Chapel and the Gathering

At JBU, one of the unique things that students get to experience are the weekly moments of worship, prayer, and fellowship at weekly services designed for fulfilling the chapel requirement. The requirement, which helps keep with JBU’s core mission of providing Christ-centered higher education to students, can be met in two main ways: attending chapel services, which occur at 10:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and attending the Gathering, which occurs at 9:00 pm on Sundays.

At chapel, students get to worship with a live student band and listen to JBU professors, guest speakers, and JBU’s Chaplain, Keith Jagger, give scriptural and educational messages that will challenge your faith and expand your spiritual experience. Special services, such as Communion, the World Awareness Week flag ceremony, and Spiritual Emphasis week also take place during the semester.

At the Gathering, JBU students get to listen to one of their own as seniors have the opportunity to share their testimony and experiences. These Sunday night services are often emotional and offer a real look into the lives of students.

In addition, both of these services take place inside the Cathedral of the Ozarks, one of JBU’s oldest and most iconic buildings. Built in 1945, the building has stood as a symbol for the university’s mission, with stained glass windows that tell the story of the school and its founder, John Brown.

Chapel and the Gathering are hallmarks of the JBU student experience and are often where students find themselves growing, learning, and experiencing God in a way that they haven’t yet before.

About the author

Spencer Bailey

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