The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Forshall, Josiah, 1795-1863., Madden, Frederic, 1801-1873.


[verse 1] Forsothe aftir that the noyse ceesside, `disciplis*. [the disciplis MPT.] clepid, Poul monestinge*. [Poul clepide disciplis, and monestide V.] hem, seide*. [and seide V.] farwel; and he wente forth, for*. [Om. SX.] to go into Macedonye. [verse 2] Sothli whanne he hadde walkid bi the*. [thoo GMPTV.] partis*. [parties MPST. partis, either cuntrees V.], and hadde monestid hem by moche word, he cam to Greece. [verse 3] Where whanne he hadde be thre*. [the three N.] monethis, asspies in yuel*. [yuel, either tresoun V.] of the*. [Om. M.] Jewis weren maad to him, to*. [Om. MPT.] schippinge*. [shipen SX.] into Page  567 Sirie; and he hadde counceil `of turnynge*. [to turne V.] aȝen into*. [bi V.] Macedonye. [verse 4] Sothli Sossipater Pirri*. [the sone of Pirry V.] Beroence folowide him; of Tessalo|nisensis forsothe Aristark, and Secunde, and Gayus, Derbeus, and Tymothe; sothli Asians, Tyticus and Trophimus. [verse 5] These whanne thei wenten bifore, `susteyneden, or abiden*. [aboden O. abiden V. susteneden X.], vs at Troade. [verse 6] Forsoth we schipiden*. [schippeden in N.] aftir dayes*. [the daies V.] of `therf looues*. [pask O.] fro Philippis, and camen to hem at Troade in fyue daies, where we dwelten seuene dayes. [verse 7] Sothli `o day of saboth*. [in the firste dai of the woike V.], whanne we camen for*. [Om. SX.] to breke breed, Poul disputide with hem, `he to*. [to O. and schulde V.] goynge*. [go forth V. gon X.] in the morwe; and he drow along the word*. [sermoun V.] til into*. [to Q.] mydnyȝt*. [the mydnyȝt O.]. [verse 8] Sothli plenteu|ous laumpis weren in the `souping place*. [soler V.], where we weren gederid to gidere. [verse 9] Sothli sum*. [a O.] ȝong man, Euticus bi name, sittinge*. [sat V.] on the wyndow, whanne*. [where T.] he was dreynt with a greuous sleep, `Poul disputinge*. [while Poule disputide V.] longe, he ledd*. [was led V.] by sleep fel*. [and felde V.] down fro the thridde stage, `or souping place*. [Om. OQX. either soler V.]; and he takun*. [was taken V.] vp, `is offrid*. [and was brouȝt V.] deed. [verse 10] To whom whanne Poul cam down, he lay on him, and biclippinge*. [biclippe and V.] seide, Nyle ȝe be trou|blid*. [turblid MNP.]; forsoth*. [for V.] the soule of him is in him. [verse 11] And he goynge*. [stiȝiede V.] vp*. [Om. QV.], and brekinge*. [brakyn V.] breed, and tastinge*. [taastide V.], and spak ynow til into the liȝt; and so he wente forth. [verse 12] Sothli thei brouȝten*. [lyuynge brouȝten V.] to*. [Om. V.] the child lyu|ynge*. [Om. V.], and thei ben*. [weren V.] comfortid `not leest*. [greetly OV.]. [verse 13] Sothli we stiȝynge*. [stiȝeden V.] vp into a schip, schip|piden*. [and schepiden V.] into Asson, `fro thennus we*. [Om. TV.] to re|ceyuynge*. [receyue MSX. take V.] Poul*. [Poul fro thennes V.]; sothli*. [for V.] so he hadde dis|posid, to makinge*. [maken SX.] iourney bi lond. [verse 14] For|soth*. [Sothli V.] whanne he fond vs in Asson, `him takyn to*. [we token him and V.], we camen to Mitilene. [verse 15] And fro thennis schippinge*. [we schepiden V.], in the day suynge we*. [and we V.] camen aȝens Chyum, and an other day we haueneden at Samum, and in the day Page  568 suynge we*. [Om. S.] camen to Milete. [verse 16] Sothli Poul purposide for*. [Om. SX.] to schippe ouer to*. [Om. X.] Ephesi, lest ony dwelling were maad to him in Asie; forsoth*. [for V.] he hiȝede, if it were pos|sible to him, that he schulde make the day of Pentecoste at Jerusalem. [verse 17] Fro Mi|lete sothli he sendynge*. [sente V.] to Ephesy, clepide*. [and clepide V.] the more*. [more men NV.] thorw birthe*. [birthe, either the eldre men V.] of the chirche. [verse 18] Which*. [And V.] whanne thei camen to him, and weren to gidere, he seide to hem, Ȝe witen fro*. [for in T.] the firste day, in which I cam into*. [to V.] Asie, hou with ȝou by ech tyme I was, [verse 19] seruynge to the Lord with al mekenesse, and myldnesse, and teeris, and tempta|ciouns, that felden to me of aspyingis*. [aspying O.] of [verse 20] Jewis; how I withdrowȝ noȝt of*. [Om. V.] profit|able*. [the profitable G. vnprofitable V.] thingis to ȝou, that I telde not to ȝou, and tauȝte ȝou openly, and bi housis; [verse 21] witnessinge*. [and I witnesside V.] to Jewis and hethene men `into God penaunce*. [penaunce into God V.], and feith into oure Lord Jhesu Crist. [verse 22] And `now lo*. [lo! now MP.]! I boundun*. [am bounden V.] in spirit, go*. [and goo V.] into Jerusalem; what*. [and I knowe not what V.] thingis in it `ben to*. [schulen V.] comynge*. [comen SX. come V.] to [verse 23] me vnknowynge*. [Om. V.], no but that the Hooly Gost by alle citees witnessith to me, sey|inge*. [and seith V.], for bondis*. [that bondis V.] and tribulaciouns at Je|rusalem `dwellen to*. [abyden V.] me. [verse 24] But I schame*. [dreede V.], `or drede*. [Om. OQVX.], no thing of these, nether I make my `soule, that is, lyf*. [lyf OV. soule X.], preciouser than my silf, `the while*. [so that V.] I ende, `or ful|fille*. [Om. OQX. either fille V.], my cours, and the mynysterie of the word, the*. [Om. MPVX.] which I receyuede of the Lord Jhesu, for*. [Om. SX.] to witnesse the gospel of the grace of God. [verse 25] And now lo! I woot, for*. [that V.] ȝe schulen no more se my face, alle ȝe by whom*. [which V.] I passide, prechinge the kingdom of God. [verse 26] Wherfore I witnesse ȝou*. [to ȝou MPQVX.] this day, for*. [that V.] I am clene of the blood, `or synne*. [Om. QX.], of alle men. [verse 27] Forsoth*. [For V.] I fleiȝ not awey, that I tauȝte*. [telde V.], `or teelde*. [Om. OVX.], not to ȝou al the councel of God. [verse 28] Take*. [Taketh PS.] tent to ȝou, and to al the folk*. [flok MPTVX.], in which the Page  569 Hooly Gost sette*. [pute G pr. m. hath pute G sec. m. sente T. settide V.] ȝou bischopis, for*. [Om. SX.] to reule the chirche of God, which he pur|chaside*. [hath purchaside T.] with his blood. [verse 29] I woot for*. [that V.] aftir my departyng, rauyschinge wolues schulen entre in to ȝou, `not sparinge*. [and spare not V.] the flok; [verse 30] and of ȝou silf men spekinge weyward thingis schulen ryse, that thei leden*. [leden awey V.] dis|ciplis aftir hem. [verse 31] For which thing wake ȝe, holdinge in*. [Om. X.] mynde that by thre ȝeer nyȝt and*. [nor O.] day I ceesside not with teeris monestinge ech of ȝou. [verse 32] And now I bitake ȝou to God and to the word of his grace, that is myȝty for*. [Om. SX.] to edifie and ȝyue heri|tage in alle maad hooly. [verse 33] Forsoth of no man I coueitide siluer, and gold, or cloth, [verse 34] as ȝe*. [ȝee ȝour GT. ȝe ȝou MP. ȝou SX. ȝour Y sup. ras.] silf witen; but*. [for V.] to tho thingis that weren nede*. [needful V.] to me, and to these*. [tho O.] that ben*. [weren O.] with me, these hondis mynistriden. [verse 35] Alle these thingis I schewide to ȝou, for so it bihoueth men*. [me N.] trauelinge for*. [Om. SX.] to resceyue the syke*. [syke men V.], and for*. [Om. SX.] to haue mynde of the word of the Lord Jhesu; for he seide, It*. [For it O.] is more blessid for*. [Om. SX.] to ȝyue, more than for*. [Om. GPSX.] to receyue. [verse 36] And whanne he hadde seide these thingis, `his knees putt*. [he knelide and V.], he preiede with alle hem. [verse 37] Sothli greet wep|yng of*. [is of S. on T.] alle men was*. [Om. S.] maad; and thei fallinge*. [felden V.] in*. [on AGMNOPQSTY.] the necke of Poul, kisseden*. [and kissiden V.] [verse 38] him, sorwinge*. [and sorewiden V.] moost in the word that he seide, for thei weren*. [schulden V.] no*. [not N.] more to*. [Om. V.] se|ynge*. [seen SX. se V.] his face. And thei ledden him to*. [in to T.] the schip.