The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Forshall, Josiah, 1795-1863., Madden, Frederic, 1801-1873.


[verse 1] Aftir thes thingis `he gon*. [Poul ȝede V.] out of A|thenis, cam*. [and cam V.] to Corinthe. [verse 2] And fyndynge*. [he foond V.] a man Jew*. [a Jew V.], by name Aquyla, of Ponte Page  561 bi kynde, that late cam fro Italie, and Priscille, his wyf, for that Claudius co|maundide alle Jewis for*. [Om. SX.] to departe fro Rome, cam*. [and he cam V.] to hem. [verse 3] And*. [Om. O.] for he was of the same craft, he dwellide at hem, and wrouȝte; sothli*. [forsothe O.] thei weren of cenefectorie*. [cenefectoryes O.] craft, that is, to make hilingis*. [roopis, either hylyngis V.]to trauel|inge men. [verse 4] And he disputide in the syna|goge by ech saboth, `by twixe*. [bitwen SX.] puttinge the name of the*. [oure O.] Lord Jhesu; and he softly*. [Om. V.] counceilide to*. [Om. V.] Jewis and Greekis. [verse 5] Sotheli whanne Silas and Tymothe camen fro Macedonye, Poul ȝaf bisynesse to the word, witnessinge*. [and witnessede V.] to the*. [Om. O. tho SX.] Jewis, `Jhesu for to be*. [Jhesu to be SX. that Jhesu is V.] Crist. [verse 6] Forsothe `hem aȝen sey|inge and blasfemynge*. [whanne thei aȝenseiden and blasfemyden V.], he schakynge*. [schook V.] of*. [Om. N. awey V.] his clothis, seide*. [and seide V.] to hem, Ȝoure blood on*. [in QSX. of T. be on V.] ȝoure heed; I clene*. [schal be clene V.] fro hennis forth, schal*. [and schal V.] go to hethene men. [verse 7] And he pass|inge*. [passide fro V.] thennis, entride*. [and entride V.] into the hous of sum iust man, by name Tyte, worschip|ynge God, whos hous was ioyned to the synagoge. [verse 8] Crispe sothli, prince of the synagoge, bileuyde to the Lord, with al his hows. And manye of the Corinthies heeringe*. [herden and V.] bileuyden, and weren cristenyd. [verse 9] Forsoth the Lord seide by nyȝte to Poul by a visioun, Nyle thou drede, but spek, [verse 10] and be not stille; for which thing I am with thee, and no man schal be put to thee that he anoye*. [noye GMNPQSTVX.] thee, for moche peple is to me in this citee. [verse 11] Forsoth he saat*. [dwellide V.] ther a ȝeer and sixe monethis, tech|inge at hem the*. [in the N.] word*. [woordis N.] of `the Lord*. [God V.]. [verse 12] Sothli Gallion*. [whanne Gallyon was V.] proconsul of Achaye, Jewis*. [the Jewis GMPT.] risen*. [riseden V.] vp*. [Om. QSX.] with oon ynwitt*. [witt O. wille V.], `or wille*. [Om. OVX.], into*. [aȝens V.] Poul, and ledde hym to*. [in to G pr. m.] [verse 13] the*. [Om. O.] dom, seiynge*. [and seyden V.], For*. [Om. V.] aȝens the lawe this councelith men for*. [Om. SX.] to worschipe God. [verse 14] Sothli `Poul bigynnynge*. [whanne Poul bigan V.] for*. [Om. QSX.] to opene the mouth, Gallion seide to Jewis, Forsoth Page  562 if ther were ony wickid*. [wicke SX.] thing, or*. [either V pass. fere.] worst trespas, ȝe men Jewis, riȝtly I schulde sus|teyne [verse 15] *. [suffre V.] ȝou; forsoth if questiouns ben of the word, and names of ȝoure lawe, ȝe*. [ȝe ȝou M. ȝou SX.] silf se; I wole*. [nil O.] not be domesman of thes wordis*. [thingis V.]. [verse 16] And he drof them fro the*. [Om. N.] dom place. [verse 17] Forsothe alle takynge*. [tooken V.] Sostenen, prince of the synagoge, smyten*. [and smytiden V.] him bifore the dom place; and no thing of these was to charge to Gallion. [verse 18] Poul forsothe whanne ȝit he hadde susteyned*. [abeden V.] many dayes, seiynge*. [seide V.] far wel to bretheren, by*. [and bi V.] boot cam*. [he cam S.] to Sirie, and `with him*. [Om. V.] Priscille and A|quyla*. [Aquila camen with him V.], the*. [Om. V.] whiche hadden clippid*. [clippen Y.] to hem*. [him V.] the*. [Om. T.] heed*. [heued OT.] in Tencris*. [Tencris toun MPT.]; `sothli thei hadden*. [for he hadde V.] a vow. [verse 19] And he cam to Ephesy, and there he lefte hem; sothli he goynge*. [ȝede V.] into the synagoge, disputide*. [and disputide V.] with Jewis. [verse 20] Sothli `hem preiynge*. [whanne thei preieden V.] that he schulde [verse 21] dwelle more tyme, he consentide not, but he makinge*. [made V.] farwel, and seiynge*. [seide V.], `It bi|houeth me for*. [Om. SX.] to make the solempne*. [Om. T.] day comynge to*. [Om. S.] at Jerusalem, and*. [Om. V.] eft I schal turne aȝen to ȝou. `God willinge*. [if God wole V.], wente*. [he went MPTY sec. m. and he wente V.] forth fro Ephesi. [verse 22] And he com|ynge*. [cam V.] doun to*. [fro O.] Cesarie, stiȝede*. [and stiȝede V.] vp, and grette the chirche, and cam doun to An|tiochie. [verse 23] And, there*. [whanne he hadde dwellid there V.] sumwhat of tyme maad*. [Om. V.], he wente forth, walkinge by ordre thorw the cuntree of Galathie, and Frigie, confermynge*. [and confermyde V.] alle disciplis*. [the disciplis GMPTY sec. m.]. [verse 24] Sothli sum Jew, Apollo by name, a man of Alysaun|dre*. [Alexandryne M.] of kynde, a man eloquent, cam to Ephesie, myȝti*. [and he was myȝty V.] in scripturis. [verse 25] This man was tauȝt the wey of the Lord, and fer|uent*. [was feruent V.] in spirit spak*. [and spak V.], and tauȝte diligentli tho thingis that weren of Jhesu, know|inge*. [and knew V.] oonli the baptym of John. [verse 26] Sothli this man bigan for*. [Om. SX.] to do tristily in the synagoge. Whom whanne Priscille and Aquyla herden, thei token `him to*. [to hym V pr. m. hym V sec. m.], and Page  563 more diligently expowneden to him the wey of the Lord. [verse 27] Sothli whanne he wolde go to*. [into Q sec. m.] Achaie, bretheren monestid*. [excitiden V.], `or councelid*. [Om. QVX.], writen*. [and writeden V.] to disciplis*. [the disciplis MPT.], that thei schulden resceyue him; which whanne he cam, ȝaf moche to hem that bileu|yden. [verse 28] Forsothe*. [For V.] he greetly ouercam Jewis, schewinge*. [and schewide V.] openly by scripturis, `Jhesu for to be*. [Jhesu to be SX. that Jhesu is V.] Crist.