How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?

Denver Divorce Mediation

If you and your spouse negotiated an uncontested divorce, you may be eager to have the divorce finalized and processed as quickly as possible. There are few things more difficult and time-consuming than a divorce that can drag on for a number of years. Chances are, you've been told that Denver divorce mediation can help progress much quicker than going through a court trial, as the two of you and your soon-to-be ex-partner put in an effort to stay in the same direction. What exactly is the time frame you imagine it taking, from filing to finalizing?

The truth is, there's no specific answer to that question. It's challenging to define the timeframe for an uncontested divorce because each one is different. It could be that you experience a more lengthy or shorter mediation than another couple. There are many factors that determine the duration of your divorce.


You will be able to accelerate the divorce mediation process ahead much more quickly if can cooperate with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, instead of fighting over every aspect. If you can come to compromises with your spouse, and come up with solutions that are mutually beneficial the chances are higher that the divorce will be settled quicker.

Control your emotions

In the same way, maintaining a calm and being calm in divorce mediation can significantly facilitate the process and result in rapid resolution. While it is natural for emotions to rise during this time of turmoil but it is best to put aside the emotion, sadness, or grief triggered by the divorce in order to concentrate on the job at hand. In the long run this method will benefit both parties.

Unique Circumstances

If a couple has several assets, like stock, property or other important possessions in their possession, the time needed to go through an uncontested divorce mediation may be more lengthy than those who have fewer assets. In addition, if the couple has pets or children and cannot reach a mutually agreed-upon custody arrangement the process could be extended. Mediation can be accelerated by coming together to come up with an arrangement for custody that benefits both parents and children.

The mediation specialist will help you file the appropriate paperwork for your county and state when you've finalized the details of the divorce settlement. From that point there's a 91 day mandatory waiting period prior to when the state of Colorado can grant divorce. It's in the best interest of each of the parties to work as much as they can to speed up the mediation process.

Uncontested divorce could be the best option for you and your soon to be ex-spouse if you're looking to cut down on time along with money and emotional stress. Mediation for divorce is a superior alternative to traditional legal proceedings in court. It could help you get your divorce done faster and start the next chapter of your life quicker.

How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?

How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?