei mai not come to þe depnes of þe mater. & for þe mater is so greet, it schulde more drawe to þe place humouris þan dissolue. Saue þou must aswage þe akinge, & þou schalt do awei þe akynge with oile & hony & fatnes þat doiþ awei*. [awei, above line.] akinge. ¶ If þe mater come of blood, þan lete him blood in a veyne þat is clepid basilica in þe same side, & in þe secunde dai lete him blood in a veyne þat is clepid sciatica, & principaly if þe mater descende adoun wiþoutforþ toward þe foot, for þan it mai principaly be holpen / If þe mater come of fleuma, þan purge him wiþ pelottis of hermodactilorum / Saue herof þou schalt take kepe þat bifore his purgacioun bineþe forþ*. [bineþe forþ, Lat. per inferius. See N.E. Dict., s. v. beneath-forth.] he schal haue a vomet. For if þou make him a medicyn laxatif bineþeforþ & no vomet tofore, þan it wole drawe more þe mater toward þe place þan aweyward / Þerfor first þou schalt make him a vomet, & aftirward a medicyn laxatif / And þerfore medicyns laxatiuis summe ben propre for akynge of þe haunchis, as coloquintida, yrios, sarcocolla, [folio 160b] centaurea, agaricus, & infusioun of aloes. For infusioun of aloes wole make blood passe fro him at his sege, & þan þe akinge wole go awei & he schal be hool / & whanne he is perfitli maad clene wiþ medicyns laxatiuis, þan þou miȝt leie þerto enplastris maad in þis maner / ℞, nasturcij,*. [nasturtium, a kind of cress.] peretri,*. [peretrum, Lat. piretrum. Anthemis pyrethrum (Dunglison), "Piretrum . . pelestre."—Alphita, p. 145. "Pyrethrum, Bartram, wild or bastard Pellitory, an Herb the Root of which is very biting and hot."—Phillips.] capparis, grinde hem & tempere hem wiþ lie maad of askis of a fige tree, & make þerof a þicke enplaster as it were hony, & anointe þe place til it be ful of bladdris & þe bladdris ful of water, riȝt as þe place were brent wiþ fier. & þan anoynte þe place wiþ butter, & leie þeron caule leeues þat þe bladdris soude not togideris anoon; for þe lenger þat þei leueþ þeron, þe bettir it wole be. Eiþer anoynte þe place oonli with mel anacardi,*. ["Anacardus. Or after Ruellius anacardium: is the frute of a tre, growing in Sicilia, and Apulia, called vulgarly, Pediculus Elephantis. The iuyce wherof is called Mel Anacardi, which is a ruptory medicine."—Halle, Table, p. 10.] & þat makiþ bladdris. & what maner þou schalt make mel anacardi, þou schalt fynde in þe antidotarie þat techiþ to make medicyns & cauterijs / Saue herof þou must take kepe þat þou schalt not vse þese medicyns þat makiþ cauterijs, but if his bodi be wel avoidid wiþ medicyns laxatiuis tofore; for if his bodi be [folio 161a] not purgid, it wole drawe more Page  240 mater to þe place þan aweyward. ¶ Also aȝens þe sciatica passio here þou schalt haue an experiment preued of Avicenna. Take gotis tordis & drie hem, & make hem to pouder, & distempere hem wiþ strong vinegre & made hoot, & make herof a plastre, & leie it vpon as hoot as þou maist suffre, & anoynte þerwiþ his haunche. ¶ Also a medicyn þat is forseid of camedrios & centaurea*. [centaurea, written above cauterie.] is good þerfore, for it wole drawe awei bi vryne / ¶ Item: cauterijs maad in þe nexte welle vnder þe place of þe akinge ben gode þerfor after þe tyme þat his bodi is maad clene with purgaciouns, & tofore þou schalt make him no cauterijs.

Of þe maner of dieting of hem þat han passions in ioinctes /

In what maner þou schalt diete men þat han passiouns in iointis. Þou schalt wite þat þer is no þing so greuous to þis passioun as is wyn, & it is principali forbede in an hoot cause, & so it schal be in a coold cause; for whanne it is take, it persiþ liȝtli to þe iointis, & makiþ wei to þe mater for to falle þerto / Saue if þe passion be coold, & þe patient mai not wel [folio 161b] defie his mete, þan þou schalt graunte him a litil wijn, & not to miche for þe causis þat ben forseid. ¶ In an hoot cause make him drinke þat is forseid in þe chapiter of dieting of woundis, or he schal vse vinum granatorum wiþ coold water. & þe pacient schal absteine him fro fleisch & fisch & vse lactucis, portulacis / & if he be gretli feble, þan þou schalt ȝeue him litil chikenys. & lete þou not him drinke wijn bi no maner if his passioun be hoot / & whoso haþ þe coold passioun herof, he schal holde him wel apaied*. [he schal holde him wel apaied, Lat. sit contentus. See N.E. Dict., s. v. apaid. O.Fr. apaier. Compare: je m'en tieng bien paiez. (Littré.)] for to ete oonys adai & not to miche. & lete him drinke ydromel wel soden / for if he mai suffre hungur & þirst he mai soone be hool. & he schal in no maner ete, but if he haue wil þerto.