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Purchase of a home warranty can be an effective way of protecting real estate transactions. Here's why you need to research before buying.

Buying a Great Home Warranty Policy

Purchase of a home warranty can be an effective way of protecting real estate transactions against unexpected repairs that could threaten to stall deals. Home warranty providers usually have sample contracts and customer reviews available online so you can compare quotes and coverage terms before making your decision.

Home warranties have their limitations, so before signing the contract, it’s wise to read it thoroughly and thoroughly research any company. Consumer reviews, attorney general offices, and Better Business Bureau listings can all provide invaluable resources when searching for top-rated home warranty providers. There are so many things that you might not know about home warranties. Some are listed here: Besides that, you will also want to know the following. 

Purchasing a home warranty

Home warranties provide peace of mind to new homeowners by protecting them against unexpected expenses and creating a rainy-day fund for home repairs and maintenance costs, sometimes even including air conditioner repair. Before purchasing one, however, it’s essential that homeowners understand exactly what is covered under their home warranty agreement as well as its cost.

Homeowners must pay service fees and deductibles depending on their plan. It’s also wise to compare plans in order to select those which provide optimal coverage at the best value; doing this by reading online reviews or asking friends.

Real estate agents frequently recommend that home sellers purchase a home warranty to make their homes more appealing to prospective buyers, and to prevent disputes over purchase price if an expensive system breaks during closing. Home warranties can be an excellent investment both for buyers and sellers – be they older systems out of warranty or ones newly upgraded with appliances.

Pre-existing conditions

Home warranties can be an ideal way for homeowners to safeguard their investments, but certain criteria must be considered before purchasing one. One such factor is whether or not it covers preexisting conditions – something especially crucial if purchasing a used home with older systems and appliances that could soon reach the end of their lifespan.

Home warranties are service contracts designed to save homeowners money on costly repair and replacement expenses for their home systems and appliances. Usually they cover a range of repair/replace costs in exchange for a monthly service fee; additional services that could reduce expenses may also be included as add-on options. Every home warranty company will have its own definition of standard coverage options and add-on services; there will also be different processes in place to determine which preexisting conditions qualify as covered; finally they may also have different deductible options available to them.

Coverage options

Home warranty plans provide multiple coverage options to meet the needs and budget of homebuyers, from those offering home appliances only coverage to whole home coverage and add-ons like pools or septic systems. It’s important to find a plan with clear terms, clauses, and exclusions.

Before signing any contracts, it’s advisable to look at sample contracts so you can see what they cover before committing yourself. This will prevent denied claims due to misinterpretation of what’s covered and can help prevent unnecessary delays when filing claims.

Home warranties can be particularly valuable to new homeowners or those purchasing pre-owned properties without existing warranties that will soon expire, giving peace of mind while saving money over time by covering repairs or replacements out-of-pocket. A home warranty can also make an excellent investment for current homeowners of older homes.


Home warranties can be an effective selling incentive. Their cost does not typically come out of the seller’s proceeds and is transferrable to the buyer when closing occurs. Home warranties typically cover appliances not covered by homeowners insurance or would exceed its deductible; some providers even provide add-ons such as pool coverage which increase plan costs.

Although a warranty isn’t absolutely essential for purchasing a new home, it may offer significant appeal for buyers on tight budgets or those anxious about homeownership. Home warranty companies typically divide their coverage options between systems and appliances with add-on options available for specific items such as smoke detectors or smart-wired or linked doorbells; additionally some may provide comprehensive protection with multiple add-ons available like smart doorbells; the combination plan being more expensive but could still prove worthwhile for those seeking complete coverage.

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