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6 reasons another co-pilot will crash another plane

by Dr. Gina

Andreas Lubitz appears to have intentionally crashed a plane into the mountainside, killing 149 people and himself in the French Alps this week.

Though it wasn’t called one, it was a terrorist act. Whether it is a person on a plane or a person in society, an action like this is anger directed. When you boil it down, Lubitz was either angry at a person on the plane that day, or he blamed society in general (and, by default, the passengers on his plane) for his problems and failures. Mental illness is a simple theory that doesn’t really explain anything, but that didn’t stop so-called experts from trying to explain it all away.

Speculation began immediately about factors that might have resulted in such a horrendous act. Die Welt, a German newspaper, said Lubitz suffered from a severe “psychosomatic illness.” German police seized prescription drugs that are typically used to treat the condition. Many “experts” will quickly dismiss this as the act of a madman, and the discussion will end there with a footnote, “We must find ways to prevent such tragedies without discriminating against the mentally ill.”

But they won’t.

Psychosomatic disorder is a condition where the individual suffers physical symptoms of illnesses that don’t exist, or are mentally contrived. Anorexia is one example. There is very little evidence that such a disorder would ever lead to someone crashing a plane into the side of a mountain intentionally. Lubitz was also said to have suffered from “severe subject burnout syndrome,” but that is rather common and doesn’t usually indicate homicidal/suicidal outcomes.

As investigators perform post mortem on Lubitz’ mental health history, the final word will be… (CLICK TO CONTINUE READING)
